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Posts posted by Rsdude099

  1. Well, this is my personal opinion about the game RuneScape. Many of you probably won't like it because it is against RuneScape but if you feel that way, just don't read it.




    When you compare this game to other MMORPG games now a days, you may think it is fun but I look at it and think "How do people enjoy this game?". When I look at it, not ONE stat takes ANY skill to get up, and fighting.....don't even mention it, it's click wand wait....wow. The game in my opinion is entirely made for people to leave their real life and feel much more popular in this virtual world since you can be a whole different person in this game and be better than many more people. Most people don't think of it that way though, they think of it as "I'm so good at this game, I have 99 ______." I think this is bad because it just shows you have too much time in your life and you waste your life on soemthing like this. In this game you can easily feel that it makes you better then other people, that your "good" at this game, and many other reasons. High skills show nothing to me than a lot of time wasted on worthless stats on a game that has no productivity. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but it is just my opinion.




    Another thing is the outfits people wear. People will put on their best outfit/armor and walk around entirely for the purpose of trying to feel cool. They will high alc or something along with that and simply stand out of a group so people will look at them. I don't deny that looking good is important in the game, but its not something you do only to look good and try to show off.




    If you go up to someone in RuneScape and need some help, need to borrow a tiny bit of money, or anything like that, I can almost guarantee you won't get anything. This game revolves 99% around money and it is the games one major downfall that has ruined it for sure. I cannot stress on this enough, if they changed how money was used in some way them autoers would stop since money wasn't needed as much, scammers would lessen, and much much more. If they make most items non-tradeable then this game would be improved by soooo much. I was curious how bad this really was so i go up to a level 30 doing free gem cutting and give him a sapphire and guess what he does.....LOGS OUT! pathetic, and I have done this multiple times just to be curious since i have 100 + gems and every single time it is the same thing. This brings me to my next point, bans and black marks.




    Also, another reason I think you enjoy this game so much is because in real life you don't get as much attention you like and aren't much of a "leader", but when you sign onto this game you love all the attention you get from people that are lower levels than you and follow you. Yet again, I find this wrong since it is just a game and your just not happy enough with the real world. This doesn't apply to everyone though, but I know it does to a lot. People say they don't like being followed and getting all the attention from low levels but on the inside, it just makes you feel more powerful and keeps you playing.




    I can almost guarantee to you that 40%+ people that play are under the age of 13. I look around and most people are trying to scam. I needed to buy some dragon bones....6 people were there.....they were all lvl 3.....i trade and of course they switch them with big bones. This game revolves WAY too much around money.




    On the RuneScape forums, there are hundreds of people that make fake drop parties, say they are buying an item just to scam, and many other things. I made a rant on the RuneScape forums and it got banned within seconds even though in bold i clearly asked if a forum moderator is going to lock this, please just tell me what to remove and I will be glad to edit it. But instead it gets locked, post removed, and why do you think he locked it....because I made the game look bad and said the word "scammer" once in it. I didn't even go into the scamming topic, i juts used the word scammer in a sentence.




    Also, when I look around in this game, every single person uses "leet" speak such as..."lol, lolz, roflx, kk, pwned, and way more". I can understand using "lol, rofl, brb" and those, but people make them sound gay. Along with that many people "dance" with each other by following each other at the same time and I find this the most sad thing ever, 99% of people that that either do it so people in the game will think they are cool or they don't have/never have had a real life girlfriend.




    This game is getting more and more simplified also. Everything in the game is basically at a second grade level. No thinking is required and nothing takes more skill than clicking food if your health is low or , but common sense comes into play there. I just think they need to non-stupidify this game if they want to keep it away from younger people but they are making a lot of money from the young so they could really care less.




    Jagex claims they are doing what they can to stop autoers, scammers, and all of that but THEY DON"T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT. They might ban an account or 2, but what stops people from making a new account to continue what they are doing....NOTHING. Autoers make account after account to do what they do and lose nothing but worthless pack mule characters. Same with scammers, they will do a scam, transfer the stuff, get banned, and guess what....OH NO they lost a worthless level 3 character! I understand sometimes the main is banned but too rarely to count. If Jagex wants to do anything, they should limit the amount of accounts that can be made or do IP bans or something because at the moment that aren't doing anything to help, they are just making people madder and making them want to scam more.




