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  1. I do believe that you can be ocd and level skills together like that, its not like "omfg imma die if i dont do this all together" no, but it can be ocd. Also where did you get your phd? Can i see a copy of that.
  2. [spoiler=B2B BCP] Well, you beat me. I guess that beats no bandos drops from graardor. And my elite from graardor was this: we both were doing elites from graar, at the same time
  3. i think i borked the ladder to enter myreque base XD
  4. Welll about time that i got it lol, 2 days of member left till i take a break XD
  5. ya know, i swear i thought it was at least 5 herbs per patch lived, i super composted, and not first time this has happened either
  6. secondary question 11.6k swamp titans and then 2100 iron titans, would be 13.7k charms, how long ya reckon that would take, like casts/time note ignore the iron titan in the pic(thats to 95 from 88 XD)
  7. Is it still the best way to mass gather charms, did it before row update, and now being told by a few its not so good since then. Thanks for info.
  8. This one was around the barbarian fishing spot/ gnome stronghold. and this one is in the desert just a tad outside the alkhirad toll gate, near the bridge near it.
  9. ok 10 tabs so 10 pics, cba to shrink it. [hide] random stuff tab Runes/mage tab Summoning tab Smithing/crafting tab Farming tab(harralander and irit seeds before you ask) Wc tab Herb/pots tab Cmb stuff Food stuff [/hide] Another reaosn i did this, was curoius what yall would say condesnse 2 tabs with, wanna make a slayer drop tab now that im 90 for 99 slayer :)
  10. that is true, and bought 500 of ex atk/str/super anti fire/ and may buy the one si can stew to, still need some i can make to sell back or else i wont get far :/
  11. meh, wont farm them, just want it now tbh, still debating what pot to make tbh
  12. ok im 68 herb... Just got 85 dg tonight and i wanna get extremes, for frosties. I have 50m i can spend on this(freind loaned me it(got 80m but dont want even more to pay back), anyhow, what is a good training method that wont break the bank or my fingers, not herb cleaning, i want real xp without breaking my mouse, any ideas are thanked... ps i would like to be able to sell the pots back and get some of the gp back so i have less to repay, thanks.
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