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Posts posted by ProZac_Rehab

  1. 4000Chompy.png?t=1250377370


    Thanks everyone for coming!




    Mungo got the chompy meat. I was trying to get it off of a Jubbly but it never came and I ran out of Frog Balloons :(




    Gratz Eric,


    I would have come but had other stuff to attend to i think.




    I'm at 1300 chompies atm thanks to your guide Xecer, I hope to get to the amazing 4000 one day.


    In my eyes, the 5 feathered gold chompy hat is a rare thing. An elite club=)





  2. What would you do on a rainy day?




    Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click here.




    That's hilarious.


    That was epic fun. Although the phone part was a little bit confusing.


    Hilarious, like said already=)




    Would this be your entry for the Machinima competition? or do you have an ubersupermagepowerrangerultraepic surprise for all of us:p

  3. Reading the second article, I started wondering about some things. Saying the macro's and RWT'ers had a big role in the economy is absolutely right.


    I don't know if this is a possibility, but what if Jagex would create some sort of artificial input of widely used things that used to be a source for RWT'ers. I'm thinking of essence (both normal and pure), yew logs,raw lobsters and other fishies. Inputting an amount of these into the grand exchange would get prices down, but at the same time, there would be an outflow of cash, causing inflation to slow down/stop/revert. This as a measure to counteract the major input of cash from the new pking system.


    A bad side I can see about this is pure skillers not being able to sell their raw materials at the prices they're at now.




    I would like other ppls opinion about this as well, to see if i'm completely off.






    First article was cool to read, because i haven't been playing long enough to have known all these bugs.


    Also the DYK is interesting,bc the scabarites are usually a task i skip.





  4. the first thing that came up in my mind when i saw those thingies under the shorthand:




    To me it looked like the tip of the iceberg that is above the water, while alot of it remains hidden underwater.




    that's all i could add to what has been said here in this thread.


    Nice work all!






    That certainly was one of the best galleries in ages.


    It was, but it was also the first gallery in ages.

  5. ashesgonelunatic.th.png








    WTF?!?! :shock:




    Now that's what I call price manipulation;




    1. Burn Maples


    2. Collect Ashes


    3. ??????


    4. Profit




    I wish its was true and not just a glitch, got 20k ashes in bank :shock: .




    It apparently was true for an hour or so, friends claimed to have sold ashes for 342gp ea


    how does this happen? Does one of the J-Mod drop his G.I. Joe thermos on his computer, followed by "oops! *facepalm*"

  6. I asked for communication about this, and this is what was replied (KFC:15-16-793-58949907)








    Why can't they put a newspost up about this? Is it not important enough, or are they arguing about what should be done internally?


    Edit: Has anyone even got proof of lent items that were lost? or GE offers wiped...I mean, on RSOF everybody seems to own phats all of a sudden. (or they used to)




    I'm starting to smell riots.





  7. And through all of this, one thing amazes me.


    After all the communication-with-players-improvements, and all that MMG said about the game being about fun:




    1. Jagex has not given an official message on the main page about this.


    2. They didn't take any action yet, except for fixing the bugs.




    I'm still waiting for an official statement from Jagex, as I have heard mods say stuff that is quite contradictory.







  8. I don't see why everyone was expecting a rollback, especially over something as minor as this. They never did a rollback on 6/6/06 or the mu bug, why would you expect them to do it now?




    ~37 minutes of free monster killing is not a minor bug. Seeing as you could also do pretty much nothing else in the game it's mad that there is no update.




    In the 7 and a half years that I've been playing this game this is arguably the biggest bug (up there with the duping), for no banning or roll back it's beyond stupid. I see NO logic in not rolling back, it's not as if people could have done a lot in 37 minutes as pretty much nothing was working anyway so those that lost things would most likely only be bug abusers.








    I hope we get some sort of update from Jagex in which they say what the hell happened, and how it was dealt with. Also, and foremost I think, what will happen with things that were acquired through bug abuse.


    I logged off when first bugs were found, and personally, I vote rollback pl0x.


    I know it's a hard procedure that hasn't happened alot before (if it happened at all), but it's either that, or starting to mass ban bug abusers. They can't just do nothing, right?





  9. Gratz to all those who finished,


    good luck to all who's exams still have to start,


    and to those like myself who are in the middle of them. Keep your head and spirit up!




