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Posts posted by Adventurer

  1. ^


    Yeah, mostly. Even in elementary years, I didn't get anything out of textbooks though.






    Guess what? My Bible teacher shares this view, and he structures his class on it. I find that he teaches far more practically than pretty much any other Bible teacher that I've had.

  2. (to author: beating the crud out of people doesn't sound very good either :?)




    Not to be mean to my chemistry teacher, but she bored me. I'm a slightly sarcastic and cynical but good-humored person. She was kind of feminist and was far too enthusiastic about homework and stuff, and her all-too-true excuse (that my good brains scoff at) that practice in chemistry is important made it even worse.




    Also, her class was right after lunch, and she would turn down the lights so that we could read the powerpoints that she always used and we always copied. These two factors made me fall asleep/drowse during her powerpoint lectures ::' (I still got the lecture and junk in my head though).




    Many of her assignments seemed pointless. Some examples are: a mole plushie we had to make as a bad pun for the mole ratios -.-, portfolios every quarter with a bunch of "journals" and "media reviews" and other worthless poop -.-, almost-daily journals on the board that we had to write responses to everyday which were meant to provoke thought (why couldn't we have just answered orally?) -.-, and lets not forget the endless and stupid chemistry math sheets!! WOOOOooooooooooooo -.-




    Meh. She just really bored me and seemed to assign tons of worthless stuff

  3. i bet 75% of the new players have mains, and 100% of new players have used bots...does any think that


    In this game, there is a difference between "new player" and "pure". Since there seem to be many more new players than pures, I would say that you're far from the real percentage that nobody knows.




    Also, I have no idea where you got the idea that every new person is cheating scum.

  4. Lol, I would've complained so much about this. I was always a freak about running around and playing tag. Man, that's pretty sad.




    It was so exhilarating to be chased; it would give me adrenaline rushes and junk. Chasing was even better because I would like put 110% and catch everybody.




    Banned tag = slap in my face.

  5. Woah!! Flashback!!




    Fall 2006-


    Girl walks out of portapotty with a paper towel in her hand at the place of a cross-country meet.


    Everybody turns and gasps, laughs, or groans sympathetically.


    Poopy cell phone pl0x!!




    Can't be as bad as that, right? Good luck on reviving that PSP

  6. ^


    Off-topic discussion?




    Previous discussion







    Your points 1 and 2 contradict each other, in point 1 you say that God will judge the baby by how he would act out his life if he was born.


    Yet in point 2, you say we have free will? The free will I'm talking about is not the kind of a chose, it's the free will of weather God knows what will happen to me when I die before my birth.




    (2) I have tried to seek God, still I haven't found him. If I'm totally honest , a part of me wishes I did believe in God, then maybe I'd feel the joy you do when worshipping him. However due to my logical mind set, I can't grasp something illogical.




    (3) I'm talking about fairness for everyone, which is what the bible says when it claims that we all get free will, yet that child has no free will in it being born into poverty.






    (4) My remark of being a robot was aimed at the activity of some Christians i.e. they do most things the same i.e. Follow the same rules, go the same places, socialise with same people, discriminate the same people.




    (5)I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment, however I have heard of missionaries having trouble communicating with people in the rainforest, because of the language barrier etc.. However a part of me thinks religion will actually stabilise those parts of the world.





    1. ...what? Explain please. You just shot a term out without defining it. Explain what you are thinking please.




    2. You can't call it illogical. You don't understand it well enough to conclude that it is indeed illogical. Your mindset right now seems to be that God doesn't exist, seeing as you call it illogical. Correct me if I'm wrong.




    3. I don't quite understand what you expect of free will. Do you expect a default, 1st world setting for everybody to begin with? That child can make choices of its own, so I don't see what you're trying to say.




    4. Also, if you're only talking about the robotic Christians that only try to act like Christians to make themselves look good, don't bunch them with the Christians that actually live for God. I've seen both, and it's totally different. The poser Christians are not really Christians.




    5. Umm...ok. So are you saying that the rainforest guys DO have a chance to know God, or no? That was sort of a neutral comment more than anything.







    Your Last Post here




    (1) You said that the baby who will die early in his life without having the chance of making mistakes etc, will get judged by God depending on how he would of lived his life and his actions. Therefore your making the person totally lose control and God take over yet on your second point you said to me that we have free will? To which I put the former argument that yes some of us may have aspects of free will, whilst others do not. Hence saying God isn't fair on every person that he makes.




