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Posts posted by M_D_K_48117

  1. Well I've been saving up for a long time now and have 5,900,000 gp. (w00t). So I was thinking of buying full Zammy. BNut I'ld like all the belowprices...






    Full Zammy


    Full Sara


    Full Addy [g]


    Full Black [g]


    Dragon Scimitar (and can it be weilded by a F2P)




    That's it, please help me out here guys and thanks ahead of time. \'

  2. These are just a few things I'ld like to see in Runescape...






    -F2P Skill Capes


    -F2P More Bank Space


    -Bones Show Level Of Player When They Died (collection of lvl 3 bones :thumbsup: )


    -Wild Made Bigger


    -A New World Created, or A New Continent


    -Ability To Cut A Tree With A Sword (a sword is sharp to you know)




    -Mages Made Weaker


    -Melee Made Stronger


    -More Cuttable Trees In Wild


    -More Mines


    -Members Able To Create Their Own Shops


    -A "Shop World" In Which All Those Shops Are Located


    -Instrument Mini-Games In Game (you can buy say a flute and play in public, but in order for it to sound good you need to click a certain color at the right time or something, think how cool it'd be to see a band playing in Varrock square!)

  3. Post what you usually wear when you're roaming RuneScape, not when in combat, just what your normal clothing choice is.








    Black Magic Hat


    Full Priest


    Colorful Boots


    Black 2 Hander


    Gold Gloves


    Gold Necklace

  4. PKers always talk about "honor". You have a lot of honor when you use a clan of 100 people to kill a person doing a clue or just exploring...




    Yea, that is sad. Personally when I do go pking I usualy give them warning and give most of their stuff back and all. I don't really do pking anymore though because of those select few who have no "honor" and just kill you for 2gp and some cooked meat.

  5. Here I will be posting stories from when I first started my time here in RuneScape to present times. I should have a new story everyday so keep tuned! :wink:








    --First Day--


    My first day at RuneScape...it was "odd" to say the least. When I first joined, I began the training and then quit halfway through after it taking my about 1-2 hours. The next week though I came back and finished it...only to be dumped into a noob fest. This was back when you started off with 20gp, a bronze knife, and a wooden sword and nothig else. Of course the first temptation was to explore and kill some people so I first set off to challenge the person closest to me. I asked if he wanted to fight, and he said "no noob". I asked him why not and he said to scroll over him...level 98. So I began killing the men that roamed the castle only to keep dying and comming back 5 feet from where I died. In the meantime people were asking if other wanted to be their "gf" and "bf" all around me so I thought...there's gf's and bf's in a game? So I began roaming outside the castle and soon found myself at a place which would be my home for the first few weeks. Draynor bank. I struggled to get back to Lumbridge though and it took me a very very long time to memorize how to get back to Draynor to store my weapons and riches. I managed to eventually memorize the path by following level 10's. Thank you god though, I knew a level 114 who was there to help me out. My first question I asked him..."why are people dating in RS?" His reply, "Their losers with no lives." It explained a bit to me and then he set off to take me to the cowpen so I could level up. I sat here for about 5 hours killing countless cows "for the african children" until I reached an outstanding level 14. I then decided to roam again being bored of sluatering cows and being slaughtered by cows. I made it to Fally, which was almost like a heaven in a way to me. The first time I went there it was awesome. I was soon killed by a guard and for a very long time always wanted to go back there, but never found it as beautiful as my first visit. Upon my return to Lumbridge, I decided I was poor and needed a job and asked around...no offers. I then decided to do something I still do to this day, mine. I asked around and a level 26 gave me a pick and brought me to Rimmington Mine. I would eventually meet up with him again about a year later and we started a train from Varrock to Fally even though at the time I had become richer than him and more pwoerful. So then, after about 12 hours and a bunch of mishaps and stuff, I signed off for my first time and went to bed. Not to know that what lied ahead of that one day would be something that changed the way I played Rune forever.






