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Posts posted by Master_Smither

  1. Kind of off the topic of rares, but can anyone give me what they think are happening to dragon claws? I bought two pairs for a quick investment, and they've gone down since, and still have them. <_<


    The above poster is partially correct about the whole claw ordeal. I myself know of 10 sets of claws between three people in the past month and even though the demand for claws it high, it is not enough sustain that high of a price. They simply started to drop in value and someone spread another rumor of a 'nerf' once this happened and caused somewhat of a panic. The 'nerf' was not true and claws rebounded out of a solid crash, but they are still crashing; just not at the point of unsellable.


    @abyssal: Pumpkin is less than red right now. Elysian is below white by one and a half eggs atm.



    Cracker has no market so the price ranges from a wine to a partyhat set. The Divine is under a blue, but above a white by about a disk. Seems like the market is being dominated by a strong group of merchants and with all the GP available to everyone right now it's hard to drop public demand for partyhats.

  2. Are eyes of newt worth investing in? They're at 39ea and still crashing, and 70gp looks like the normal price. What's going on here? I have a mask set and santa on an old mule, should I sell them and buy newts instead? Haven't merched/played in over a year now, so I'm kinda lost.


    EDIT: same with vials...


    Ironically I was just talking about this on IRC with a few friends. The shop update really ruined those prices so no don't invest in them. :P

  3. Comeon hardcore smithing/crafting update


    Lol I hope not, I just sold off all my bars and ores. I had them sitting in my bank for 3 years and I never even used them.


    That would be like herblore for me. I got the herblore level to make the highest level pot (82) then sold off all my herblore supplies, thinking I would never need them, ever again since by the time I was 82 I already had stockpiles of pots and leveling over 82 would be useless.


    Then what happens? Jagex updates herblore and all prices rise! *dies*


    Dw, if you ever need GP I'd gladly take some of those dusty rares off you're hands.

  4. This new skill need to be a serious money drain. it is now RARE to see a level 115+ with less than 50m total net worth. What has this Runescape come to?

    It would have to be something the average player could not resist, much like Summoning (after several updates). If not, plenty of people, myself included, shall simply ignore this new skill. I have made at least 115M while playing nothing but Castle Wars by just keeping on eye on what items I own. At this point I am reluctant to part with the items I have now, as they are the items I use on a daily basis. Just hope for a well though out and placed skill that incorporates the qualities of previous money sinks. :)


    Now I saw that someone a few pages ago asked about a Spectral. I looked on the forum for a good hour on the status and saw that it was selling with junk for ~80M. However, when I put an offer in for the minimum price (~108M at the time) it did not buy for the ~8 hours I had allotted. I upped the price to 110M with no luck and finally settled on 111M where it bought in five minutes. I must then conclude that the forums do not give an accurate representation on the price of the Spectral Shield.


    One of the first rules of merchanting is don't trust RSOF :P.


    Partyhats seem to be quite stable right now, but they don't have much longer in them. Elysian is under white+cash now and divine has dropped some street also.



    you've been saying that for months, dude. either its going to crash or never....i personally think there won't be a crash. rather, it'll just lose its buyout status completely and stablize since there's too many freakin people with money nowadays.


    By crash I ment actually become buyable. And no I haven't been saying it for months, it's been about 3 weeks when the partyhats dipped severely and were close to a crash. Remember the crash will be once a money drain is released or they reach a very high ge price and they are getting there. I should have clarified I guess, don't expect a crash for a few weeks unless a big money drain is released ;).

  6. Ok so a wordy way to say it's time for the QA team to test it. I've never really liked the Dev blog because they just through out pointless information that can be summed up in a few sentences. The Dev diaries are much better and are actually interesting.


    Rest In Peace Behind the scenes.


    It's not so much that I miss behind the scenes that these dev blogs are pointlessly wordy. I do enjoy the short twitter messages that hint on the next update though.

  7. You got some nice 99's there! :D


    Good luck finishing on 99 slay/fm/cook.


    Thanks :)


    WEWT!!!! I'm finally in a picture of yours, gratz on 20m xp


    Thanks gand <3:



    holy crap your blog is awesome to look at..

    What tasks do you have blocked?


    Lol tal :P


    Um...greaters,black dragons, steel dragons, and warped t birds.


    Hey there.


    Still around?


    I know I've asked you this before, but do you have MSN?


    I have a friend on XBL that reminds me of you. :P


    <3: Knotchhhhhh


    Ya lol I'm surprised I'm still here but it's not as often anymore with school and my license. No I don't have an MSN because I r pro nub. Lol :P


    Well I've been tding for the past week or so whenever I had a chance to get on. Duo'd with my friend to start off my TDing for the week and we got a decent armor split:




    He kind of got bored and had homework so I continued soloing for a day or so and got a lump...




    After that I really wanted to continue for claws and I decided to log on for 2 kills one morning before school and got a shard:




    Well now deciding that I'd solo until claws or the end of Wednesday night I went hardcore because of this week without homework and got an odd immunity glitch:




    I logged on today and said claws by the time I go to bed or I'm just going back to slayer. Well I was soloing and my internet decided to die for a minute and I died and lost about 500k in supplies and said.....well skip this I'ma go to clan wars for the rest of the night. Well my friend logs on and him being bad at td's comes up and I offer to teach him. We go and he's not so good even though he's a 135 because he never does bosses. He is having some trouble and is eating a lot, but he is learning. He had to go answer the phone and I continued soloing until he came back and wahh-lah!




    Plan to slay the rest of the weekend even though I'll be busy. I'll for sure get 98 though!

  8. Well I've been tding for the past week or so whenever I had a chance to get on. Duo'd with my friend to start off my TDing for the week and we got a decent armor split:




    He kind of got bored and had homework so I continued soloing for a day or so and got a lump...




    After that I really wanted to continue for claws and I decided to log on for 2 kills one morning before school and got a shard:




    Well now deciding that I'd solo until claws or the end of Wednesday night I went hardcore because of this week without homework and got an odd immunity glitch:




    I logged on today and said claws by the time I go to bed or I'm just going back to slayer. Well I was soloing and my internet decided to die for a minute and I died and lost about 500k in supplies and said.....well skip this I'ma go to clan wars for the rest of the night. Well my friend logs on and him being bad at td's comes up and I offer to teach him. We go and he's not so good even though he's a 135 because he never does bosses. He is having some trouble and is eating a lot, but he is learning. He had to go answer the phone and I continued soloing until he came back and wahh-lah!



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