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    pking lol
  1. drag full helms are the same animationas a cooked jubbly with sticks in it dyed red :P but still.. good money for you :wall: :wall: =D>
  2. saw you staking in 22 few mins ago xD . glad i didnt accept when you staked me, good barrows/70 def pure you have
  3. mik02911


    at around 47 i went out bought 60 irit seeds and 80 kwuarm and had a friend help me farm them all. it took a loong time lol, but then i got 2nds myself and mixed the irit to sup atk which got me to about..52 i think? either way i say use sup atks,prayer potions. though ranarrs are hard to get in bulk, if you have spare money and have done some of rfd but harralanders for 1kea or so then buy choc bars and crush to dust make energy pots regular is good for a lvl or so quickly. do any of those methods until 52, this is where i made my ENTIRE herblore lvls pretty much. do nature spirit and use the silver sickle (B) to get fungi, this works best with kharyll teleport (ancient spellbook) or a house tablet with kharyll rift, you ake your isckle to the swamps and cast bloom repeatedly until you have a full inventory of fungi, then bank. charge prayer (i use the tablet method and use alter in my house) then bank at canifis repeat. i suggest you ge about 200-800 fungi. then go on forums and post buying all avantoes 1.5kea, 1.6 if over 100. while your post is up you can also look for people in w2 and search over forums. After u have all the avantoe you need mix super energies and sell for 1.9-2kea, this breaks you even and usually a lil bit of profit. i used this method from 52-63 herblore and its quite fast. i plan on using it until 72 herblore also.
  4. i disagree ^^ i got 47 this morning also and decided to go to orange salamanders as theyre over 2x the exp PER also i find they trap as fast maybe faster. and you dont have to bury bones and drop the skins every 7 kills or so. now im almost 51 hunter and ive only been at them for. . .maybe 30-45 mins. thats probabbly about 5 lvls a hour
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