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Posts posted by brunokiller

  1. Its cool I guess, but if you have such a great computer you could already watch or stream twitch without this feature. There really wasn't any need for it. Jagex is basically sacrificing those on the lower end (whether its only a few people or a bunch I don't know) in exchange for advertising.

    I don't think the twitch feature adds any overhead when not used. I'd guess it's something else they added with this update.


    Whether you feel low end computers are holding the game back or not is up to you, but one of the main draws of runescape has always been that even low end computers can run it.



    Except what he has is not low end. It was low end two years ago. It's ancient now. He could easily build a basic pc for $200-300 (especially if he recycles certain parts) and get very decent performance for years to come.


    I really don't get it, it's Jagex fault that they're no longer compensating for a computer more than a decade old?

    Have you read their system requirements?  I was able to play at ~18 fps about 1.5 years ago.  Unless they're going to update those requirements, this computer is still supposed to work, which would mean Jagex is making RuneScape's applet more bloated.  Especially since I've got an AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4650 in an AGP slot in this ancient system.  Yeah, really, that much GPU, and I'm still fully able to use it somehow. :o


    ~D. V. "Maybe it helps that I've got 2 GB of RAM, too?" Devnull


    It's not bloat. It's added features. That's the natural progression of software.


    Your card is a piece of garbage that isn't even worth the pcb it's printed on. Maybe you should just fork over hundred dollars for a half-decent gpu rather than being some Luddite that demands that everyone else's gaming experience is as shitty as his. It depends on whether your other components are equally garbage, but even a gt640 can run RS at 50 fps max settings. And that card is also considered garbage.


    I utilize 20% gpu and cpu on max settings and I'm looking forward to features to use the idling 80% for. Please don't hold us back.

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    I have one of their desktops.

    It's pretty good.

    It's already lasted two years without repairs.

    The computer I put together just before that went through 1 hard drive, 2 graphics cards, and 1 memory stick in that time and I tossed it when the on-board video device went to pot on year 3.

    Screw the whole building your own crap.

    Most modular/free standing computer parts on the market are cheap garbage from SE Asia.

    I've built 5 computers and none of them have had any issues (youngest one is around a year old. I built them for friends/self/gf)


    Yeah, you can throw together a "high end" computer for $500 and use poorly made chineese knockoff parts that will fail in a year, or shop around for the best parts, and build a high end machine for half that of an alienware.


    I've never ever heard of anyone using chinese knockoff parts. Of course, I'd avoid secondhand graphic cards (usually worked 24/7 for bitcoin mining).

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