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Posts posted by i_trollz_u

  1. There's absolutely no reason not to kill rcers if you happen to see someone your level rcing in edge bank. Takes me about 1 minute to switch to regular spellbook and gear up, and the 5 minutes it takes to kill them is worth the 60k glory and d hide, and sometimes even a 90k skill cape. It's like doing a farm run, or doing a daily, only much more entertaining.


    It can actually be a decent moneymaker if you pk the rc bots that regear and go rcing again on the same world, they basically keep handing you glories every ~7 minutes. Fletch for 5 minutes, wait for the rc bot to regear and start rcing, kill him, rinse repeat.

  2. If Runescape is infested with so much content you don't like I don't see why you just don't quit. Even if there's some content you do like that requires grinding i honestly don't see why you find the game worth it when, to you, it requires cheating to access.


    Endgame content is usually (dare I say always?) the most fun. Blah blah blah honor and sense of achievement getting it yourself, blah blah blah. Fine, I don't disagree with that; if botting was legal then its not really a game at all, or worth comparing yourself to someone else, but. Endgame content is more FUN. I don't care if it's runescape, WoW, LotRO, GW, or whatever MMO floats your boat, its much more fun to be playing the endgame material with your buddies then stuck somewhere mindlessly clicking. If someone's idea of fun is to bot their way to max, and then play legit end-game content, so be it.





    Edit: Also.. if one were to subscribe to this nonsense of "if there's something you don't like, just quit' I'd like you to take that philosophy IRL and see how far it gets you.


    I honestly don't understand how boss killing or dung is suppose to be "fun". It's just a more tolerable form of money making/training a skill that still involves massive repetition and grinding. And as the Ring guy said, Runescape is a game and meant for entertainment, and video games happen to be one of those things you're suppose to stop playing when you stop having fun in them, not ruin it for everyone else.

  3. Problem is, is that its not the real server.


    If anything why shouldnt I bot runecrafting if it is loathsomely tedious? I have two choices, 1 boycott the skill or 2 bot it. Hmm do I hurt my own gameplay (in the inevitable quest a few years from now with 90+ rc requirement) or do I actively protest poor content by Jagex by botting.


    When the time comes I will probably choose the latter whether or not you think its wrong to do so.


    Prime example of why old school gamers are elitist to today's gamers. if you can't have it immediately, you want to cheat for it. If you have to put some brain power into it, you want to cheat for it. If it involves repetitive tasks, you want to cheat for it. There are plenty of single player games that can fulfill your childish need for instant gratification.


    Hey for things that I consider valuable life skills, like work or education I would be the last to cheat my way through those.


    For something I consider entertainment, why not? Childish to do so? perhaps. But I pay 5 bucks a month for fun. So if there are aspects of the game that hinder that, I wouldnt give a damn to bypass them even though you might think it breaches some misguided honor code :rolleyes:.


    When I quit runescape I want to look back at the fun I had not at the "hardwork" I put into skills I hated. Like I said in my previous post I can either boycott the skill or actively protest it by cheating. I chose the latter, be it to "fulfill my childish need for instant gratification" by not allowing a video game (entertainment) to be seen as a chore. God forbid that.



    But your initial assumption was wrong to begin with, there are different aspects of the game I value, problem solving is something I wont cheat. I enjoy quests and wont use a quest guide (exceptions being nomad since I am not a combat person). Im sorry I hate the grind, I hate that certain skills cause phsycal pain to train, if you got a problem with that keep it to yourself. or perhaps I should, frankly im getting tired of bashing my head against the wall trying to explain simple concepts such as games are meant to be entertainment not work and grindfests aren't healthy gameplay models.



    Also inb4 you say go to a private server then, I play runescape not [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation]scape. Though if you said go to World of Warcraft that would be a valid point since that game revolves less and less around mindless grinds like runescape.


    If Runescape is infested with so much content you don't like I don't see why you just don't quit. Even if there's some content you do like that requires grinding i honestly don't see why you find the game worth it when, to you, it requires cheating to access.

  4. Wow I hope you solve the problem. People should really stop stealing from other players accounts and work to earn their money and items.


    I think he has a lot more problems to worry about than his Runescape account if a Chinese hacker infected his computer with a trojan that he can't get rid of with conventional antivirus software.

  5. I'd just continue playing like I normally do and most likely get outraged and quit. Botting is basically acceptable now and the rule isn't stopping anyone from botting that really wants to. What's the point in playing a game for achievment? You get the sense of accomplishment sure, but what did you gain? If you botted while you slept and played for enjoyment during the day, then all you did was achieve something superficial and further kill the game you play for enjoyment.


