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  1. I would like to see the macroer's and dual users gone! To me this is a GAME that I really enjoy for the most part, but the macroer's and people that use dual accounts ( the one's that play on one and use second to supply materials) just irk Me! I enjoy building skills and testing My character yet the one's just in the game to get to highest lvls as quickly as possible so they can go nan nan my character's higher than yours and I have more gold than you, yet use macroer's or have second account that they use to fish or mine etc... to supply main or amass gold is sad. Before everyone goes into a rage by second account users I mean the one's that are playing a main chararter while using a second (pure) to get around the macroing rule. You know the one's...you see them all the time around mines,trees and fishing areas....they set them to doing task then play other character...checking back every now and then to keep supplies going! Now before you tell on yourself .... all of the above is against runescape rules. To go alittle further while runescape hasn't made it against rules (they have no way to enforce) I feel using a third party(friend) to laundrer supplies so you can get back from pure without "actually" violating rules is the same thing. I Myself have worked hard to get all my levels up and with the exception of buying around 2k of steel bars have gotten each of my levels the hard way......you know "playing" the game and doing all the work myself! An imperfect solution would be to require the "pure" miner-fisher etc... to have a certain over-all level before they can access higher levels of supply skills. I think there are very few playing the game that just want to fish or mine etc...but use as excuse to supply themselves. I could be wrong yet to me just fishing or mining seems too boring to enjoy for long especially for a member? How many level 3 fishers have you seen lately fishing shark or better? I see the advantage of pure's in fighting skills like ranging or mages etc... but fishing? To me the only advantage I can see is a way around the rules of the game, but I can be wrong and there probably are a few ....a very few that do enjoy just fishing or mining or tree-cutting etc... but the numbers I see doing it on every world? Come on and be real! Later...............
  2. This is a concise and true topic , whether they admit it or not. :wall: I only go to wildy if I really have to and do not pk, but even if I get killed on the rare trip .....hey that's why it's here and just laugh about it! I lost a d.skimmy once thru my own stupidity (forgot u had to wait 30 min to keep 1 item) but didn't get mad or blame pkers ...I knew risks going there :-$ . This honor/dishonor issue is soooo silly to me ! how can someone that pk's people that r mining,crafting etc... not there to fight talk about honor if their "prey" runs or tele's? Especially when most go in packs with high lvls? :-k I personally have not run into any pkers that there was not at least a 5 to 1 or more group and hanging around mage arena waiting for the lone mage wanting to get god spells :boohoo: where is the honor in that? I'm sure there are the lone pker that has honor in the wildy.... I just haven't met one yet, but I don't go there often. :ohnoes: Now if two people or groups go to wildy just to kill or be killed I could see an honor/dishonor type whining.........but that doesn't happen does it? :thumbsup: Kudo's to sausageman for being quite honest and thought provoking post!
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