    Since I am used to the game "World of Warcraft", RuneScape cannot come close to matching it in any way at all. I know most of you think now "$15 is too much" yet I bet all of you would pay that much if you had to or a lot of you have more than 1 members account. When you compare a game like World of Warcraft to RuneScape, there is no competition. Games now a days are evolving yet RuneScape is just staying the same bad graphics Java game which is getting more and more basic. I don't know how games like RuneScape are so popular when games like WoW(World of Warcraft) are around. Graphics are perfect, more freedom, it takes still, money barely matters, very friendly community that is always glad to help and lend money if needed, and much more. I am not trying to get you to play WoW though, i am just saying that RuneScape is just a Java game when other games now a days are much much more advanced.




    So I wanna know why you play. Is it because you think you are good at the game, because you like the attention, you don't have real life friends to hang out with, what? I know most of you are just gonna say because you have friends that play, but what keeps you playing?




    This was typed up quickly so it is only some of my thoughts. If i had more time, i would easily be able to talk about loads more, but this is good for now.




    Please don't get this wrong, I am not trying to be mean, sound mean, or anything along those lines. I am just giving my opinion about this game and wanna hear why you play.




    So how much of this do you agree with or disagree with?




    If there is anything against the rules or you want removed, please just tell me and I will be glad to remove it, please warn me though.




    You mispelt "something" in the first paragraph.

  2. Farcasting is What mages do, 123Yourgone. Live with it. You can go attack them all you want, im not attacking that, but if you get beat by a Farcasting mage, live with it. There are no rules prohibiting a mage from farcasting. If there isnt farcasting, whats the use of ancients? Or entangle?



















    ok lets take a "true melee'r" (NOT a hybrid with dhide/karils, and even then the mage would probably win) and put them vs a mage, the mager will win 9 times out of 10. rs2 pking is stupid anyway imo, rsc was 100x better because it was much simpler but took more skill, none of this stupid 20 brews and a teletab + ahrims and max mage bonus BS which like 90% of these "green drag pking teams" which fold then remake with a different name every week do. oh and the basically everything untradable or protected except rune legs, dds and str ammy in edge, and mb is basically the same as drags except no teletab, less mage gear, more brews and hugging the lever/stairs instead, pkings being messed up since the release of rs2, but even more since brews/all the str stuff like torso.




    I actually Agree with M4tty for once. I myself have never played RSC, I dont go pking often, But I think RSC pking was simpler back then. None of that sara brew crap ( Oh yes, the times i went pking i see people using that), And I dont know about RSC, but I bet RSC was better for pking. Although, im only 81, And ive never tried Rsc. It sounds like fun though.







  4. No, cast fire bolt on the greaters in ogre enclave. You'll hit greaters MUCH more than dragons, and I personally think that training magic by alching is boring and lame. That's how I got from 64-66 btw. The only time that it's good to high alch is if you're alching stuff that you made such as steel plates, vambs/bodies, or longs, or if you're saving space for better drops. I don't see how people can stand to do that...




    Do I need to beat a quest to get there?

  5. I agree with this topic; farcasters and safers just don't exist. I also laugh hard at the players that think they do.




    Let me tell you how I see it. In the Wilderness, it's kill or be killed. That's really the only rule that exists out there. When you're PKing, do you want to wait until you're near death to heal yourself, or do you want to heal yourself immediately? I'm sure that a PKer's view would differ, but since I only do it every so often on my pures, I like to keep my health nice and high while dwindling theirs.




    I get PKs on my pure. A lot of them. Doesn't matter what you call them, eater, safer, farcaster, that's just more time spent with your hands on the keyboard instead of over that lobster that could save your bacon.




    This brings to question some of the rules of engagement that RuneScape hasn't really had since before the beginning. Is it fair to cast a spell so your opponent can't attack you? Hell yes. Is it fair to eat in a fight so that you have more health than your opponent? Hell yes. Is it sportsmanlike to call someone a safer, noob, teletubby, or farcaster when you lose? Hell no. What's next, are you going to take away the right for me to use my mouse? Are you going to tell me I can't use a scimitar/2H/Whip/DDS in a duel? You going to say that I can't run away when I'm only doing a clue scroll? Go soak your head.