    (2) I'm sure that having a God can't be logical it requires faith. (because you can't see God ) Yes I lost my faith, yet I'm agnostic and still open to the idea of something being out there.




    (3) That's exactly what I'm getting at. If we all had free will then we would have to be in default setting, yet we're not and therefore there is no free will.




    (4) I've also seen both, suppose your right in drawing the line between them, but you have to admit they act the same because they believe the same stuff, this isn't really an issue with me, but I feel that a person loses a bit of his/her uniqueness because of this.




    (5) About the rainforest guys, I'm saying that they would be better off believing in God because maybe it would bring them up to a higher standard of living, since it would instruct some good morals onto them.


    However whether they'd go to heaven or not is another matter.



    1. I see what you're saying, and I see how you could say that because the baby didn't actually make any choices in his time, he didn't actually have free will. Very good.


    This is one of the controversial topics in Christianity that pretty much nobody really knows for sure. I'm not a theologist, so sorry.




    2. ...what? Faith is not illogical buddy. It's not just like a random, "Oh, I'll believe" type thing. You would know that God is spiritual from what you've learned, right? My Bible teacher, who is one of the most Christian Christians that I've met was totally ignorant about everything having to do with God. Then a person popped up in his life and taught my teacher about God through the Bible.


    Romans 10:17 - Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.


    You mentioned that you are agnostic, which the dictionary defines as "thinking that God are unknown and unknowable", and that you don't have faith. You might want to find a person who really knows his Bible and see if you can't learn. I think I understand your position right now; the Bible wasn't much to me except for "Believe Jesus and go to heaven, or go to hell" type facts.




    3. ...there's just one problem with your complaint. We DO have free will. People, OUT OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL, have changed the world so that material conditions are NOT equal everywhere. What you're asking for is that God override all the stuff people such as the European imperialists have done is Africa for example and just turn it into a similar thing to other first world countries. Again, MAN made those conditions with FREE WILL




    4. Could you explain the uniqueness a tad bit more? I'm confused as to what you mean exactly.


    There's more difference to the two than you think. The poser Christians KNOW the stuff, but only pose so that they can look good (I see this a lot in private Christian schools; people try to fit in by looking good)


    Christians live for the love of God. They could care less about how good they look to others; they live genuinely to glorify God and become godlike. I suggest that you go read Mere Christianity and The Pilgrim's Progress.




    5. Ah, that's that poser Christianity I'm trying to explain. Christians aren't living so that they can "become good people". That's a completely different motive than what the Bible's teaching. Christians live for God. Again, I recommend those two books.

  7. [hide]




    Your points 1 and 2 contradict each other, in point 1 you say that God will judge the baby by how he would act out his life if he was born.


    Yet in point 2, you say we have free will? The free will I'm talking about is not the kind of a chose, it's the free will of weather God knows what will happen to me when I die before my birth.




    (2) I have tried to seek God, still I haven't found him. If I'm totally honest , a part of me wishes I did believe in God, then maybe I'd feel the joy you do when worshipping him. However due to my logical mind set, I can't grasp something illogical.




    (3) I'm talking about fairness for everyone, which is what the bible says when it claims that we all get free will, yet that child has no free will in it being born into poverty.






    (4) My remark of being a robot was aimed at the activity of some Christians i.e. they do most things the same i.e. Follow the same rules, go the same places, socialise with same people, discriminate the same people.




    (5)I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment, however I have heard of missionaries having trouble communicating with people in the rainforest, because of the language barrier etc.. However a part of me thinks religion will actually stabilise those parts of the world.





    1. ...what? Explain please. You just shot a term out without defining it. Explain what you are thinking please.




    2. You can't call it illogical. You don't understand it well enough to conclude that it is indeed illogical. Your mindset right now seems to be that God doesn't exist, seeing as you call it illogical. Correct me if I'm wrong.




    3. I don't quite understand what you expect of free will. Do you expect a default, 1st world setting for everybody to begin with? That child can make choices of its own, so I don't see what you're trying to say.




    4. Also, if you're only talking about the robotic Christians that only try to act like Christians to make themselves look good, don't bunch them with the Christians that actually live for God. I've seen both, and it's totally different. The poser Christians are not really Christians.




