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  1. What is fastest way to train def with range? And i can spend only about 300k for 70 - 75 def. P.S. My Range - 82, Def - 62
  2. Dorgeshuun c'bow or rune c'bow with bronze bolts? What is better for training, and whitch can hit more?
  3. How many crimsons you get per hour and whats your combat lvl?
  4. Is'nt there any 70-80 lvl monsters or weaker, what drop crimsons pretty usuall?
  5. What monsters drop lot of crimson charms? also my combat lvl is 109 and I need monsters with 100- combat lvl
  6. Do I need to verify my address or/and add my credit/debit card if I want to become P2P by Money bookers?
  7. Nice guide, but you dont write what they can drop in f2p worlds
  8. what is fastest way to raise thieving from 34 to 53?
  9. I want to join tip.it clan chat, but i dont know who is owner :?
  10. What f2p items they can drop and where are they?
  11. What is the best place to kill blue dragons?
  12. Ok i will go to blue dragons for blue dragonhide and bones
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