    If you don't like a skill, don't train it. There are plenty of other things that are fun to do in RuneScape. You don't have to achieve max skills in your time in RuneScape. Therefore, botting is unecessary, unless you only strive for achievements and money on a virtual world.


    Problem with dont like it dont train it is there are lots of barriers in runescape where you do need to train things you dont like.


    The fact that ANY skill is unenjoyable because players find it to be boring, repetatitve and frankly more fit for a machine then human is a failure on Jagex's part.


    I will change my stance on botting if Jagex made certain skills unique, non repetative and frankly more fun. I think the only one who really enjoys firemaking or agility is my autistic cousin who is obsessed with repetition.


    I honestly don't understand how killing bandos or arma is any more fun than killing a bunch monsters on a slayer task, and i'm pretty sure the "fun" stuff would just get botted too because of the moneymaking ability of killing bosses. The only "fun" things are the things that don't have anything to do with grinidng or training a skill whatsoever or making money, which really is just pvp activities, and that doesn't require the training of anything other than combat stats. And it's not even necessary to max combat, since you only fight people near your level anyway in the wild.


    Dungeoneering is a little bit more "fun" compared to anything else on runescape, but running through a dungeon doing "puzzles" and killing stuff gets old fast, and i don't think a lot of people do it for the intrinsic enjoyment of it as much as for the rewards. People just feel like it's "fun" because it's more tolerable than activities like runecrafting.

  6. I was hoping for a better range/mage curse prayer of the turmoil equivalent....it seems kind of inconsistent that the ancient curses are really only useful for melee, and this quest would probably be the perfect opportunity to incorporate new curses.


    New range/mage equipment works too i guess, as long as its actually useful.

  7. It is actually the other way around. 9/6 if you collect daily; 10/5 if you collect weekly.


    Flax and mining are the most profit now. You could try maples if you feel lucky with the seeds, so 9 on flax and 6 on maples might be a good idea.

  8. Very well, it is against the rules. Is it a bannable offense?


    All i got was a 48H mute for doing it. And i did it multiple times. My friend got a 24H mute for helping, but i'm pretty sure it was a pmod that muted him.

  9. well tier 11equiptment is scary....

    i have seen someone using it outside deamonhiem for real...

    he was hitting about 300 concectutively....

    this makes me think if he was to go into the wilderness what devistation he could cause...


    You should be afraid of smuggled effects that you cannot see, rather than the ones you can easily avoid. You just dug up a one year old thread though o.o.


    Imagine if the celestial staff and a strong magic potion was smuggled out. You would never know because the celestial staff looks exactly like the chaotic staff, and wouldn't notice anything until they start hitting like 600+ with barrage.


    Tbh it would be pretty epic to see a hex smuggled out and used in pvp, or against nex.

  10. Green drags are a really decnet way to make money, the last time i went pking it seems the green drag bots in the wild have disappeared (I think it had something to do with the death hats, since people have incentive to kill bots just because they can now). Cannoning them is probably a decent source of income, at least 1m/h+.


    There really isn't any good combat familiar for pking until you get like the steel titan. Otherwise unicorns and bunyips are farily decent since their scrolls let you heal without having to waste a game tick. The best BoB if you are just running around the wild trying to get kills thought is actually the terrorbird because the scrolls basically give you infinite run energy, since the special bar on your familiar recovers much faster than the amount of energy you drain if you have any reasonable agility lvl (50+ maybe?).


    Other goals might be to get rigour/chaotic crossbow/staff, (although I'd recomend getting 99 mage/70 rc and binding a celestial staff and surgebox before trying to dung, there isn't any other reasonable bind for a range tank, since mage without a surgebox isn't feasible and range just sucks until you get a hex.

  11. They make scripts for chess that can beat actual players,


    They make scripts in RTS games that can beat actual players.


    Now for RS someone could make a script that could beat a real player in pvp.


    It was said earlier, but...


    Nah...that's not possible. Chess is finite - there's something on the order of 1000000000080 or higher potential moves for it. (Go is finite in that sense too but the number is so insanely high that figuring out the combinations is computationally intensive, and can't be done in this day and age).


    RTS games work differently as there are multiple strategies that can be employed throughout the game - I'd encourage the curious person to look at the Berkeley Overmind. Still computationally intensive.


    A PvP player in RS is trickier to counter. What are the possible armor/weapon combinations? Possible attack/defense/strength ranges? Possible HP? Remaining HP? Possible inventory layout? Possible familiar and its layout? Possible combat style? Possible plan to run for backup? Possible to run into a field of aggressive NPCs that could cause damage and/or loss of target? Possible to run into obstacles that could cause loss of target?


    Ad. Infinitum.


