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Posts posted by Hi9im8Here7

  1. As for autoers, its time Jagex takes a stance. Either they ignore the problem and continue with updating the game, or they take more of there resources and put a dent in the auto population. Ruining the game for its customers is not a good marketing scheme.




    +1. Either Jagex ignores them or they should eliminate them completely. There's no middle ground.




    Some of the randoms make the game more "life-like" and should stay in play




    It kinda makes it less life-like when i'm getting Mr. Hyde every ten minutes while hunting.

  2. Well, I run Mozilla Firefox and I constantly use two extensions: Adblock and NoScript. I have probably broken this rule at least once in my RS career, and I have no blackmarks/bans to show for it. Which leads me to think that this rule can't really be enforced.








    i use adblock plus and it's always filtered out the ad's on runescape. To be honest, there's no way in hell i'm turning my filter off and leaving myself open to annoying ads, pop-ups and the like just to conform to this rule.




    Same here. The adds not only slow down my browser, but some of them are rather questionable to the point where I don't want to look at them.




    Rule 15 is nothing but a scare tactic. If they can't stop macroers what makes you think they can stop people that use firefox? :P




    EDIT: Firefox has a special program called Adblocker plus that does this. You have to go to their website and download it or the ads will load like normal. It would also be a good idea to right click it once you have it and tell it to ignore Java applets.

  3. Why you are all arguing about this being true or not? Read this, register it somewhere in your dusty head, then if someday the government truly wants to do a NAU, and a NWO, then it will be the time to bring out the pearl out of your head, and SAY NO!




    They are doing it. Right now. Hence this thread.




    None of you have access to this information, no one knows what is going on for sure, you just repeat other people's darned opinions and facts, be it the governments, skeptics, conspiracy scholars, then you mix up some ad hominem statements, but in fact you are just a dumb joe sitting in front of your computer with no idea what is going on or not.




    Actually I like to believe I have a pretty good idea what's going on. I'm no expert, but i'm not stupid if that's what you're thinking.




    Actually, just having an opinion on this is stupid.




    What do you mean?



    Just sit with a watchful eye and watch the events unfold, and if needed, act to protect your rights. They are you're rights, everyone should protect them regardless of their beliefs!




    The only way to protect my rights at this point is to get the word out to as many people as I can. If I don't do that when the time comes hardly anyone will even care anymore.



    Why the hell didn't you protect your rights when Bush decided he could do whatever he wanted to YOU based on the assumption you could be a terrorist?! Have you forgotten what United States was based on? Have you forgotten what your ancestors have fought and died for?!





    i remembered, and i'm trying to get other people to remmeber. :P





    Sometimes I wonder if the human race is even worth trying to save. Are a species that ignorant, selfish, self-centered, egocentric, arrogant, agressive race even worth living? Heh, serious doubts on that. As usual, humans have failed to learn from history, and will repeat past mistakes over and over. The human race might aswell be annihalated right now, our planet would be much better without us, and we would stop all this pointlessness.




    Oh my god what did you just say? Do you even realize how violent you're sounding? Just because humans are easily fooled they don't have a right to exist? Just because i'm trying to counteract that I don't have a right to exist?




    You're starting to sound like a globalist. :uhh:








    EDIT: I didn't have enough. IGNORE if you TRULY aren't in the 80%, OBVIOUSLY, Why do people have to repeat that over and over, isn't OBVIOUS? If you are in the 80% I despise, then this is for you, don't take offence, it is the raw truth. I'm not here to ego-debate with you, I have to specify that because your first idiotic instinct is to do so, well give it up, I DON'T care anymore, go PLAY OUTSIDE INSTEAD.




    You mean do you think i'm in the "intelligent" top 20% who think they're better than everyone else? I think not. :roll:




    Don't divide the world into classes, that's human's first mistake. The people like you in power think it's OK to massacre 80% of the population to "save" the planet. It may not seem like that, but keep your eyes open.




