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Posts posted by scn64

  1. Yeah, but Mr.Obama is charged doubly as he is a President and is regarded as a international "celebrity" of some kind.




    Don't know why though.




    Mostly because hes young and a good speaker, I dont know why it accelerated out of proportion so quickly though.




    It's probably a combination of the ending of the term of a very unpopular president (Bush), a switch of political parties, the perceived intelligence of Obama displayed by his speaking skills, and also the fact that he's the first black president.




    The media, I'm sure, also played a very large role in getting people excited about Obama. For example, I hate to admit it, but had it not been for all the media hype, I probably wouldn't have watched the inauguration. But with all the TV coverage Obama was getting, I felt like I'd be missing a spectacular event if I didn't tune in.

  2. It'll be quite funny when he isn't as good as everyone thought he was going to be.




    Even if he's a great president, I don't think he'll be able to live up to the image in a lot of people's heads. You've probably heard the joke thrown around that he's the messiah, but it almost seems like a lot of people actually expect him to be just that.

  3. :shock: Dude. You are EXACTLY my height, EXACTLY my weight! And I too have been looking for a way to put on a couple pounds (~10-15)


    Although I have a very high metabolism, so eating plain old junk food doesn't work for me (I'm guessing you have the same problem) I still haven't found a way to gain some weight a healthy way (I'm seriously more afraid of getting a heart attack or something from eating lots of junk food..)




    Instead I stopped over-eating, and started working out. A friend of mine told me that muscle weighs more than fat, I doubt its true, but I'm still going for it because it'll be worth it :) Good luck with your thread and getting advice, I know I'll be eyeing it carefully haha.




    Your friend is correct. Muscle does weigh more than fat.

  4. What he represents is different to many individuals :D Although, I agree it is a huge step forward for black people.


    People who are black. people first language, thanks.


    What? :?






    People first language is a semantic technique used when discussing disabilities to avoid perceived and subconscious dehumanization of the people having the disabilities.




    I don't see being black as a disability. Even if you do see it that way, do you really need to nit-pick about such a small issue as word order?

  5. I wonder what it looked like to him. It would be strange to have the view from one eye as it's being pulled out combined with the view from the other eye. Of course, it doesn't sound like this guy was being too careful, so maybe he lost vision in the eye before it even started to leave the socket.

  6. What brand of TV is your most used?






    How many TV's do you have in your home?


    more than 5




    What kind of TV is your most used?


    Old school CRT




    Who is your provider?


    Other -- Dish Network




    What kind of TV do you watch the most?


    Drama and Other -- comedy

  7. Why are we talking about nudity, I thought this thread was about sex?




    You don't have to be naked to have sex, people.




    The thread title was originally "Why is nudity bad?" and it evolved into a discussion about sex, which resulted in a title change.

  8. This has nothing to do with warmth. Come on, is the reason why we don't show our privates really heat?




    Warmth may not be the main reason we wear clothes in the present, but I'm sure temperature had at least some impact on humans decision to wear clothing when they first decided to do so. In warmer climates, this may not have been such a big issue, though.

  9. I have a new MMO strategy game on my site called Devana. The main point of the game is to build and manage a town while playing against other peoples towns. You have to gather resources, build armies, raid other towns etc. It's somewhat like an Age of Empires game except it's browser based and you play against other people. Your town lives online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week whether you're signed in or not. You can find some screenshots below. If you'd like to make a free account, go to http://www.pixeloaded.com/devana





















  10. [hide=Quotes]
    The 20 $ bill was made before the twin towers were even thought up, if I recall, so that's irrelevant. Someone early on in the thread said they are more to prevent counterfeiting, and they are probably right.






    true. that's why most videos states that the mint made a huge coincidence because the incident happened years after the new banknotes.


    why would they make a picture of two majorly important buildings going up in flames? even if it was a coincidence that is just mean.



    By thought up, I mean the construction hadn't begun, no one had even begun planning anything like that.




    That's true for the old twenties, but the new twenties were made after the twin towers were built. And the new ones are the version you can fold to get those pictures.

  11. These things are just a guess. What is to say you suddenly put on weight and start smoking, or get hit by a car??




    Anyway, I am going to die on May the 4th, 2086. I will be 73 then, funnily enough that is two days after my sisters birthday...




    So you will be born in 2013? :?

  12. edit: and @ above post...


    Obama still has double the national experience of Palin, and his overall experience clearly surpasses hers. While she was winning a highschool basketball championship, Obama was graduating from Columbia University where he majored in political science (with a specialization in international relations.) - ty wikipedia.




    Double the national experience? He was US senator for 3 years and for about half of that he spent campaigning.


    Palin took office as governor in December 2006 = it's been approx 22 months.


    Obama took office as governor in January 2005 = it's been approx 44 months since then.




    Time spent campaigning doesn't diminish experience in politics... if anything, it adds to it.


    He's traveled across the country (and globe) since he announced his candidacy, meeting with and speaking to voters of all backgrounds.




    Obama was never a governor.

  13. no the guitar hero 3 guitar cant be used with the guitar hero 2 game because the guitar hero 2 game was built only for 1 and 2


    Really? I thought a guitar was a guitar. I know the Guitar Hero guitars work with Rock Band and stuff. I would've assumed that the new guitars work with all the previous games.




    The Guitar Hero III guitar DOES work with GH2. I just got the second game for Christmas and it works fine. I have the 360 version so I suppose other consoles controllers may not work with their versions of the game, but I don't see why they would be different.

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