    The only rule of engagement I'll ever accept in the Wilderness is simply kill or be killed. I'm going to do all my best up there to either kill you [on my pure] or stay alive [on my main]; you'd damn well better be doing your best to kill me instead of focusing on your imaginary rules.




    You are my new best friend.

  6. You know what ticks me off? Ok you just got your first god spell. Your happily training away, excited that you got your first god spell. Then, some idiot comes along, probably with zammy flames, snares and attacks you. Might i remind you, that the first splash he hits you for, your mage is lowered. You can NOT fight back! But I ran away rofl I barely got away with like 21 hp. One of these days, im going down there with ancients and owning all mage bank pkers.






    As for farcasting:


    Go ahead and do it, but the moment it starts i will put protect mage on and walk out of the wilderness, i dont care who you are, sooner or later you will splash and i will get away, whereas if you would fight like a man i would bother to hang arround.




    Do you not realise, that mages are fighting like a man? They are mages, which means they use magic, which means that they do not melee. Thus, they are fighting like a man.

  8. Your problem is your farcasting him. GO up next to him with protect from melee. Use super restores, they restore prayer as well. Sharks for when the mage and ice damage adds up. Fire Bolt him, i didnt use gauntlets, so you dont HAVE to use them, but I take it that they help a lot.






    Now go own that sucka.

  9. Desert Treasure isnt so bad.




    Blood Diamond-




    Rofl Hes easy, use protect from melee and wind blast his nooby arse! Bring swordies, you arent protect from the bat magic.




    Smoke Diamond-


    Dont even bring food, you wont need it. Just a ppot and runes for water blast/wave.




    Shadow Diamond-


    This guy is a pain. The easiest way to do this is to poison him with a dds and hide in a safe spot. You will need to repoison him so keep pray and food ready. His first form took 5 hits for me.




    Ice Diamond-


    Hes a wuss. Getting to him is tricky. Bring super restore, you dont need ppots, the restores restore more than ppot. Bring sharks for when he ice bursts you, and turn on melee protect. Fire bolt away. You should own him.






    Pray melee bring strange fruits and boots of lightness. Keep your weight very light and you'll make it in the first or second try.




    Good Luck, it isnt that bad.

  10. The ancient story goes like this..




    In the date of 6/6/06...




    There was a loophole in the Runescape System. But no one ever accsessed it.. Untill an evil hacker came and attacked RUNESCAPE, Taking all the precious items and killing off the players, one by one! OH NOEZ, THE HAX IS COMING ZOMG SAVE US!!1!!!11111!!1! Then a mystical Mage that knew these odd, magical magicks came to us to try to defeat the mysterious hax! And it all starts here..




    Our hero just finished owning a noob in the wildy when all of a sudden two Tz-tok-Jads came out of nowhere! RUN AWAY! And he teleported to Canifis. But he wasnt safe there, either. The hacker made everything able to ATTACK HIM! And that was when the hacker showed himself... As...




    THE DEVIL.. yeah i know what your thinking, as in wtf, but yea he wanted to take over rs. And so our hero, whose name is Foolishnoob, decided to ice barrage him. " Dude wtf im gonna pwn you with my ZZammy fires rawr!!1!!1!" Replied The evil one.. he missed. Then he escaped through the loophole. Foolishnoob must set off to find a way to the devil. And Quickly!




    From canifis, he sets off through the forest, to the deserted graveyard. to be continued zomgorz

  11. Elvarg was not a naturaly born dragon. She was an experiment gone wrong. The wizards in the Tower of Life were attempting the first necromancy spell. Using the carcasses of every type of dragon known to man, to try and make a guardian for the original wizards tower on Crandor. Unfortunately, the wizards didn't account for two things. The first was that one of the wizards who helped to create the Tower of Life was an evil wizard named Argrimis. The second is that you should never try to tamper with the nature of death. What is dead must stay dead. Argrimis corrupted the spell, to give Elvarg the need to destroy everything in sight, instead of the need to protect. When Elvarg was sent to Crandor, Argrimis casted the spell. He expected the dragon to destroy everything but him. His spell worked in making Elvarg evil, but it also gave her a mind of her own. Argrimis was the only one who knew a spell that could destroy Elvarg. He was killed in the destruction of Crandor. Years later, a hero named Zezima killed Elvarg. But she was not destroyed. Only Argrimis's spell could do it permanantly. And someday soon, Elvarg will be back...
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