    I am sick of you egocentric, [wagon], you form 80% of the population of this planet. Oh I know, you will reply saying I'm the stupid one blah blah blah, that's the kind of stupid thing that you do that makes you [wagon] in the first place. Have a nice day, and kill yourself while you are at it, you know you are an egocentric, ignorant person, and yet you arrogantly still want to exist and obviously you think you are so much superior to everyone else. Truth? Child games, you are a stupid and selfish as our leaders. Money money money, the sweet illusion of the idiotic. Sick of it, rotten scumbags, most of you don't deserve even living, and the actual intelligent people are stuck with you! You even get in stupid little arguments, ego arguments with the intelligent, and of course since you are more skilled in the stupid ego debates, you "own" the intelligent. Feel good doesn't it? Well I'm SICK of it, there's no way to get an intelligent conversation going with you CHILDREN, you turn it into THIS, UNEDUCATED statements; ad hominems attacks, "Omg that's so not true". Can it get any dumber? And yes, I'm PISSED you noticed? Pissed to deal with the bunch of idiots you are! Pissed! I'm saying you something VERY simple. DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. And yet you will still find a way to complain about that, or to find an EXCUSE to do NOTHING! Just admit it, you are LAZY, and you would rather be enslave that to have to do anything to help yourself, and your country! You should be ashamed!




    That is one of the most hateful things I have ever heard. Just take a deep breath and calm down for a moment.




    I am trying to defend my rights, have I ever said otherwise? And i'm trying to do it to the best of my knowledge. Does that make me a lazy "scumbag"?




    Your post has made me confident that what i'm doing is the right thing. I can't let this sort of illusion of the stupid vs. the smart go on. It's more like the people vs. the control freaks.




    I'm not going to argue with what you're saying. I can't argue with madness. But i'll give you a chance to retract them if you were doing this in a rage.

  4. I never said that I didn't consider the possibility. I said that I highly doubted it. There's a difference.




    The evidence you provided was convincing, but not enough to get me to believe that the U.S. Government deliberately killed thousands of people.




    Sorry if I misunderstood you. Getting you to think about stuff like this is this thread's goal anyway.

  5. Ok maybe I'm not being clear on what I'm trying to say here.


    I just want to focus on keeping the government from getting worse before we try to make it better.




    Oh, ok. :mrgreen:

  6. I honestly read most of that. Occasionally skipping over part. I lost a lot of respect when you encouraged people to "go to wikipedia and learn about it".




    I believe wikipedia is a good source of information for a quick read. It's when you want to write a detailed or something around those grounds when I stop reading it.




    Of course, your opinion on the website may be different than mine, but that really doesn't give you grounds to dismiss this entire thread when that clearly isn't what i'm trying to say.






    ]I'm not saying that most wikipedia articles are un-accurate. But they are.




    Er, what? You just made a statement in one sentence while simultaneously contradicting it in the very next.





    Then the links to propaganda, and conspiracy theories. Sorry, but the American government, or any other government didn't cause the atrocities of 9/11 or 7th July in Britain. Or the madrid train bombings. Or the countless other bombings worldwide. The notion that they did is fairly ludicrous.




    I think everyone here is acting a bit naive. Before we can answer of the question of how involved they were in these terrible attacks we have to answer whether or not humans are capable of this. And history has shown that they caertainly are. All we have to do is look at our history books.




    How ludicrous could it possibly be? Where are your sources? Where is your evidence that i'm wrong?




    Well what do you know, you posted a link to an Alex Jones video.








    What's wrong with Alex Jones? Just because you don't like him personally you choose to disregard this whole thread?




    My country is in alot of trouble, and Alex seems to be one of the few who admits it. Do you think I want to believe him? Do you think I want to believe that our government is lying to us? Of course not. But I will not deny the facts.




    It's true, and it had to be said, good job Hi9im.




    The people on tip.it are very narrow-minded. If you can just awaken one person to the truth, it would be a success. In all cases, if they don't awaken to reality, I have the feeling they will die. It's my gut feeling, I won't question it.




