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  1. same for me, fish cape ftw :shock: i became 95 fishing yesterday, doing 1 wc lvl atm, all gl on fishing or other goals :thumbsup:
  2. nice, i'm westebroojke's brother and i've been following u for a while, ur free to add me : glover 666 :D BTW ur stats and bank own =D>
  3. yeh when u ask me to spam i'll spam spam spam spam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamvspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spam oke ? :lol:
  4. gratzz, i hope u'll have 95 on ur exam too :wink: weste i'll bump it no prob :D
  5. gl on fming, i'll support u irl and i'll bring u a cookie from time to time, just whistle :D .... NOT :lol:
  6. np, it was fun indeed, and fishing gets boring after some hours so i needed a change :D
  7. ty, for anyone who would like to cw with us (krikke and me) go to world 54 in half an hour :lol: :thumbsup:
  8. i'm making your blog look nicer by posting here, is that oke ? and je0 nice stats dude !
  9. haha u promised me 10k minds when u didn't succeed in getting mining 85 b4 xmas 2005, u didn't give them and u only became mining 85 on 2 january !!!! u still owe me :D
  10. Dude, u cant believe how happy i am u returned to rs, after the 4 boring months of WoW ! :D :pray: I'll support u in your goals, becoming the number 1 player on rs etc.. GL ! ps.: now gimme the 10k nats l0l :lol:
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