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Posts posted by pienaple





    EDIT 2: It doesn't seem to work when i open the source :( All is see is a white background and the blah blah text >_>


    You won't be able to use Dreamweavers Design (WYSIWYG) View to edit that page, you need to use the code view and edit the code directly.


    The thing about the design view is you are not getting a true representation of what the site will actually look like in a browser, especially because things look different in IE and Firefox.




    I really would get to grips with HTML and CSS, you will find website creation much more fun.




    Anyway, to edit the page, switch to Dreamweavers code mode by clicking View, and selecting Code. Don't forget that there's 2 files that control this page:


    1. Index.html - This is the raw HTML but has no formatting information.


    2. css/main.css - This is the style sheet and contains all the formatting for the site.




    Good luck,






    P.S. Don't forget you need to unpack the entire zip to a folder, you need the two folders images and CSS as well as index.html. Without them you will only get the raw text.




    I have unpacked the whole folder before but i still get this:






    I don't if i'll just give up lol :P


    It seems that i will be asking too many questions to get to nowhere >_>


    Do you know of a tutorial that fully explains the way to program what i need? Like what to use to slice up the images, how to code the Stylesheet, etc?


    It would be much appreciated just like the rest of how much you already helped me :P

  2. You should really learn a bit of CSS, the whole page can be controlled via that. There's loads of tutorials online too!




    And to show you how, here's your site coded in CSS/HTML: CLICK HERE. You will notice there is no formatting in the actual HTML, it's all done in the style sheet.




    And here's the source: DOWNLOAD.




    Wow thanks a lot there! Really, even hosting it for me to see? :P


    Oh and is the same thing done with putting images into the 2 "latest work" boxes? I have not looked through the source yet, but i will in a min. Thanks again!




    EDIT: Wait, you actually cut my image into pieces? How do you do that then?




    P.S - As i've said i really have no experience in CSS or html that much >_>




    EDIT 2: It doesn't seem to work when i open the source :( All is see is a white background and the blah blah text >_>

  3. Thanks, but im not sure if that would be helpful, since i don't really have a background image >_>










    What i want, is to be able to type text into the "welcome" box on dreamweaver, instead of doing in onto the actual image in photoshop.

  4. If you had some kind of knowledge of html that would be nice not to say is is really easy too. http://www.w3schools.com




    I have been looking on there for a while and all it says is that divs are used for centering text and paragraphing it >_>


    I have very little knowledge of html, so this is the reason this topic was actually made ^_^


    Can you help me?

  5. Thanks, I made be onto something with making text appear over images. I have a topic made in tech forums with someone explaining it to me :)




    The Image mapping was easy though.




    P.S - Connor, Use the move tool and open the "info" window/dialog

  6. Does anybody know if it is possible to insert text into an image, through Dreamweaver?


    I have the whole image "mapped" and i need an area of it i could put different text for each webpage.


    If this is possible could someone please explain it, or just give me a link that would help?





  7. You people are just silly >_>


    Unlike most of you I don't want a background full of brushes and "grunge" textures...Its just a style and i don't want it all gfxie looking. The way i got by this is remembering "Less is more"




    The more basic is it for me, the better it will look.




    P.S - +1 to Connor

  8. For curved edges i used to curved rectangle tool to draw one, then turn it into a selection + invert and then cut it out.


    I don't know what going in the bit with the nav bar.. Maybe like a tree thing like you see on most forums.. Such as this:




    Board index » General Discussions » The Gallery




    But I'm not sure. Gonna go learn how to image map now >_>




    P.S - Do you know if its possible to make the page at the bottom just continue? Like keep going as i put more text in?

  9. Haven't a clue how i am going to get it to work properly, etc...


    But here it is so far. Atm I'm thinking about image mapping it and the building up in Dreamweaver..




    CC? I know it doesn't look that good but hey.


    P.S - I took the photo :P

  10. Hmm i like them a bit, your anatomy needs working on a bit, look at some rl pics of people in poses and search for anatomy tuts




    You seemed to have saved them as jpg.'s that eally reduces the quality and spoils it and you have to fix it pixel by pixel if you close the document :o




    Good work though :)




    It seems that photobucket uploaded them as .jpegs... Because originally they are pngs hehe...Oh well, i give up.

  11. Well i remember making this about i dunno...7-8 month ago. I never really showed it anyone so i thought i'll let tip it judge...








    If no one realized, it is the oblivion symbol from the Elder Scrolls.




    P.S - Back in the day i used gimp, so this was no made in photoshop.

  12. Right so Recently i was browsing through these forums and I made a great discovery! (The Gallery)


    So i thought i may get back into pixel art and maybe begin isometric as a small project. SO...I'll post some of my first and last sigs so you people can enjoy CC and etc...




    For some reason the quality is bad, bear with me...


    Fine i give up, i knew i couldn't trust photobucket...Just look at the pixel and see their potential, don't get distracted by quality >_>






    Well everyone had their first.. Mine was particularly bad.. Laugh all you want :?
























    7th (Made about 6 month ago, never finished)






    1st: (My Avi atm)












    Well thats it..I have not done a pixel for about 6 months, probably more. Any one think i should start again?





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