    Thank you. I was about to go pull my hair off. :wall:




    But seriously, I don't think it's fair to blame them for their behavior just because they go to Tipit. I'm almost certain I would get laughed at wherever I put this.





    No we are not norrow minded we just prefer to see real evidence




    Have you even been listening? If you would have just looked a little farther you would've uncovered tons of it.




    I said it in my first post and i'll say it again. Don't believe me!!! Believe the facts!!! I want you to be skeptical and curious so that you'll look farther and try to deny the multile pieces of smoking gun evidence in 911 alone. Make the effort to actually do what i'm asking you to do and investigate. I have admitted that I am inexperienced and directed you to several videos I have come across to give you an idea of what's happening. It all comes down to whether or not you're ready to listen.




    The American government is undeniably corrupt, but I highly doubt that they were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.




    You know that our government is corrupt, and yet you fail to even consider the possibility? Do you know how those people think?




    You're going to get flamed a lot. I don't beleive all thats said, but it's better to take a stand from a critical viewpoint than it is to insult people that do. My advice would be to read some of the counter evidence to documentries like "Loose Change" instead of hearing one side of the argument. Some questions will always remain though.




    When I found loose change I tried to be the government's advocate. I gave them the benefit of the doubt as long as I could until I couldn't put up with it anymore. I'm not trying to be one sided.




    Of course I don't listen to one theory continuously. I'm doing this because I would agree with everything Alex Jones says no matter what or anything like that (though many of you are sounding like that unfortunately).




    EDIT: sorry for the grammar error, what I meant to say is I wouldn't.




    Oh btw, did anyone here even bother to watch loose change?



    Having an open mind towards alternate truths does not make them automatically true.

    True, but you're completely killing off the possibility even before you know anything about it.




    You practically believe every loony theory out there, as far as I can see.




    Sorry but that's completely false. I can't speak for highlanders, but I don't believe in the bermuda triangle, or big foot, or the loch ness monster for that matter. But I do believe in this, because I have read alot about world history and I know these things have happened over and over again.

  7. Most of us don't realize it, but there's a war going on. No, i'm not talking about the one in Iraq, but the one here, right on American soil. The once great republic is slowly being transformed by it's own government from a peace-loving democracy to an imperialist police state.




    This thing has been going on for all human history. Ever since the time of the cavemen, there have been individuals seeking to gain control of their fellow humans. Just look at Rome, and at all the moral atrocities that resulted from it. That empire and many others has shown us time and again how cruel and sadistic governments can become if given the chance.




    But there was one time, when the opportunity presented itself, the ruling class did not disintegrate into autocracy. That time was the American revolution. By an act of God, instead of taking after the oppressive imperialism which characterized most of the European powers at the time, the founding fathers chose to adopt democracy, and to write up a certain document called the Constitution guaranteeing individual rights in this new experimental government.






    "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."-George Washington (also turned down the offer of dictatorship)




    I won't go into very much detail, but for the most part for the next 130 years the republic thrived and America had established itself as a major country.




    Right around this time is when the nation started to deteriorate. The industrial revolution meant the division between the working class and the elite rose sharply. Big corporations started to gain a lot of influence. Somewhere here is when people forgot what America stood for, even know it may not have shown up until years later...




    Since then there has been a subtle push for more government power (the classic tragedy of human nature catching up on us). Of course, they (the globalists: the guys who stand for one-world government and control over every aspect of your lives) can't just do that by themselves. Since we are still technically living a democracy, they need the people's support.




    So how do they get the people's support? That's obvious. They have to give the people a reason to believe that the government needs these new powers or they won't be able to carry out their jobs. So how do they do that? By presenting outside threats, whether real or imagined, to their nation, to scare the populace into giving their masters more power.




    This happened is world war two, when they imprisoned thousands of Japanese immigrants in internment camps to prevent the risk of them spying on us.




