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Posts posted by scn64

  1. What the heck do questions like this even mean?




    You are 4'4 and you are mean up to 4'5


    I can bite you Grrrrrrrrrrr!


    I cannot let that happen to anyone else


    Ka Me Ha Me Ha


    You have hare as a friend






    Which Main Video Game Character Are You?


    You scored as a Buffy


    You are buffy the vampire slayer.

  2. While walking home from school, I saw a chicken cross the street. In the middle of a decent-sized suburban city.




    I once seen a guy screw a chicken....


    :| i didnt know it was possible.




    How long did you watch? :uhh:

  3. A long time ago I saw a sheep herder (or something like that) leading a ton of sheep down the street I lived on at the time. I lived in a fairly decent sized town so this was not a normal thing to see. The next time I crossed the street I had to be very careful not to step in all the sheep droppings.

  4. The above would work, but it depends what IP address you're after. If you are connected to the net via a router, that website will give you the address of the router, not your PC.




    No it wont. I am behind a router and I get my computer's ip.




    When I do that command I only get my computer's internal ip address.




    When go to that website I get my routers IP address and not my PCs address.




    Same as me.

  5. I recently got a book for my b'day entitled "Do Sheep shrink in the rain? Over 500 of the most outrageous questions ever asked." And this was one of the questions:




    Q: If you were born blind, do you dream in pictures or sound alone?




    A: Expert Cecil Adams: "Dreams of the congenitally blind contain no visual elements & consist predominantly of sound plus smell, touch & sense of movement."




    God knows how you would ever figure that out...


    It's such a weird concept, not knowing what colours and such are.




    I can't even remember ever having a dream where I could sense smell or touch. My dreams are mainly visual with light sounds. I don't know if I can even call it sound. It's more like a person will move their lips to talk to me and I comprehend what they said without actually hearing it.

  6. I'm sure blind people "see" their dreams. They can "see" things in their head just like you and I can. I mean, why couldn't they? We can close our eyes and imagine things, and I don't believe they lack that quality. They do it differently, though...They have to imagine what they THINK things look like...So if they've touched a car enough to know what a car kind of looks like, they'd be able to imagine it. Or they'd be able to just insert what they think it looks like by having it described to them in the past or just by going from the sound of the engines and horns...So, it's not likely to look much like a car, but it's a car to them.




    And someone said blind people can perceive colors, I ask you this - How? How do you explain the color red to a blind person?




    Also, a quote from a blind person to kinda' prove they can't perceive colors:




    "People are always like, 'You're blind? What do you see all day? Darkness? Black?' and I'm like 'No, idiots. I'm blind. I don't SEE anything.'"




    I would imagine that the lack of seeing anything at all is indeed darkness - at first. But the odd thing is, they really can't SEE anything at all, so how could they even perceive that it is darkness? It's not like closing your eyes and walking around, it's like REMOVING your eyes and walking around. Even when your eyes are closed, you can see black and darkness, but they can't...see...at all...




    ...Odd to think of, really. They can't perceive color, but we also can't perceive how they can't see the color black/darkness, it seems. ;)




    I would think they "see" darkness. Darkness is just the absence of light. Their eyes cannot "process" light, so I would think the result would be darkness. That's just my guess though.

  7. I still don't see why someone hasn't murdered Bush yet -.-




    It's not for lack of trying.




    I tried to have a pressurized envelope of strychnine sent to him, but then I realized


    I don't know the address of the White House, and looking it up would take so much effort. :(




    I looked up the address for you:




    The White House


    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW


    Washington, DC 20500




    Make sure you put your return address on the envelope just in case it gets lost in the mail or something.

  8. i agree with the guy above.. and the us gov does tend to hide alot of thongs from the public




    Well, there are just some thongs you really don't want to see.

  9. Rockstar energy drink, Jolt, Guru, Coffee, caffeine makes me horny :lol:




    I didn't even know blood had a smell, I can only taste it not smell. (If one person makes a vampire crack I swear...)




    You can't smell blood if you have like a little cut or something, but when there's a lot of it you sure can


    It smells sort of like an old penny, like a bronzy smell. I do like the smell of it though however wierd it sounds.




    I think I know what you're talking about, though I've smelled it even from small cuts. If we're talking about the same thing, I like the smell.

  10. This story reminded me of something that happened to me once. Me and a friend were shooting rubber bands around the house, he shot one into the wall and it disappeared. To this day we still don't know where it went. :?




    You actually saw it go "into" the wall?

  11. Was the pack ice cold when it fell? Anything that travels through a portal becomes incredibly cold since heat cannot exist between dimensions.








    how on earth do you, or anyone else for that matter, know that?




    It's pretty common knowledge.

  12. Was the pack ice cold when it fell? Anything that travels through a portal becomes incredibly cold since heat cannot exist between dimensions.

  13. My brother dropped his ipod in the toilet (while he was going)




    moral of the story, always put the seat down




    You said he dropped it while he was going. If the moral of the story is to put the seat down....I think that might just create a bigger mess in his situation.

  14. Wait, whats the defintion of fat...


    Cos we definatly do not have 68% fat people... :-k




    If these stats are based off of BMI then "fat" could even refer to an athlete who has a lot of muscle. Hopefully more than just BMI was taken into consideration when collecting this data.

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