    *walks off*


    Most of what you say is true, but there are chess programs that rival Grandmasters, and i can confirm most of the high level chess programs are virtually impossible for normal players to beat (USCF rating<2000 would probably be unable to beat it). While chess is finite, most of all those "potential moves" are practically useless and will basically hurt you in a chess game, there are only a small fraction of those which are playable moves in a given position, which is what makes it possible to make chess engines to think like a human.

  12. I voted no because - surprise surprise- I don't pk, stake or merchant. I play to skill and earn my experience and money legitimately. The majority of people who voted yes were being affected by the trade restrictions and limits of the wilderness/pvp environments while the skillers and other players like myself were not. My livelihood before free trade was slayer and now it's a joke. All other raw resources in the game are the same way. Now that free trade/old wilderness is back, the situation is the opposite, the pvpers are thriving and the skillers are suffering.


    I can guarantee, the minute someone is able to produce an efficient pvp bot everyone who is "happy with the current situation" will demand immediate changes.


    General pking is less profitable than it was before because it's always zero-sum, one person's profit is another person's loss That coupled with a general lack of high value drops like statuettes makes it hard to even break even unless you're good at pking.


    And a pvp bot is the one bot that will never be effective, because a human is always smarter and more powerful than a bot, so you can never write a script to be better at pking than an actual person. Aside from luring, pking didn't become more profitable, it just got more fun and isn't completely stupid like the old EP/DP system was.


    They make scripts for chess that can beat actual players,


    They make scripts in RTS games that can beat actual players.


    Now for RS someone could make a script that could beat a real player in pvp.


    For chess it's not a "script", it's called an engine. And finding the best move in a chess game relies upon a lot of principles, and there's only a set amount of moves so a computer that can basically calculate all possible moves and analyze all position isn't that crazy/cutting edge/unlikely as people think.


    I don't think there are scrips that play RTS games either. There are AIM bots and stuff like that, but there's no actual program that basically plays a game of CoD and moves around and is actually successful, it's to complex for someone to make a "script" for.


    RS pvp is a bit simpler, but the same concept applies. They can't write a bot to have a character move around the wilderness, know which places to avoid, attack all players that are judged to be having a decent risk, know how to stay alive when getting piled, when to put on the ahrims and cast a barrage, when to spec, ect. And even if you're judgement is perfect there's the luck factor in which even the best pkers who make perfect judgement calls will still get KOed by a lucky spec or something.There's too much grey area and too many things that require judgement involved in pking that's basically unlike boss hunting and all the other grindy activities in runescape. It's not just simple kill/bank either, there's too many unpredictable variables that a "script" would be impossible.


    Maybe a runescape robot/engine or something, but that would be something on a new level completely and i think at the point where technolgoy reaches that level the rest of the game would already be completely ruined by bots and runescape can be officially considered dead anyway. I'm sure technology can achieve anything, but it's going to take a lot more than bot programmers have now to create an effective pking bot.


    It also seems incredibly pointless to bot something like this, people mainly pk for fun not money, and unless you're luring pking isn't a good nor even guaranteed money maker. It's about as pointless as making a staking bot for boxing.

  13. I voted no because - surprise surprise- I don't pk, stake or merchant. I play to skill and earn my experience and money legitimately. The majority of people who voted yes were being affected by the trade restrictions and limits of the wilderness/pvp environments while the skillers and other players like myself were not. My livelihood before free trade was slayer and now it's a joke. All other raw resources in the game are the same way. Now that free trade/old wilderness is back, the situation is the opposite, the pvpers are thriving and the skillers are suffering.


    I can guarantee, the minute someone is able to produce an efficient pvp bot everyone who is "happy with the current situation" will demand immediate changes.


    General pking is probably less profitable than it was before, and a pvp bot is the one bot that will never be effective, because a human is always smarter and more powerful than a bot, so you can never write a script to be better at pking than an actual person. Aside from luring, pking didn't become more profitable, it just got more fun and isn't completely stupid like the old EP/DP system was.


    I said pvp because that includes staking, which a lot of people seem to say has helped them make lots of money. I never said a pvp bot was probable, my point was that if it ever does happen those who are happy with the current game will immediately call for changes because bots will then be ruining the game for them.


    Staking is also zero sum, only on a larger scale. One person's "make bank" is another person's "GF RS" or "cleaned start over". You can't consider it a profitable activity by any means, especially for maxed players who stake other max players in 50/50 fights.

  14. I voted no because - surprise surprise- I don't pk, stake or merchant. I play to skill and earn my experience and money legitimately. The majority of people who voted yes were being affected by the trade restrictions and limits of the wilderness/pvp environments while the skillers and other players like myself were not. My livelihood before free trade was slayer and now it's a joke. All other raw resources in the game are the same way. Now that free trade/old wilderness is back, the situation is the opposite, the pvpers are thriving and the skillers are suffering.