    It was most prevelant in the cold war, especially during the infamous McCarthy era (go look on wikipedia(or other source of information that's reliable. I personally believe that wikipedia is good. Don't try to discredit this thread because of this one fact.) and learn about it!!!). The government used the outside threat of communism in order to reaffirm it's control. Now I understand that the communists were considered the enemy, and that certain security measures had to be taken, but not to the extent that it happened.




    This new threat, the one we're facing in the twentieth century, is very similar. All you have to do is switch out communism for terrorism, and you're in 2007, albeit it isn't that bad yet, though I think eventually will be if we have another attack.




    More and more now, the threat of terrorists scares many Americans. And because of this they allow the constitution to be torn up by some of the most evil men imaginable. We're losing the right to free speech, the right to a speedy trial, the right to own firearms, and many others in the name of the so called war on terror.




    I know that this is extremely hard to hear for a patriotic American, but remember, it's your duty to defend country from attack from all fronts, and this includes threats from inside. Stay with me.




    The evidence has shown it. There's not one smoking gun. There's hundreds. All of the recent terrorist attacks, including 911, were conceived, directed, and covered up by the government in order to get the people behind an unjust war of imperialism for profit. It is well documented fact, not some wild conspiracy.




    This isn't just for America. It's for everywhere. The London bombings were caused by the government too.




    In no way do I expect you to believe this straight away. That would be arrogant. I want you to be skeptical, but I also want you to be curious so that you can investigate the evidence yourself, as I did, and realize what's happening.




    I could go on for hours pointing out all of the facts I have learned in the few months i've been researching this, but I don't have to. I can point you out to several very good documentaries all made people much more informed than me. But that will come later.




    Before you dismiss this as a wild conspiracy theory, just think, if there was even a one in a million chance that what i'm saying is true, do you think the founding fathers would want to spend the time investigating further to make sure it isn't?




    I want you to prove me wrong. I want you to watch the videos I will direct you to, and I want you to prove them false, and make sure there is no threat to your country. And until you can do that without a single seed of doubt, it's your duty as an american to guard your country over your government (this applies to everyone else not from america too).




    So, are you ready for the evidence. Maybe, but I would like you to do one thing first.




    Did you know that the vast majority of americans don't even know the five basic rights granted to them in the constitution? I find this rather sad. Before you face the possible revelation that your government might not be what it seems, I want you to go read the constitution, bill of rights, and declaration of independence (you can easily find them on search engines). Only when you have read and completely understood them (not just skimming. concentrate!) do I recommend you proceed forward.




    And if you live in another country, go re-read your own respective constitutions, and look at what rights you have.




    My personal goal is to also have the bill of rights completely memorized, if that might also interest you.




    The reason I want you to do this is because when people don't even know what their own rights are George Bush can say "Oh, well it's in the constitution to search your home without a warrant" and nobody will care, even know the fourth amendment specifically prohibits that.








    If you've read this far, I would like to congratulate on you caring enough about your country to go put in the effort to re-read your country's most sacred legal documents, and also for even listening to me.




    I'm done using my own words in this argument. You need more experienced people in fighting the new world order following you now.




    When you first look at these documentaries, my challenge to you is try to disprove them as best as you can. In doing so you will realize that you cannot disprove them and that they are speaking the truth.




    Despite skepticism, I can't stress enough that you need to take these things dead seriously. You're in a new age. The future of not only your country but the entire world could be at stake. Don't take any assumptions with you. Take nothing for granted. Open-mindness is key.




    That will be all. Now on to the evidence. First of all, let's tackle 911. Loose Change is an excellent documentary on what really happens and presents the cold scientific facts proving that 911 was an inside job. Your job, among other things, is to explain how such a big passenger jet plane could make such a small hole in the pentagon, clarify how thermite (you'll find out about it in the video) mysteriously showed up in the WTC, and why the government is being so secretive about it. URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change+recut




    Did you know that there is no law in existance requiring you to pay a federal income tax? And that it's not really being used for government services? Aaron Russo's documentary "America: Freedom to Fascism" will make you learn a lot about how corrupt government really is. All you have to do in this one is show me the law. URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173&q=freedom+to+fascism&total=1007&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0




