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Posts posted by Naraku893

  1. honestly, the people who are supposedly quitting due to jagex don't matter anyways. jiblix was just a forum moderator and a level 3 in runescape so he was a scrub to begin with. I never even heard of him until his name came up in this thread. Zarfot is the only person who made an impact on this game and quit due to jagex. most others had other life commitments that are more important than Rs. if you guys don't like an aspect of runescape then quit too. no one is forcing you to play a game. obviously your life must be pretty crappy in general if you have nothing better to do than play a game you hate. i'll probably get a ban for saying this but i don't really care because it's getting sickening to come on these forums everyday and hear people whinning about how miserable their lives are because theres a bot at their favorite spot or because jagex released an update that gives the company money so they can put it back into the company to make more updates. [cabbage]s not cheap in this world. be thankful you have anything. theres people out there that don't have shoes for their feet and have to drink puddle water and don't know if they will get to eat today. our world is degenerating so quickly with all these belligerent little kids who cry if something doesn't go their way.






    being level 3 doesn't make you a scrub. in fact, anyone who uses the word scrub is an idiot.

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