    --Nub to Noob! W00t! 2 o's!--


    So about a month goes by with many attempts to memorize the way to the mine and bank (for newer players, the lumby bank is new, that didn't exist when I started) and I come across a level 48 in addy armor and who carried a addy battle axe. His name was ecthilon9 (he would later go to serve in Iraq and I haven't heard from him since) his armor compared to my little bronze with an iron sword put me in awe. He helped me around runescape and then took me into the wild to adventure where he protected me and such. When we were walking though I saw something that made my eyes widen...a mithrol scimitar. This was the only thing I wanted all of a sudden and I sold everything I had but came short. He then helped me mine iron for some cash but I only managed to get a tiny bit of iron since I was a low level miner at the time but I finally scraped up 3k...just enough to get one. Once I got it it was as if I had acomplished something, of course it was now my only possession. I then set off to use it (I was a level 26 at this point) and began killing everything, I mean anything that got into my path...heck I even managed to kill a tree along the way. I then began scraping up some more cash as ecthilon helped me out. Soon enough I had another 5k which I used for my second most charished possession...full steel plate. At this point I was where I wanted to be, I had my prized mith scimmy (I even denied to give it up for an addy scimmy, and yes I still have that same scimitar) I had full steel, and a few friends. Then etchilon introduced me to a whole new crowd, he told me we where going to meet up with some of his friends which he called his "clan". Upon my arrival I found that they all were level 50+ with full rune. I was struck in awe, and was then invited into the clan and I accepted. I would stroll with these few guys for a while until I hit level 36. Then it went downhill. I suggested to etchilon that we take over the clan and kick the leader out, so we started a plot to kill him and take his spot. The plan was to take him into the wild where he would chase me down and the rest of the clan would kill him. This didn't work, instead he killed everyone and I was blamed, I lost my full steel but etchilon managed to scavange my scim for me. I was happy, but depressed. My plan failed and now I had people after me and I lost my full steel plate. So I then sat back out to gather some more money through a newer trade...cowhide collecting. I soon reached 20k which was a lot for me at the moment. One day though I decided to mine again, heading over with my new full mithril and yellow cape and an addy pickaxe, I decided to mine 100 iron (a level 42 miner at the time) and sell it. When I went to sell it, I found my longing and found my way out of my nubish shell...




    --Gold, Riches, New Pals--


    Ecthilon announced that he was to head off for his first campaign to Iraq as a Navy Pilot. Soon thereafter I began my mining selling iron in bundles of 100 for 100 gp each. It was good money and I made around 20k in a day now. Then I went to sell one day, and met a new friend, samuebray(forgot numbers). He helped me mine and did runs for me and we both made around 50k a day now. We then went back and forth (I was now lvl 48 mining and a lvl 46) until we met "oldracer". He offered 200 gp per iron bar, so we switched over with me making iron bars and sam mining. We brought in 100k and split it and I became friends with Old Racer. Turns out the name came form an old racing game for the xbox. We decided to go pking and at this point I had noticed that going to the wild in anything more than bronze was a bad idea, so I smithed some bronze armor and an iron scimitar and we headed out to pk some noobs. We started by luring a noob into the wild (back when it wasn't against the rules) and killed him for 5k and some mithril armor. We then headed back where we got into a dispute with someone, he attacked old racer and killed him and I of course did the intellegent thing...ran. He killed me to and old racer lost his armor, so we head out to get it back to find the other guy was gone and left only a blue cape and a piece of cooked meat. I helped old racer raise some more money for his addy armor again. All turned out well and he got his armor back. Then the next day I found out one of my friends played to and I never knew until now, he just started really and I helped him along. "Ernie0001" I got him some full iron and cash (he is now currently 2 times rucher and better than me, >,<) and tought him the basics. He turned out well so we went to mine some iron for some cash, I had now 150k and had since stopped lvling up my combat level because of my belief that "only noobs worry about CB levels". Since this point I've never gone out to train even once so my current level is from other things (to be explained in a later blog). I was then informer by my parents I would be moving, which would disrupt my time on RS of course for about 2-3 weeks, moving after 14 years of staying in one town aint easy, especially when you have to give up frineds you've known for over 14 overs...

  6. a decent guide but i would say to get some pictures in, such a locations of the mining site and such.





    pictures yes but dont be an idiot and get pictures or ores of something that would be silly .


    Other than that a poor guide rimmington mine too far away if you mining iron then i would suggest varroc east mine ,also this is a good starting spot for new miners .




    From my expeience this is one of the busier mines and higher levels have a tendency to go there. The rimmington mine is not THAT much farther away, I chose it because it's lower levels and its good for the little bit more distance. I think I've seen 1 person there over the level of 30 mining...ever. And if they lock this ok, I'll repost it soon enough with it being finished. The prices I'm fixing right now to, thanks for telling me that since I guess I was mistaken.

  7. "Congrats! You have been selected to become a RuneScape moderator!"


    "Really awesome!"


    "This automated process will take you through the registration process. Please press 1 now to accept our invite to become a mod, or press 2 now to decline our offer."




    "Thank you, now we need you to confirm a quick privacy statement. For the registration process we need your password, account name, and real name. This information will never leave Jagex. Press 1 to accept, press 2 to decline."




    "Thank you, please enter your account name now."




    "Thank you, please enter your password now."




    "Thank you, please enter your real name now."




    "Thank you, please give us a moment as we confirm this data."




    "We have confirmed your data, we must ask you to log off your RuneScape account and log back on for your account status to be updated."