    This is perhaps the most intense one of all. Alex Jones's "TerrorStorm" is both a brief history of government sponsored terrorism and a wake up call bigger than you'll likely get anywhere else. URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6885277369482418431&q=Terrorstorm%3A+Final+Cut+Special&total=14&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0




    EDIT: Also see a transcript of David Ray Griffin's lecture: 9/11 and the american empire. Very interesting stuff. URL: http://www.911review.com/articles/griffin/madison.html




    I know that watching all of these will require a specific investment in time, but your country's worth it. Just devote some of your time to watch one a day.




    Of course watching these are only a starting block. You still need to do alot of research about history and human nature on your own. Places like http://www.infowars.com provide you with a reliable media search without the government spin.




    What i'm trying to say here, and it's probably the most important thing mentioned in this whole thread, but knowledge is power. The globalists know that, so they attempt keep the knowledge for themselves. They know that the vast majority of the citizens of the world are ignorant of what's happening, and as long as they can maintain that ignorance, they'll stay in power. The wars of the 21st century won't be fought with tanks or bombers. They will be fought with terror and propaganda. Arm yourself with information. If you know how things are and have been working in the world you'll be invulnerable to this manipulation.




    I know I am probably going to get flamed for posting something so controversial, but it needs to be done, and if no one else if going to do it I certainly will.




    Sorry if i'm sounding like a bit of a nut, but it makes me sick how far my country has descended into a fascist police state. We are in an illegal war, not for reconstruction of a nation, but for oil and empire. The rights of the people are being encroached on everyday by the globalists. We need to do something about it before it's too late. Death to the new world order. Death to globalism. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  8. I never said that I didn't want the government to get better. If there was anything I could do that might change things for the better, I'd be the first one to attempt it.




    I'm just saying that I'm one of those people who appreciate what they have. There are a lot of times where my corrupt government really pisses me off, but then I look at other countries who aren't as fortunate and would kill for the political system we have and realize that we could be worse off.




    If we don't do everything we can now we will be worse off.

  9. I actually just read that same article earlier today. \'




    I listened to his interview on the Alex Jones show and he said we have a 50 percent chance of going into a depression. :(




    He also said there's no way to avoid this impending crisis. The only thing up to question now is how fast it'll happen.




    Unless you want to lose your home, i'd recommend you pay off all your debts immediately, even if it means cutting back. If what this economist says happens and you're not prepared you just might be in big trouble.

  10. Haha, thats funny, my desk at school was a testament to all my favourite bands, you should of seen it. <3:




    But yeah, we're either not hearing the full story or it was a stunt to teach the kids a lesson as school graffeti could be a major problem?




    I really don't think so. Although I can't be certain, I think the media has it right this time. And even if that were true, this is still a plainly obvious case of excessive force.




    And the author of this thread is right that this should be a wake up to all freedom loving Americans of what's happening to our country.

  11. Sorry guys, but global warming really isn't one of my top priorities when I have a 100 year long imperialist motivated government sponsored terror spree to deal with.




    I'll admit that recent foundings probably do have some scientific basis, and it just might pose a threat to humanity in the near future (just might). But honestly, anything the scientists say are hugely exaggerated by greedy politicians like Al Gore who just want more power in society (watch him, he is going to run for something soon, and he's going to use his new-found influence with his horribly biased documentary.








    Go watch the other side of the argument for me please.

  12. What happened to that rule where the conditions or setences you get must be equal in degree of the crime?




    Writing "okay" on a desk is definatly not a crime at all. Show me where it is.




    America is starting to suck big time now.. it won't be long till were no longer "free"












    If you're interested, i'd like you to go watch this:








    It's a very interesting documentary related to this.




    It'll help explain what would take hours to do by myself.




    I'd also recommend it to anyone else. Even if it sounds crazy at first, watch the whole thing.


