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Posts posted by scn64

  1. Moi aussi., i was with some 2 americans and an australian for a while (good times) but one of them didn't know about the boxing day Tsunami in 200(5?)! also about the recent Pakistan floods and the Australian foprest fires. It seems some stuff just isn't news over in America.

    Just saying this: News around the world gets here, you just have to look for it or pay attention to the news. Mainly the latter.

    You mean the former? Lately Charley Sheen has gotten more air time then the Libyan situation and Japan.


    By the way, I thank Voltaire for the completely relevant and appropriate quote, which seems to just resonate with the American attitude: "It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."


    Charley Sheen was getting a lot of air time before the earthquake in Japan. However, after the earthquake, I've barely heard anything about him. Japan is all over the news right now.


    That basically just destroyed whatever little faith in humanity I had left...



    Apparently the explosion was real but it didn't affect the reactor in any way.



    Wow, America really does hold a grudge? I can't imagine British people for example having that kind of reaction at all in the case of a massive disaster in Germany. Also, some real idiots on there, one seemed to think Japan started WW2. I didn't lose my faith in humanity, just America.


    On this whole topic of where earthquakes hit and the like, in a way it's lucky the quake hit Japan and not another country. Japan is one of, if not the most prepared country for earthquakes on the planet. An earthquake of this magnitude would have levelled most other countries well before the tsunami struck. I'm massively surprised just how low the death count is so far.



    There were about 60 posts in that image. The US population is over 300,000,000. So, after seeing what .00002% of the population has to say, you've already lost faith in America?


    And what about the people who didn't post? There could be a lot more than just 60 people, but I see what you're getting.


    I'm sure there are a lot more than 60 Americans who feel that way. The point is, we don't know what that number is. We can't go basing our opinions of an entire country off of what 60 random people post on Facebook. If I find 61 American Facebook posts that offer prayers and condolences to the Japanese people, would that suddenly make a difference?


    That basically just destroyed whatever little faith in humanity I had left...



    Apparently the explosion was real but it didn't affect the reactor in any way.



    Wow, America really does hold a grudge? I can't imagine British people for example having that kind of reaction at all in the case of a massive disaster in Germany. Also, some real idiots on there, one seemed to think Japan started WW2. I didn't lose my faith in humanity, just America.


    On this whole topic of where earthquakes hit and the like, in a way it's lucky the quake hit Japan and not another country. Japan is one of, if not the most prepared country for earthquakes on the planet. An earthquake of this magnitude would have levelled most other countries well before the tsunami struck. I'm massively surprised just how low the death count is so far.



    There were about 60 posts in that image. The US population is over 300,000,000. So, after seeing what .00002% of the population has to say, you've already lost faith in America?

  4. I read another article that talks about this same bill. It says the bill would only give the president the power to shut down parts of the Internet hosted in the US. You can read it here:



    Well obviously. The point most people are bringing up here is that, while significant, wouldn't be very effective even if it were implemented.


    Some people here seemed to be interpreting the bill as giving the president power to shut down all content hosted around the world, whether it's even possible or not.

  5. I still don't get why celebrity deaths always get way more coverage than any normal, "non-famous" person's death.




    Well, why does their life get way more coverage than a normal person's life? I don't see why it would be any different for their death.

  6. Luckily, I've only been in one accident while I was driving.




    My car had been randomly "jerking" slightly to the side while driving. I'd be driving along just fine and all of a sudden the car would pull to the left and I'd have to adjust it back to where it was. This had been going on for a few days and I even had an appointment to get it fixed the very day of the accident. Looking back, I probably should have just stopped using the car until I could get it fixed, but the problem was minor enough that I thought I could keep driving that day.




    On to the accident. I was driving home from school on a somewhat icy, snowy day. The car did the "jerk" to the left thing on a patch of ice and I did a 180 spin across 3 lanes of traffic, and ended up in a left turn lane facing oncoming traffic. Luckily, there were no other cars directly to the side of me and, since I ended up in a turning lane, I was out of the direct path of traffic. It could have been much worse.

  7. It seems like there's some important information missing from the story. What initially caused officials to decide she wasn't intelligent enough? Was she acting like a raving lunatic or something? I know she took an IQ test, but what prompted the test in the first place?

  8. [hide=]




    ^ Having an image like that? The man's sick. He should be hanged!




    I'm joking, but that's probably similar to what they saw and they used their dirty little minds to twist it into something else. -.-




    idk, those young fishies are making me uncomfortable. I wish we could see what this "obscene material" was so we could accurately judge the creepiness.





    Even if the stuff he was looking at was the absolute worst CP has to offer, I still don't think he should have gotten jail time since the images were drawn.




    I disagree, if its just nudity of drawn children then no objection; but there are definetely ways in which such content could be obscene to the point I would consider it legitamately bannable. If its something with a very good story line I would consider it art; but if we put blanket protection on drawn cp I can already sense someone drawing magazines of it to sell to pedophiles.




    I can certainly see your side of it. It's creepy to think that anyone would want to look at that stuff. But the way I see it is, the brain of a pedophile is "wired" that way. They're not going to stop thinking about children in that way just because they can't legally get their hands on that type of pornography. I'd much rather have a pedophile get his jollies from a bunch of drawn images than the real thing.




