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  1. Why I joined a clan: basically to learn what a clan is ... didn't know anything about clans at all back then. PKing was no reason (still don't like it much, and if I pk sometimes, I do it because I'm in a clan, but I am not in a clan to pk ;)). Why do I stay: was my first clan ever, and still is for over one year now. I don't like the "clan xyz for live!" slogans much, saw to many people saying it today and leaving tomorrow, but there's nothing any other clan can give me what I can't find or strive for in my clan too, so why should I leave? I stay mainly for the friends I made there, the - good - community we have and for the fun of being part of something growing. What I like? The spirit and drive of many members to establish something making the game more enjoyable. What I don't like? People forgetting we just play a game. The usual dramas. Guess no clan can really go without them. Anyways, on the other hand I like the mature way our leadership gets them solved usually. Improvements? A "clan list" additionally to the "friends list" would help heaps sometimes. Best regards, Mace
  2. Fletching - 89 Slayer - 85 Thieving - 80 Farming - 75 Agility - 72 Herblore - 70 Runecraft - 57*) Wouldn't consider it a p2p skill. You are right saying it's hard to get rc up on f2p, but basically all skills available to f2p players are ways faster to train on p2p. Best regards, Mace
  3. I consider RAM to be much more a problem then diskspace. Especially cause the RAM is needed not only on the Server side, but as well on the Client side. A solution might be to create container slots, may be eight "chests" on the top bank row, where each player can name and use his chests in the way he prefers (like naming chest #1 "Armory" if he wants to use it for his battle stuff, chest #2 "Herblore" if he is a herblorist to put all herblore things in there, and so on). The rest of the bank below can stay as it is to be used for all often needed items or everything the player doesn't want (or can't) put away in a organised manner. Since I don't know about the technical ressources Jagex has they had to calculate how much rows each container can hold, but for the disk space used up by this on the one side there wouldn't be the need to load hundreds of items into one view on the other side any more. Additionally, as long a chest isn't used it wouldn't allocate any disk space at all, thus reflecting a players skill development much better then a preset number of bank slots. This all would also work with the current f2p / p2p politics, a f2p player could simply not see the chest row in his bank. P2p players running out of membership could store their member stuff into the chests and move the things they need on f2p back to the main bank page till they got membership back. With new items added continously Jagex needs to do something about the bank space anyways sooner or later, and a solution like this one would be much more flexible and helpfull then just another x rows added again somewhen. Oh, not to forget - nice article. Always enjoy reading them. Best regards, Mace
  4. I have "my" community, friends I made over time to talk to or to share the fun of playing the game with. That's the important part for me, and a random person I don't know (and that doesn't know me) calling me a noob for whatever silly reason can't ruin this. Why should I care about someone who feels great just cause he's able to type the word noob on his keyboard? No reason to feel personally insulted. Anyways, my impression is that whereever I train or whatever I do, chances to run into a nice and friendly convo are usually pretty good. Overall the RS community isn't that worse at all, and some rotten apples and bad moments shouldn't be the base to judge it. Best regards, Mace
  5. Clan name: Masters of Dragons (MoD) Clan website: http://www.rsmod.net Clan leaders: Blood Goblin, Jack Jokerst, Lanjunjie F2p clan cape: blue P2p clan cape: blue Number of Members: 130+ Average hitpoint and combat level: not calculated yet (90cmb req) Type of clan (skill or pk): both Recent War Record(3): 8th of January 2006-MoD vs The Death Monkeys, Full out, lost 10th of December 2005-MoD vs FEAR, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - lost 13th of November 2005-MoD vs Wolfpack, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won 30th of October 2005-MoD vs The Latin Realms, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won 9th of October 2005 - MoD vs Harathoi, 15 vs 15, 100 cap, rune war - won 22nd of August 2005 - MoD vs Brotherhood of Gods (BoG), full scale war 20vs20 - won 25th of June 2005 - MoD vs Nemesis Warriors (NW), full scale war - won
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