    If patriotism makes you close your eyes from the mistakes done by your goverment. In my eyes true patriotic defends and supports his country, not his goverment. Do you feel like it was right to support NSDAP's policy in Germany?




    Hohto's right. I don't think the founding fathers wanted us to blindly defend all the government's actions. They wanted us to constantly scrutinize everything they do to prevent corruption, uphold justice, and above all, make sure our fundamental liberties are maintained. I understand this is very difficult for a patriotic american to hear, but history has shown us that power corrupts.




    Even if there's only one-millionth of a chance that the government isn't upholding morality, you have a duty as an american to watch as closely as you can for signs of degradation.






    Again, you don't get the point. When we critisize your goverment, we don't lynch every American. There's cool americans who can use their own brains.




    That's correct also. The only people that are killers are on the top. The rest just think they're serving their country. It's how it's always been.




    WW1 is a great example. The average private on the field wasn't fighting because of imperialist greed. He was being a patriotic German, or Englishman, or Frenchman, etc. Do you think he liked going to war? Of course not. He only did it because his respective monarch (who was fighting purely for profit) told him to.




    Same in Iraq and Afghanistan. The big world leaders decided they wanted more oil, so they used 9/11 as an exuce to do it.








    Which genocide did you stop in Iraq or Afganistan? Saddam was judged for something he did during he was your allie and you still supported his regime few years after it.




    People don't care if some madman goes and kills thousands of people unless it conflicts with their own interests.





    You got the power, but that doesn't make you any better. No country should have the right to act like USA currently is acting.





    That's how all great empires have acted.







    I'm not Venomai, but lets still answer. Even tho world piece is an unreachable fantasy (at least currently), it can't be the excuse for wars and misery. We may not stop all wars, but we can affect to the number of them.




    I agree, there will always be conflict and you can't stop that. But you can dramatically reduce it (and not by doing what we are currently :( ).





    I find this rather funny. You judged violent acts from "terrorists" and same time you support it from your side. You gotta understand that when you use violence against someone, he most likely will use it against you. To stop violence you should not use it, tho: answering to violece with violence is an endless circle. A counterattack always follows a counterattack.




    Sadly few understand that. :wall:





    I'll admit that the government is corrupt. But imagine where we would be with no government at all. I'd rather have a corrupted government then none at all.




    I'd rather live on a deserted island than in a corrupt fascist police state.




    America is being hijacked.




    (I'm an American. And my dad is currently in Afghanistan)

  14. A shop or factory in which employees work long hours at low wages under poor conditions.



    16 hours


    0.50 cents an hour





    Sounds like a sweatshop to me -.-




    It looks bad, but remember, this is China. It would be the same low-income situation as a Chinese factory worker, for example.




    For some reason people think little kids are forced to play these games. They're not. The people that work there aren't evil. They're just trying to make a living. The chance of destroying a game's economy certainly isn't going to stop them. That doesn't mean we should ignore gold farmers, but please, cut out all the ignorant rhetoric about "those evil chinese shweatshops".


    No, you said that it was exagerated to call those shops sweatshops, and what highlander did is provide the dictionary definition and show you that indeed those shops are sweatshops, end of the sotry.




    If you would constitute that a sweatshop, then China is filled with them. It's nothing special.

  15. Though, it kind of irritates me that Jagex didn't include either world 1 or 2 as the official trade worlds, when those are VERY well known trade worlds.




    The reason they did that is probably to disperse the runescape population a little more so they'll start trading in different worlds. They don't want the game's two crowd est worlds to get even more crowded. They'd be impossible to get into.




    That is true.






    Shot at 2007-08-13




    I was right. \'


    Second Admendment- The right of the people to keep and bear Arms


    Many gun stores around the state are deabting wether or not their should be a required liscense to purchase guns.




    Guns don't kill people, People with guns kill people.