    Chances are, a true pedophile would eventually go for the real thing anyway, but until they actually do something to hurt another person, I don't see why they should be considered a criminal. If the authorities had the ability to read a persons mind, would it be going too far to arrest someone just for having unclean thoughts about a child? The drawn images are just thoughts put down on paper.

  9. lolix.jpg




    ^ Having an image like that? The man's sick. He should be hanged!




    I'm joking, but that's probably similar to what they saw and they used their dirty little minds to twist it into something else. -.-




    idk, those young fishies are making me uncomfortable. I wish we could see what this "obscene material" was so we could accurately judge the creepiness.




    Even if the stuff he was looking at was the absolute worst CP has to offer, I still don't think he should have gotten jail time since the images were drawn.

  10. [hide=]
    I found this article and after reading this thread, thought it would be relevant...:




    Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police


    by Sol Invictus, Level 46


    Last updated at March 17, 2009, 3:48 pm




    In an attempt to curb child predation, the police in Missouri are now claiming that any adult who owns and plays games like Animal Crossing probably doesn't have a good reason to do so and is most likely a pedophile with bad intent.




    "There is no reason an adult should have [Animal Crossing: City Folk]," says Andy Anderson, Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force.




    Anderson says adults playing "Animal Crossing" and similar games are likely doing it for the wrong reasons.




    Astounding. I don't think I should even have to mention that it's impossible for an adult to get in contact with a random child through Animal Crossing without first acquiring his friend code in real life, so what gives?




    Given a rise in poorly researched media reports where predators allegedly meet their prey through online games, such fears are unfounded, and based purely on the ignorance and fear of the general public. Needless to say, it's very disheartening to hear such ignorant opinions from a member of law enforcement.




    Couldn't the same be said about any activity enjoyed by children? I see no reason why adults can't appreciate good games like Beautiful Katamari, Noby Noby Boy or Ragnarok Online any more than children.




    Reference: GamePolitics via The Escapist




    http://hellforge.gameriot.com/blogs/Hel ... Say-Police





    How long before we start seeing ESRB maximum age ratings on games in addition to the minimum age ratings now? :roll:


    Who cares?




    If I enjoy something i'll do it regardless of the maximum age.




    not if the 15 year old cashier asking for your ID has anything to say about it

  11. I found this article and after reading this thread, thought it would be relevant...:




    Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police


    by Sol Invictus, Level 46


    Last updated at March 17, 2009, 3:48 pm




    In an attempt to curb child predation, the police in Missouri are now claiming that any adult who owns and plays games like Animal Crossing probably doesn't have a good reason to do so and is most likely a pedophile with bad intent.




    "There is no reason an adult should have [Animal Crossing: City Folk]," says Andy Anderson, Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force.




    Anderson says adults playing "Animal Crossing" and similar games are likely doing it for the wrong reasons.




    Astounding. I don't think I should even have to mention that it's impossible for an adult to get in contact with a random child through Animal Crossing without first acquiring his friend code in real life, so what gives?




    Given a rise in poorly researched media reports where predators allegedly meet their prey through online games, such fears are unfounded, and based purely on the ignorance and fear of the general public. Needless to say, it's very disheartening to hear such ignorant opinions from a member of law enforcement.




    Couldn't the same be said about any activity enjoyed by children? I see no reason why adults can't appreciate good games like Beautiful Katamari, Noby Noby Boy or Ragnarok Online any more than children.




    Reference: GamePolitics via The Escapist




    http://hellforge.gameriot.com/blogs/Hel ... Say-Police




    How long before we start seeing ESRB maximum age ratings on games in addition to the minimum age ratings now? :roll:

  12. CP is still CP. Drawn or not.


    If it's drawn then who is it exploiting?... oh wait, nobody. CP is wrong because it is cruelly exploiting children, a drawing isn't.




    How can you tell that he won't go looking for a real thing later, and a few months/years after that won't try to abduct a 8 year old?


    You can't.




    Exactly. You said it yourself...you CAN'T tell if he's going to cause harm to a child or not. If you can't tell, what right do the authorities have in locking him up?

  13. Ok, what is up with schools and making [developmentally delayed] policies? At my sisters' school if your hair is shoulder length or more you instantly get a behaviour card if it is not tied up, they then tell you to tie it up or get it cut, my friend who has his hair down long has to get it cut or tied back, and he has that style of hair with a long fringe and all the hair goes to about shoulder length, so he isn't happy. Socks have to be equal length from heel to toe and heel to the top of it, or it is a detention. The school also has taken a new propaganda-style approach to bullying, they handed out a booklet type thing on acceptable behaviour, and they constantly talk about bullying. Also whenever questioned about these policies teachers just say it isn't their rules and you have to take it up with someone else, but they all say it. #-o




    "If the kid plagiarizes his work, give him a second chance. But DARN IT, we aren't going to put up with mismatched socks anymore!" :lol:

  14. I have to admit, after hearing so much about the swine flu, I've started to feel nauseated and my head hurts at times. I'm sure I don't have it, but the power of suggestion seems to be eating at me.

  15. I'm a bit skeptical since about 3 people have claimed to success but no sites have been listed.










    I usually take my payments in Amazon gift certificates since I buy from them a lot. However, you can also get money through PayPal, or you can turn in your points for items directly.


    Looks like a nice site, but it says they're not recruiting new members through the site for the time being D:




    I didn't even notice that. I would think they'd always want more members since more members = more survey answers = more money for them...but I guess they have their reasons. :?

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