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Posts posted by scn64

  1. When you go to "Start" -> "My Computer", do you see your CD drive listed there? Also, go to Start, control panel, performance and maintanance/system, click the hardware tab, then click device manager. In Device manager do you see anything listed under DVD/CD drives? If so, are there any yellow exclamation points next to them?

  2. I don't see a problem with this. First of all, it's not a law as so many of you keep calling it. It's more like an ad campaign. Second, the advertising campaign is not trying to criminalize fathers (or any family member) who holds their daughters hand. The picture they used is supposed to represent a stranger or predator that the kid meets. Perhaps they could have used an image of a man sexually assaulting a little girl to make it more obvious, but I doubt that image would go over very well either.




    I'm also not too worried about people reporting fathers for holding their daughters hand simply because they saw this ad. If someone is stupid enough to look at this ad and take it as literally meaning "if a man holds a girls hand he should immediately be reported" then this same person would probably hold up traffic at a stop sign as he sits there waiting for the sign to tell him start moving again. This thing is being blown way out of proportion.

  3. I think that texting while driving should be punished by having your license taken away for a year+. Everytime I see a kid passing me with his head down and the stupid "text grin" on his face, I want to turn around and rear-end him and just say it was his fault, just to keep him on his toes...




    "Was it really my fault? I mean...I was texting...But hey! He hit me...But...I was texting...Oh god, is he going to sue me? Am I adopted?! Does God really exist? If not, why do I keep saying "Oh god"? Why is god not capitalized? Didn't I learn in school that important places/names/figures need to be capitalized? CAN I capitalize things in my head? Where am I? Did I seriously just text this all to my friend...?"




    Things like that. And just a shout-out to those of you [developmentally delayed] who do text and drive - I wish I could kill you. Talking on your cell is one thing (something I am also not guilty of, ever), but texting? Honestly. Kill yourself.




    [sarcasm] If you need to look at the road while driving then you obviously aren't a very good driver. [/sarcasm]

  4. Those camel spiders are pretty creepy looking. :? I don't trust any kind of large creepy thing that can run faster than me.




    They cannot run faster than you.




    They might be able to run faster than me. I'm not exactly "in shape". I could probably get up to 10mph but I wouldn't be able to stay there for very long.

  5. Just look at this thing! You have to ask why we're scared of them?








    That thing's cute! It's the tiny house spiders that scare the hell outta me.




    Yea especially when they surprise you. Like when you look up and there in a spider on the wall right in front of your face. :shock:


    Or if you find them crawling up your leg. :uhh:




    There's a spider that likes to hang out by the wall next to my computer right at eye level. Sometimes I'll lean back in my chair and turn my head to see it only a few inches from me. :shock:

  6. I've never been fired before, but my boss did tell me once that my work was too good. "Just good can be okay, things don't always have to be excellent." He was complaining that my e-mails to him were too well-written :D. He felt I spent too much time on them and he couldn't understand that writing coherently in full sentences comes natural to me. He's a fabulous boss though, who saw through me and my perfectionism very quickly.




    Pretty much same here, except they actually fired me. When I asked why, the boss said I was too good at my job and an embarrassment to the other employees. :lol:




    I don't understand how people like that can even run a business. If anything, they should be giving you a pay raise, not firing you.

  7. A common misconception is that ....


    Really? I've never met somebody who thought that. It's generally common sense that you can.




    light from a star travels across space until it reaches us where we can see it....


    1st grade science ftw?






    Those were the 2 main points from your post.. and they are both BS...




    Light traveling across space is not BS. You just said yourself that it's 1st grade science. That would make it a well known fact, not BS. And if you're seeing a lot of stars during the daytime in the Eastern US, you may want to go see an eye doctor.

  8. My first thought was that it might be something to do with "Accessibility Options" which are special settings for people with disabilities, in this case sight. However, on my computer I wasn't able to find any accessibility options that would increase the icon size like that. You still may want to check it out though. You can get to accessibility options from the control panel.

  9. Anyone notice how the Mexican family has more bottle of coke then even the American familys ?




    I wonder how it was decided how much of each food product to have in the picture. I doubt the Mexican family actually has that many un-opened bottles of Coke sitting around at any one time. So, did the magazine just set up an estimated representation of how much each family eats in a week, 2 weeks, a month? The expenses listed are for a week so I would guess that food represents what they wold eat for a week, but, even still, that seems like a lot of Coke for just one week.

  10. you CAN NOT take an IQ test online.




    Anyone who thinks they can probably thinks they can also get their PhD online in just 3weeks.




    I got my PhD in 4 weeks through University of Phoenix.

    sure you did.





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