    Ok. So a shotgun is neccesary to kill a deer? A rifle is neccesary to defend yourself from an intruder? No. Hand guns are fine. Machine guns are pointless. You don't need 50 shots to kill a deer.[/quote=hellzbellz]




    I could say the same about handguns. Unless I'm mistaken, you don't go hunting with a handgun. Handguns are made for shooting people, and people alone. Since shooting people is illegal, then they should be illegal? What do people need them for if they're rule-abiding citizens? If you say 'to defend themselves', well if nobody had them (no criminals) then there would be nothing to defend from. I know it's too late to change it now, since there'd be a huge black market for guns, but if guns had never been sold to the public besides hunting equipment, it'd be a lot better today then it is now.




    I agree more so with the machine guns, I mean why could you possibly need one for anything*?




    *By anything, I mean legal things. So don't say 'For shooting people of course'




    Thanks for stomping on the second amendment.




    "Guard with jeolous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." -Patrick Henry




    "I ask sir, who is the militia? It is the whole people...To disarm the people, that is the best and most effective way to enslave them..." - George Mason




    "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword because the whole body of people are armed and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States..." -Noah Webster




    In 1929 the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.




    Of course, I don't want to sound one-sided. I'll put someone in who agrees with you on this:




    "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." -Adolf Hitler, 1935 :shock:




    You get my point?

  17. Though, it kind of irritates me that Jagex didn't include either world 1 or 2 as the official trade worlds, when those are VERY well known trade worlds.




    The reason they did that is probably to disperse the runescape population a little more so they'll start trading in different worlds. They don't want the game's two crowd est worlds to get even more crowded. They'd be impossible to get into.

  18. from what i understand about gp in runescape is that there are many ways off just using it on npc's




    the runescape market is only there because people han the bright idea to trade money for items i mean whats the problem with just trading the items you have for the items you want, thats why its called a trade system




    people on this game think money makes runescape go and dont think about what they do on runescape




    take this for example a player decides he wants a better magic level, he thinks the easy way is to high alch yew bows so he starts getting money for it




    one week later he has the wanted level and 2x his money




    now for a different way, the player looks at his skills he see's rune crafting and mining and decides to do them also, 1 week later he has higher rune crafting and mining along side the runes he needs to get the level he wants




    then he starts killing green dragons, burying bones and banking hides as he is going 1 week later he has higher prayer and magic level with enuf hides for crafting




    Very few people will do absolutely everything themselves (I have seen a few...).




    Are you seriously suggesting that runescape become a barter economy? Come on do you know how detrimental that could be? It would be almost impossible to make a trade.




    Money is the representation of labor somebody put into the game. People get it through one form of labor and trade it for another form. It's simple economics. The reason hardly anybody does things themselves is because they would just be less efficient that way (ex. it's much more cost effective just buying your p ess instead of mining it yourself if you're alching nats).




    You don't like people's obsession with money? Welcome to america. <.<




    Inflation does sound bad, but I don't think it would solely wreak the economy. Just remember, while all those alchers in seers are bringing money into the game, all those monster hunters at the KQ are bringing merchandise like d chains into the game.




    Of course the system might not be perfect, but like I said, the federal banks really do print money without any backing when they need it. :shock:




    The only thing I would worry about is a half-baked update or bug that single-handedly wreaked the economy (you know it would be kind of interesting witnessing the implications of economic phases through an online game :) )

  19. well, you have to think of one important thing... everyone has a different view of a good time, and what is useless to one might not be to another. they're adding content that they would enjoy playing, and they admit to it. if you worked with their content team, you'd be adding what you wanted in-game, and someone else would have the exact same thread posted here.


    i'll go with an example of useful/useless to start off. many people would say the meat tenderizer of RFD is a poor weapon to use in combat, as it's basically a rune warhammer with more work involved and a different look. people use it simply because it's a fun weapon to have and looks cool. people use the satchels for looks as well, how many people who wear them do you think actually have a sandwich in there?




    I understand that people may still want items like the satchel for looks. But the update really seems like a waste when it could've had a practical use put on it.




    I'm not demanding that Jagex cater to the player at every corner. I'm simply asking them to consider things like usefullness when they think up an update.

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