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  1. wow. y complain. autoers will like it.
  2. hey guys what is the best melee runeite weapon? B axe, skimmy, sword, long? I am, of course, talking of max hit percentage. thanks :thumbsup:
  3. thanks guys for your replys. to rampo, yes i have done rune mysteries quest. you guys have helped me alot in this subject. now i want to ask: Is there any difference between the mage staffs (eg: fire, water air etc)? as i see no difference with these staffs. really i am complaining though as they all cost 1.5k (lol). but is there really any difference? thanks
  4. hwu (hey wat up) guys what is the bes way to get mining, runescrafting, mage and smithin lvls up without wiping out my bank account. I only have 50k in bank as i have recently been hacked. any sugestions are greatly appreciated. thanks
  5. Hey fellow runescape players. I want to ask you, what is the best F2P monster that drops runes? I am including both the talismans and the runes themselves. thanks
  6. Have you heard of the stronghold of security? It is in the barbarian village. There are 4 lvls (i think) and they are aked full of monster like minotaurs, goblins ets. (plus the barbarians upstairs). i went from lvl 40 combat to lvl 55 in 3 days there man. However, if you are looking for money drops, it is pretty pitiful. hope i have helped later
  7. Hey guys (and girls if there r any lol) I want to ask you what is the best way to get mage lvl up? I have tried but have nearly drained my bank account by buying runes. Also, where do you buy the talismans and where do you runecraft? I cannot find the runecrafting alters in F2p? also, how long does this usually take? Thnks 4 any advice
  8. hey guys i am a F2P (see my pitifull stats in the link) and i was wandering if anyone will post what they believe the benifits of being a member: Thanks
  9. Hey guys SuP? nm anyhow i wanna ask u (but dont laugh at me) but what the hell is merchanting? i hear allot about it but dont know what it is lol. thanks
  10. The best place to train ur pure is the statue of security in the barbarian village. there are about 4/5 lvls with minotaurs, goblins and other creatures. a friend of mine whent from lvl 55 to 79 in 2hrs here. good luck. U can also t4rain on the barbarians as well.
  11. Ok. U all said cut willows or watever. Let's get it staright. Woodcutting is a complete waste of time. takes too long and not enough money worth out of the amount of time u spend cutting. also i am not a [developmentally delayed]. even though i have been playing runescape for 2years I am only alloud 10-15mins a night on runescape becuase my [bleep] of a mother is exactly that: a [bleep].i only get on runescape once a week if i am EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEMLY lucky! i never seem to get anywhere as i am only alloud 15mins. I can nevver seem to get my lvls up with a reduced amount of time on the internet. Ok! I am not a [developmentally delayed]. My mother is just a [bleep]! i dont spend like 18hrs on this stupid game like some other players that i know. i want to get all my lvls up but it is nearly impossible. i am ready to give up on runescape, yet i really need help on how to get my lls up without spending 18hrs on the internet. Oh by the way i also have [bleep]ing useless dialup, so i really dont get anywhere anyway, whether it be 15mins or 2hrs, as it is so fuking slow. [bleep] dial up suks! i know i swear allot but i am really pissed of at the moment. later
  12. I need to get like 30-50 mill. also, how much is full rune without a weapon? ( i really am a noob)
  13. Hi, my username is Red Dog259 and I am a NOOOOOOB! My combat lvl is only 54. My attak and strength are 45 and def is 43. mage 24. range 21. hp 43. mining is 49 and smithing is 38. prayer is 24. I AM A NOOOB! I need someone to tell me the best way to get all my levels up in Free to play Runescape. I cant smith anything, yet i can mine coal and sell it i suppose. I also need someone to help me get my money up. I only have 100K!. I need help, as i have been playing Runescape for 2 years and am nearly ready to quit as i seem to be getting nowhere. my fishing lvl is 37. I also want to know a easy way to get my smithing and mining up to at least adament. I NEED HELP please! Even E-mail me at [email protected] (no viruses plz!!!!!!!) Thanks Red Dog259
  14. Hi, my username is Red Dog259 and I am a NOOOOOOB! My combat lvl is only 54. My attak and strength are 45 and def is 43. mage 24. range 21. hp 43. mining is 49 and smithing is 38. prayer is 24. I AM A NOOOB! I need someone to tell me the best way to get all my levels up in Free to play Runescape. I cant smith anything, yet i can mine coal and sell it i suppose. I also need someone to help me get my money up. I only have 100K!. I need help, as i have been playing Runescape for 2 years and am nearly ready to quit as i seem to be getting nowhere. my fishing lvl is 37. I also want to know a easy way to get my smithing and mining up to at least adament. I NEED HELP please! Even E-mail me at [email protected] (no viruses plz!!!!!!!) Thanks Red Dog259
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