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Posts posted by Deathmath

  1. [hide=]

    I'm currently killing Tormented Wraiths. They give a decent profit, and the '80 noted oak planks' drops have let me raise my construction like never before: for free, also.




    Well, I was thinking I would keep going until I got a Holy Elixir. One person (who wrote a guide on the Wraith, forgot his name) got one in about 1k kills. I might even get enough plank drops for ~70 construction. I have 7k till 62 construction, I have 240 planks banked, and I'm still going.




    So, do you think I could get it in a reasonable amount of time? I've already killed a few hundred, at least, and I only started yesterday. And once I get one, should I keep it and get a blessed spirit shield for my own use, or should I sell it (it's worth neary a third of my bank...)?




    Also, what does the monk charge to attach the elixir?




    Player 1: Got it after 200+ kills


    Player 2: Got it after 200+ kills as well


    Me: Got it at kill number 940


    Player 3: got it at 600+ kills




    Drop rate is 1 in 700/1000.




    Blessed spirit shield: One of top best shield for avansies tanking/and armadyl boss hunting. As for using spiritshield+holy elixir ...it can't be assisted but i am sure someone can help you (I can if u want).




    How to get a holy elixir+spirit shield=Blessed spirit shield if you don't got prayer level for it: Helper buys elixir+spirit shield, makes it blessed and sells it back to one being helped.





    I don't think so, I'd say sell. But how good are these shields anyways...

  2. I realized I hate this game. It's no fun, there's nothing to do at lvl 87. It's weird, but it's like.. as much as I hate it, I want to be good at it (escpecially considering 100+ is when the game actually gets... playable.


    Once you're 100 you'll realize you want to do stuff that needs a higher combat. Seriously, I think that's what keeps me going. There's always something to do a higher levels that I can't do yet, so I want to be able to do it.




    Besides that, I think it's fun too.




    It's fun and you are always motivated. but then again





  3. Aaaarghhhh. I was gonna build a computer last summer didn't. Now this laptop is getting me mad... so... Time to build a good computer for $1000 or less. :P




    I am competent in putting it together, but am admittedly lacking in hardware knowledge.




    Uses would be c++, internet, research, light gaming, the hardest game I might play would be either TF2 or COD4. Plus word processing email etc. And also a good 20 or 22" monitor. I also am not sure about what OS...

  4. I can code decently in VB.Net, I ok at C++ (currently learning), but only with the standard libraries. I can code in one or 2 other languages but I'm trying to stick with those 2.


    I've been meaning to look at Python, but I always seem to forget.




    Program wise, I've made a few basic games as well as some nice little apps.




    Ive heard that python, like turing, is more of a "learning language", but i have never tried it, so let me know. :)




    It is a good learning language, but can be functional and is great for writing little programs. Easier to use. Hard to write a framework on, but a good programming language for quick stuff.




    I'm good with python, have dabbled in Java, and am taking a C++ class. (Btw, actually python is a bad learning language, learn C++ first, cause my syntax is sloppy =/)

  5. You could spend 30 points and cancel them without any penalty...but I say just look up a guide and do them.


    He doesn't have any points to use as he's getting them now lol.


    With your stats, I would mage fire bolt with chaos gauntlets. Your range is too low and melee takes forever (so does mage but at least you don't waste prayer pots).


    Permablock them once you can though




    Yep, firebolt with chaos gaunts in mage gear and anti d-fire pots.

  6. Decent cash. Veracs (maybe) would be your best bet. I'll give you a setup / inventory if you ask more.




    Erm slayer dart works. sally is best but you need 70 mage. Yeah. Or conventional magic (air blast I think)

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