    "-logs off-"




    In the meantime the so called "Confrimation103" bot person was actually changing the password, so when my friend logged out, he couldnt get back on. The person then logged on, took 1 mil and the rest of his stuff, and made the pass normal again.

  8. When your wondering around. Heck, jsut a 'lil while ago I was wondering around in wildy with a lvl 19 friend, and some guys I saw was lvl 70- so I akse ifI could give my friend some stuff before he killed me, and at first he turned away, then all of a sudden he atked me and kileld me and said...






    "HA! Eat it froob! Thought you could stab me in the back like that!"






    I was carrying...




    Steel legs


    2 logs






    1 Shrimp






    W00t! He totally hit the jackpot!!!

  9. This is a guide to things I have been doing to get rich off mining, get xp fast, and mine fast. Also, no one under any circumstances may copy this guide or any other piece of my material without permission from me.








    Table Of Contents:


    I - Starting Off


    II - Gaining XP


    III - Making Money


    IV - Choosing Your Mining Home










    Well, since your reading this you're either an new miner or an experienced miner. So I'm gonna let you in on some old miner secrets and tricks I've used since I've joined RuneScape. So first off, you need to get a pick of course. Try picking a world with around 1200 people. This makes the ores respawn faster but it isn't too conjested that you can't mine. Now, to start off go to what I've knick-named "the xp mine". Lame name, I know. But this mine has helped me XP wise since I started mining. This mine is...the Rimmington Mine. If your a member there may be somehwere else, but the Rimmington mine located South of Falidor has never let me down. Few people ever go there, and its got gold, iron, tin, copper, and clay. Making the mine ideal for XP. So go here, and mine a lot of Tin until your high enough to mine Iron. Once you are, mine Iron until you hit level 60 on your mining. A lot of work, a lot of mining, but this is possibly the best way to level up. Make sure you store all that Iron to for a bit more than 10mil.






    Gaining XP is easy right? Well yea it is, but how good are you at it? The only conflict that you will ever encounter while trying to get more XP is other miners. This is where I yet again, suggest the Rimmington Mine. Few people, and a good amount of ores make this a prime spot. Now time for an old secret...to mine your ores faster, simply click the ore again after the 3rd or 4th hit. This recounts your chances and after 2-3 reclicks, you'll have your ore. This works best on higher level picks and especially Rune being used on Coal. Mining fast means getting XP fast, and getting XP fast, means getting to mine that Rune fast.






    Making money off your mining is definatley the easy part. As stated in my "Buying, Selling, Merchanting" guide, the best place to sell your ores is in Fally. Now, so you know, ores have a higher value compared to bars, so dont waste your time making bars. Now here's a little price value for up to coal since most people only buy Iron, Coal, and Rune.




    Tin - 25 gp


    Copper - 25 gp


    Clay - 30 gp


    Silver - 200 gp


    Gold - 500-550 gp


    Iron - 100 gp


    Coal - 180 gp




    Also do note people rarley buy silver, mithril, adaminte, and clay. The biggest money maker is easily Coal but it's suggested you don't mine coal until you are in the mining guild else it will take forever.






    Choosing your mining "home" is another way of saying where to mine what. Places closer to banks aren't always the best options as many may think. A slightly farther walk can take you to a more abundant mine with less people, such as the Rimmington Mine. Some mines are better for higher levels though such as the Varrock Mine and Dwarven Mine since they can dominate here as this is most often where level 10's-30's go. You may find yourself outmatched in a mine though in which case you should probably either wait for them to finish, or find another spot. For P2P there is a village where you can mine, then send the cart back filled with your precious ores which is possibly the best place in RuneScape for mining, but for F2P's who don't have access you need to find your own spot. Also when choosing your mine to go to, you need to configure for both world population and mine population. The more people, the faster those ores will respawn but it may mean the mines are crowded in that world. So you should always double check each mine in a few worlds to know which place is best.




    [work in progress, more to be added soon!]

  10. Welcome to MDK's guide to merchanting. I hope this helps some people get mad rich. Though do note that no one is allowed to copy this guide without my consent under any circumstances.










    I - Introduction


    II - Theory Behind Merchanting


    III - Where To Merchant What


    IV - Knowing Your Prices


    V - Knowing What Makes The Moolah


    VI - Using Merchanting To Get Rich


    VII - Merchanting Off Other Players


    VIII - Making A Merchanting Business


    XI. - F2P and P2P merchanting








    Merchanting, this is something everyone does at some point but few actually apply. Merchanting is the act of selling various goods for profit, this is almost always done by buying cheap, selling expensive. By doing so you manipulate the price equivlents to your advantage to make a little amount of money into a large sunm of money. All players do this at some point, but as I said before, do not use thier knowledge to profit off of this. Merchanting is also a very effertless way of making money, meaning you don't have to do anything to make money off of mining, cooking, or fishing.






