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About Furah

  • Birthday 04/22/1992

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    Australia, mining some Australium.

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  1. From a fellow Tip.It'er, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you would like some extra fun, don't forget to drop in on the Forum Games! ^_^

  2. Furah


    So apparently I'm the only person in the class to understand that midnight Tuesday is 1 minute after 23:59 Monday. Not 1 minute after 23:59 Tuesday. Unfortunately this is a group assignment, so we're losing 5%. Oh, and use case diagrams make no sense with only 1 actor. For a brief period same-sex marriage was legal in the ACT here in Aus. Then it was made illegal again. While it was legal everything was fine, making it illegal again turned the country to shit. In Aus you don't start paying your debt until you're making over 40k/year. It's also all handled by the government (for now at least, anyway) As an introvert, I disagree.
  3. Furah


    Everyone tries making funny sounds during sex. I just play pokemon. Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTc3PsW5ghQ
  4. Furah


    Ah, my first time...
  5. Furah


    Urgh, don't remind me. :(
  6. Furah


    Took my car in to replace the brakes, and for a checkup at lunchtime. At 5pm they told me it was ready, but as they were closing I'd have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up. Which is good because uni starts on Monday. They also hammered the exhaust due to a previous owner got a wrong part welded in which caused the exhaust to start banging into the car, but I still need to get it replaced. Which will be after I've spoken to some exhaust specialist we deliver to. Is that really going to stop you? Translated: 90s night at Philly bar. Struggling to type this due to auto correct. I'm old as [bleep], aka 22. Yay me. City wife (ale) were $5 each, whiskey sour were $3 each. Got egged in 7/11 parking lot. I lol'd. Pretty decent birthday night. Tomorrow (my actual birthday) is going to suck. But it sure beats being 20. Turning 21 was good though. I'll give it (22nd birthday) an 8/10. I'd do it Again. #attempatseeminghip This stuff is relatively tame though.
  7. Furah


    I like the temp to be around 15. I'll work with C and F on that one, but not K.
  8. Oh great one, teach me your organisational skills. Mines a big mess of everything thrown in.
  9. Furah


    Yeah... I don't think they understand scientists. It's like when people talk about alternative medicine. If it was proven to work it'd be called medicine, and sold by companies. If they can sell you bottled water from your local municipal supply for a few dollars per bottle (I'm on water tank and if it runs out it's $100 for a truck to deliver 20,000L), they can sell you healing herbs for an arm and a leg. I mean, if you could prove cannabis to be profitable for pharmaceutical companies, they'd be selling that alongside their current medicines. That's not true. If you're taking the view that pharmaceutical companies are entirely motivated by money and not by saving lives, then the medicine that's going to cost more is going to be the one they promote. It'd be tough to sell fish oil at the same price as a round of chemotherapy (that's not a real example, but from what my dad has told me, a lot of alternative medicine cancer cures are around that price range). The problem is, these are things that already have established pricing, and those prices just don't compare to the prices of current medicines. With your water example, you're not necessarily paying for the extra water, you're paying for the societal damage when you use a lot more water than the expected per household allotment, since water is kind of a precious commodity nowadays. Edit: This is definitely not a view I entirely share, since I don't believe that pharmaceutical companies are entirely motivated by greed, but that's the gist of the argument anyway. I'm not saying they're entirely motivated by money, but once the company gets large that becomes the main focus, were it no already. Being the first, if not only, big player to be selling working 'alternative medicine' would put them on a massive playing field with what would be a completely untapped market. From what I've seen alternative medicine going for, even at the established price they'd be making huge profits. Added on to that, they could provide you with cancer-curing fish oil, with 3x the ingredient that fights cancer, at only 10x the price! The patented formula makes it more powerful than taking 10x the fish oil, so at the end of the day you're coming out ahead. Oh, I don't know about your country, but in mine pharmaceutical companies like to prey on new doctors giving them medicine cheap or free, so that as soon as they see them working, they'll only recommend that brand, even if there could be a better brand out there. They can even not allow for brand substitutions.
  10. Furah


    Finally got my desk organised and looking pretty. Now to see how long I can keep it this way. Best guess is until my gf is next over. I know the feeling man. Yeah... I don't think they understand scientists. It's like when people talk about alternative medicine. If it was proven to work it'd be called medicine, and sold by companies. If they can sell you bottled water from your local municipal supply for a few dollars per bottle (I'm on water tank and if it runs out it's $100 for a truck to deliver 20,000L), they can sell you healing herbs for an arm and a leg. I mean, if you could prove cannabis to be profitable for pharmaceutical companies, they'd be selling that alongside their current medicines.
  11. Furah


    Had my friend's funeral on Wed. His mum was pretty much balling her eyes out whenever she wasn't speaking. His dad seemed fine until he spoke, his hands were shaking, but then he calmed down a bit. When the coffin was driven off, his dad just broke down. It was the saddest thing I've witnessed, everyone was crying, and I couldn't even force myself to. It just really hit me hard. It's one thing when I see people feeling something I'm struggling to, it's just plain awful that when I can't imitate it. Over the weekend, however, I helped move things between two rooms, including a piano, which got stuck on carpet at one point and the other person had to vault the keys to be able to help get it unstuck, as it was in a doorway at the time. Next time it needs to be moved, I plan on being in a different country. Actually, it'd be battery he'd be arrested for, assault is the threat of violence, battery is once physical contact occurs. Depending on his visa, it could be a deportable offence, too. Unless you're running a server, don't buy a WD Black, or Red (the quieter Black). Get a Blue. Hitachi also seem to be good with failures, but their HD business seems to have been recently purchased by WD anyway. Seagate are basically the consumer HDD kings with their Barracuda line, just don't go with them for servers.
  12. Furah


    I'm really starting to come to grips with the fact that my friend is dead. It sucks so much. He laid dead in a ditch for 2 month before being found, and had to be identified by his dental records. I wish I was on good enough terms with the cops here to invite them to a party. Every year cops show up to the xmas party for my dad's family. I mean, they're invited and family, but still. One of them is the only cop in his town, so not only do the cops show up, but the entire police force for one town is there. Should invite them to my birthday this year.
  13. Furah


    So they had a big manhunt for a friend of mine yesterday who has been missing since November. They found skeletal remains near where he was last seen, and a jumper that may have been the one he was last seen wearing. I've been told his older sister made a RIP page/group for him today, so it seems that he's dead. They're doing a post mortem on the body tomorrow. He was my best friend for a few years, and I feel nothing.
  14. Furah


    Got a laptop for free, currently awaiting the parts to fix it to arrive. I hope they arrive on Friday, and not Monday. It's great because the parts cost $86 delivered. The laptop itsefl (I forget which one) is over $500 used. *pats on head* Welcome to adulthood. If you're in a country that allows drinking you can now/continue drinking in pubs and buying drinks.
  15. With the exception of melee the new system makes sense and is a bette guide, especially when coupled with EoC. Because when it comes to PvP, there's nothing that prayer offers past level 71 that gives any decent advatage. Soul split will see you die faster as to match the damage reduction of protect or deflect you need to be hitting 5x as much as you're being hit, and turmoil is only a 2% boost over piety, while draining your ppoints faster. Summoning is also immediately obvious by the familiar following them. Why it is part of the combat formula I'll never understand.
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