    I can guarantee, the minute someone is able to produce an efficient pvp bot everyone who is "happy with the current situation" will demand immediate changes.


    General pking is less profitable than it was before because it's always zero-sum, one person's profit is another person's loss That coupled with a general lack of high value drops like statuettes makes it hard to even break even unless you're good at pking.


    And a pvp bot is the one bot that will never be effective, because a human is always smarter and more powerful than a bot, so you can never write a script to be better at pking than an actual person. Aside from luring, pking didn't become more profitable, it just got more fun and isn't completely stupid like the old EP/DP system was.

  15. I voted yes, and I'm happy with what I got. Am I alone in not regretting this? I got to help and be helped by friends, got to PK in the wilderness, got to buy items really easily, and even got to have a go at dice games, most of which are legitimate. Good fun, nothing wrong with it.


    Sure there's a few more bots, but in the long run that's helping me too. I don't rely on resource skills for money anymore, so all I do now is things like barrows or clue scrolls for money. On the flip side, bots are making monkfish, herbs, and logs much cheaper, which is something I appreaciate. So there you go, my honest opinion on the matter. I haven't been scammed yet: I know what the basic scams are, and as a result I'm just generally careful.


    I'm happy with the return of FT/wild, but wait until they make a barrows bot, and then see how much you appreciate them.


    You're missing the point. I don't find it "hard" and don't want it "easy." People can't seem to kill me, but that doesn't make me any happier about having to flee them. I don't see the harm in certain worlds having revs again, so I can idle about in the wilderness like I used to. It's the way I, and many others, play. If players want to pk each other in the wilderness they can do that in the other 99% of worlds.



    The wilderness was meant to be a place where you couldn't "idle" and where "griefers" were suppose to be able to kill you any time they wanted, whenever they felt like it. I don't know why you expect everywhere in Runescape to be a safe, easy, and boring place where you can half afk. Go idle elsewhere.


    I'm kind of surprised a lot of people aren't bothered by the increase in bots because they don't affect the way they play. It's only a matter of time before they make boss hunting bots or better dungeoneering bots, and i'm pretty sure at that point Runescape will be universally agreed to have been ruined by bots.


    @People who get annoyed with bot complaints


    The fact that it's relevant to basically everything wrong with the game just proves that it's an even bigger problem, and is just more of a reason to stop sympathizing with bots.

  17. Or get 70 agility to use the shortcut and make life a lot easier :)


    Don't really want to get owned by blue dragon, hence why I want to fight the babies lol. Ty For everyone's help though


    How do you intend to fight babys without dealing with the normal ones considering they are in the same room and wander ranges etc mean there isn't really an entirely safe spot from the blue dragons.


    No, the entire eastern half of the dragon area that is near the gate is just baby blue dragons. I remember training solely on the baby blue dragons a long long time ago.

  18. I'd really recommend void, and i'll tell you right off that even with void, 99 range, rigour, and a chaotic crossbow, Nomad was still able to tank the majority of my hits. With 75 range using eagle eye and a rcbow you're in for a long fight, and i would ditch using melee altogether. Your melee stats aren't going to get very far, and an extra brew would probably be more beneficial than failed specs.

  19. The first time I bought condoms I thought it would be awkward to buy only condoms (idk why I thought that) so while waiting in line I grabbed a Slim Jim. After looking at the Slim Jim and box of condoms sitting on the check out counter, it suddenly seemed MUCH more awkward than if I had just bought condoms only.




    OT: [bleep], we're doomed, Jagex is becoming EA. Seriously, I hadn't known their gimmicks had degenerated to cash grabs. The Rune Fest banners were bad enough, but at least those were items that are specifically in reference to that event. Now we have to go out and buy overpriced game cards for membership time we probably don't need or prefer to pay with via credit card to get a cosmetic item that people would actually want?


    Who said you had to? Just don't do it. It's not like it actually means anything. I don't see what was wrong with the Rune Fest banners either, if someone had enough dedication to the game to go to something like Rune Fest than they probably deserve a little recognition.

  20. Will a system restore delete everything?..


    No, it's kind of like a "Reset to last Checkpoint" for windows, if you get the CoD reference. It says it won't affect any of your documents either when you do it.


    If that doesn't fix it than it would probably mean it's a physical problem with your computer.

  21. L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills L kid get skills


    This is why I don't pkay.


    I don't see how it's different than any other form of close player interaction.

    Which is why you do things that don't require player interaction.


    Well it is a multiplayer game you know.

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