    The theory behind merchanting is that if you can find a good price to buy from people, and a good price to sell that item for, you can profit. These prices often take the near minimum value to buy an item for, and selling for the maximum price value. For instance, coal is worth 150gp-200gp. Knowing this you know you can buy coal for 150 gp and sometimes 140gp. Now doing this then selling for 200gp gives you a profit, not much, but it's a start. The greater the range of the value, the greater the profit, therefore new items or items with unsure values are usually better profit makers.






    Now, you know the theory, and you probably want to try this out now. So, time to learn where to sell what. This is usually known by higher level players who have been around a while, but not known as much by lower levels. This also takes common sense, if you lack that, then stop reading, but I'm hoping most of my readers have a bit of that. So pretty much, villages such as Varrock serve as a "melting pot". At Varrock West bank you can buy and sell anything, the only problem is the conjestion. At Fally East, you can buy and sell ores, meaning a greater chance of finding what your looking for. The below is a chart of F2P towns and banks to sell and buy at. (Sorry, I'm an F2P, if I become a member this consideration will be extended to them also.)




    Bank Name - Items Traded


    Lumbridge - Noob Items


    Draynor - Fishing Materials, Fish


    Fally East - Gems, Miscellanious


    Fally West - Ores, Mining Materials, Bars, Gems


    Varrock East - Runes, Mage Materials


    Varrock West - Miscellanious


    Al-Kharid - Crafting Materials, Bars, Cowhides, Gems






    Knowing your prices is important and imperitive when merchanting. I use a mix of sources with my know-how on top. When merchanting you must know all the price ranges, coal is 150-200, lobs are 200-350, etc. This will let you minipulate the prices to your advantage. Not knowing the prices will not let you make too much of a profit and you may possibly lose money instead. Make sure if you do not know a price range, look around at either Tip.It or RuneHQ.






    One of the major troubles merchants will face is knowing what is selling at any one time. Sometimes a quick glance at a bank such as Varrock's will give you a clue, but not always. For instace, when I began merchanting Iron was a big seller, but then about a week later it wasn't. It's these kind of changes you must anticipate, when you see an item begining to sell better and another selling worse, then start merchanting the better items. These items will be worth more and are also easier to get ahold of. Also you have to be aware of sudden price changes or gradual ones, these may signify the market being flooded due to too many people selling a particular item. Flooding is what causes most items to vanish or to lose a large amount of value.






    Now that you have this knowledge, it's time to try it out. My suggestion is to start out by going to the Varrock General Store where runes are bought cheap, take these runes and either sell them to the nearby shop or sell to other players. Work your way up from here to lobs, ores, and eventually rune items! Also try experimenting, you may find yourself drawn to certain items instead of others.






    Well as I said before, merchanting comes in different forms. My favorite form is to merchant off other players. This type of merchanting takes a lot of planning and some mathematical know-how. Firstly, you'll need to figure out what item your going to merchant, we'll use lobs as an example. Now you then know you're going to need at least 1 runner if your fishing, and 2 if you and someone else is. So you'll have to figure out what your going to pay buy and you'll have to cover the shipping fees for them to go back and forth. So you first look at how much on average you fish per hour, then figure out how many lobs you want. Then from this I usually takes 40% off of what those lobs would be worth and figure out their salaries from there. By doing this, you make a 60% profit. The only trouble with this type of merchanting is it is often the most confusing and keeping your workers happy can be hard. As a suggestion, noobs are the cheap labor of RuneScape so try recruiting them for the running portion.






    Making a merchanting business is what most people who form non-combat clans aim for. Usually these clans are formed in hopes of a profit. Using the "Merchanting off other players" strategy is most often the most effective portion, but a clan usually hires its own members for work. This is were you may get stuck without experience, when you get members they may be better or worse in a certain area than what you need, so you have to account for this. Also if you merchant the goods your members are collecting, you have to always make sure you are gaining profit instead of creating assets. Assets will make you lose money, and this means that the money going out is greater than that comming in.






    Trading between F2P and P2P is one of the better and easier ways to make money. Items such as Black Armor and Weps sell cheap in P2P worlds and expensive in F2P worlds where Black is someitmes considered one of the higher forms of armor. Taking advantage of these prices is where you must be strong if your a P2P player. Buying items in a F2P world you can find cheap labor, while in a P2P world you can buy items to sell to F2P players cheap. Knowing the prices between F2P and P2P is often your key to success.

  11. It's back, the event originally hosted by the Rune United Army is back and hosted by me this time around. Throughout the week in world 90 you have your chance to collect some freestuff ranging from money, to armor, to ores, to food. This is targeted at newer players to runescape though, so don't expect to get a free set of Zammy through this giveaway. Also there is a limit of 2 items per person. This event happens every Saturday starting May 12th.

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