    I'm getting depressed bc of an exam we have tomorrow, ON A SATURDAY=(





  10. Gotta learn about 250 pages for History by next week, it's already a summary.. How the hell can you learn this? Every page has lots of details on them..


    study parts during the school year;)


    What part of history is it about? or is it all of everything?


    Oh and what level is it at?





  11. Me putting my name at the end of each post gives an ego boost. was supposed to be a joke, but nvm.




    Zombies, yes! They will destroy themselves, bring their own destruction on themselves. But I just hope i would be able to molest a couple with a toothpick.





  12. Well, assuming that big hole in my head will most likely be my cause of death, I'm not really going to be caring that much on how many bystanders there will be (=




    And this was about zombies, they won't be having guns/rifles. Unless they like to eat our braaaaaaaaaaiiiinzzzz mushed and with hail.

  13. why do you put your name after everyone of your posts?




    and trust me your ego can be easily deflated with a .306 to the head.




    extra ego-boost. and guns don't scare me (=




    (I'm not doing it just for you, this time)

  14. [hide=Multiquote]





    Feeding us bad ideas to take out the undead,


    appearing to have an outrageously overactive imagination when it comes to zombies....


    Use of the word 'potion' in conjunction with 'zombie'...




    Oh, God. Prozac_Rehab is a necromancer.


    And his powers will destroy us all.




    If i would be a necromancer, i would have zombies as my pets^^


    But yes, I would destroy you all. If not with my powers, then with my ego >.<








    Your ego vs Sworddude? Sworddude wins.


    Sworddude can't match my necromancing powers, so I wouldn't even need to use my ego to bring him to annihilation(sp) !!


    *evil laugh & dance*






    BUT, can you keep up with my chronomancy? DIDN'T THINK SO!


    Can you match my powers of invisibility, however? Not likely.





    Both of you have no idea what my ego is capable of. My ego and my powers combined like the Power Rangers, I cannot be defeated. Especially not by zombies, no matter what they eat. (bc that's what this topic was about, right?:P)


    Oh and rocco, do you claim to be invisible bc all your friends ignore you? (j/k)





  15. Hmm...




    Feeding us bad ideas to take out the undead,


    appearing to have an outrageously overactive imagination when it comes to zombies....


    Use of the word 'potion' in conjunction with 'zombie'...




    Oh, God. Prozac_Rehab is a necromancer.


    And his powers will destroy us all.




    If i would be a necromancer, i would have zombies as my pets^^


    But yes, I would destroy you all. If not with my powers, then with my ego >.<








    Your ego vs Sworddude? Sworddude wins.


    Sworddude can't match my necromancing powers, so I wouldn't even need to use my ego to bring him to annihilation(sp) !!


    *evil laugh & dance*





  16. Hmm...




    Feeding us bad ideas to take out the undead,


    appearing to have an outrageously overactive imagination when it comes to zombies....


    Use of the word 'potion' in conjunction with 'zombie'...




    Oh, God. Prozac_Rehab is a necromancer.


    And his powers will destroy us all.




    If i would be a necromancer, i would have zombies as my pets^^


    But yes, I would destroy you all. If not with my powers, then with my ego >.<





  17. Lulz what a topic




    Anyway, seeing as zombies are supposed to be braindead? and thrive on a lust for BRAAAAIIIINNZZZZ.


    I think I'll rewatch every halloween episode of The Simpsons.




    But as for plans itself. Loot all houses in my neighboorhood for food, and try to make my house as much a fortress as I can. In the meanwhile breading wild bores to feed on zombies (iz they tastey?).Wild boars don't eat zombies.....zombies eat wild boars....


    Weapons=> toolshed. To list a few:




    Bicycle chains.why?




    Tool Leprachaun.wut


    some nasty chemicals i think i could brew some good anti-zombiepotions out of.


    Empty glass bottles+gasoline+ nails+fuse= molotovvvv.Only thing worse than a zombie is a flaming zombie


    Wooden stakes (you never know when they mutate and become weak to wood).....


    My mom's kitchen is basically an complete anti-zombieplace^^






    Too much fantasy.












    Bicycle chains=great whips+ can be used for other things


    Chainsaw never fails (unless i've written it wrong) If it's not to sever some limbs, it could still make a good club+ used well to set up barricades.


    Thirdly, the Tool Leprachaun. I could name up every tool in the toolshed, but since the tool leprachaun has em all...spade rake compost...




    Oh and btw, why would it be dawn of the dead zombies?


    I'm just using my overactive immagination on this one...





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