    5. Umm...ok. So are you saying that the rainforest guys DO have a chance to know God, or no? That was sort of a neutral comment more than anything.




    (1)Um....I don't what you're getting at about the child being unique. But the second point is actually a hotly debated topic, I really don't understand the concept of predestination myself, but regardless of whether God knows where you are going, there is still a choice you can make.(2) God doesn't influence that choice, which is where free will comes from.






    The thing I mean about a child being unique is, every child is different but every child means the same to God - from the biblical point of view.


    This I challenge as being wrong since, I'm getting a fair shot at life whereas a child born into starvation gets 0 chance of being successful in life, it just isn't fair.




    God does influence that choice, since he did make me, therefore he planned my life. Yes I know I can make choices during my lifetime, but god knows the ultimate choice, since he is God.








    if you think about it, you do have to cross a line to be punished. In this case, after having a part of Him killed and Man still refusing to accept him, it'd be fair to get a punishment.
    I don't have to cross the line to be punished, I don't have to kill anyone. To be punished according to the Bible I can live a perfectly normal life, leave all my money to a charity before I die and still go to be tormented in hell, just because I don't understand the whole concept of Christianity.







    THAT is the whole point of the Bible! That God died for his creation, to prove his love to the people he created. Unfortunately, your runescape account isn't very alive. But let's say you do create a sentient robot of some kind, and sacrifice a part of yourself to keep it alive. Wouldn't that signify the greatest love of all? And wouldn't the sentient creation also be aware of how much it is loved?

    Well obviously that doesn't prove his love to me, as I see people babies (which he created) being killed for nothing that they have done to deserve.




    Funny you should mention robots because that's exactly what religion makes people, think the same, do the same things. Back to your point, if I was ever meant to be God and wanted people to love me I'd just make them love me in their genes ever since they're born.









    Yeah, the folks in the rainforest seem to get unlucky don't they. The Bible doesn't say what happens to people not acquainted with Jesus, but then again, it is the fault of those who did know but were afraid or too lazy to tell them. In any case, these guys and the dead babies go into the category of "Bible doesn't say".

    The category 'Bible doesn't say' that's a new one, in fact you can get away with anything by using that phrase. Tbh the bible does say what's going to happen, lets look at what the bible DOES say. Anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus and accept him as their saviour WILL go to hell.




    1. This is kind of an unknown. From what I've heard on this topic, the child goes to heaven or hell based on how he would have acted if he had lived (God's omnipotent, so he would've known what the kid would've picked)




    2. God made you, but he gave you a will. He knows what you will decide, but that doesn't mean that he pushes you to those choices. He just knows what YOU will pick




    3. Hmm...sorta. Bible says, "Seek and you will find, etc. etc." If you wanted to look for God and went to look for him, he would reveal himself to you. Understanding of how to walk the Christian walk comes AFTER you accept God as your Lord and master. How else would non-Christians be expected to get to know and follow God?




    4. About babies being killed: I don't see what you're looking for here. Miracles for every baby that would be killed otherwise? Man kills the babies with his own sinful will.




    5. About the robots: If the thing to love was in their genes, then it wouldn't exactly be a choice. Could you explain more about how religion makes robots?


    What I see in some of my fellow Christians is that they saw God's love and wanted to get to know him, which led them to live the Christian life.




    6. True, that. People without Jesus go to hell. However, those rainforest guys do get chances. Have you ever seen that movie "End of the Spear" or something based on a true story? Those guys got a son of a missionary that they spear'd to lead them to Jesus.




    Btw, I respect that you don't understand Christianity. Nothing wrong with that at all.

  9. Whoops, sorry about the first post.




    Hmm. Well. You obviously lack any direction at the moment, and maybe lack a foundation. Mind saying what your worldview is/what you believe in?

  10. The point that people seem to be trying to make is that your method upto now isn't quite "real"; you've posted on a community forum where people know exactly what you're upto and are willing to boost you way up.




    Now, compared to how others have done it, this is much easier, almost to the point of "cheating". The other people have gone ingame and traded random people without telling them their overall intent. So their method was genuine and pretty cool.




    You can still save this though. Just stop going off of this thread here. People already know what you are going for, and because of that, you will get trades that are unrealistically easy.

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