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Posts posted by Rsdude099

  1. Haul out your cannon, you wont get any, but neither will they, and you'll get some range xp.






    I did something like that the other day... I took out my mage short, and starting ranging a random butthole's reds... I think it would be more effective if you could group them up and then ice burst them.







  2. Nub: How i bild snoman


    Mly: Snowball>Build.


    Nub: Wat


    Mly: Right-click snowball, select "build."


    Nub: How i get snobal


    Mly: Click the pile of snow.


    Nub: Wtf is rong wit teh snoman


    Mly: Snow>collect; Snowman>Add-to.


    Nub: Its stil [cabbage]


    Mly: Do it again.


    Nub: Its stil not snoman


    Mly: Keep doing it.


    Nub: Y isnt it moving


    Mly: Hat>Use>Snowman.


    Nub: How i get hat


    Mly: You can stop talking like a /b/tard, firstly.


    Nub: Wat /b/tard?


    Mly: Forget it. Is English your first language?


    Nub: Wat


    Mly: Is English the first language you ever remember speaking?


    Nub: Wat


    Mly: Nevermind. Just talk to the blue thing until he takes you to a snowy place.


    Nub: Wat


    Mly: Go look for a blue thing and talk to it.




    [Later, the same idiot walks by talking to a man with blue clothes and hair. He stops following him and talks to me.]




    Nub: He wont take me 2 snowy plac


    Mly: Wrong blue thing. Go look for a shorter, lighter blue thing.


    Nub: Ok




    [The idiot walks out of sight, and I quietly walk away so he doesn't annoy me again.]
















    That deserves a frofl. FROFL!

  3. 1- The cold has drained your mage lvl low enough so that you cant use fire bolt. Bring some super restores.


    2-16 to 20 oughtta be enough.


    3-I think super restores restore more prayer than pray pots, so if thats true, 6, (or 5 if not using a staff).




    Also, go right next to him with Protect from melee on. Fire bolt him. Watch as he dies...


    GL with Kamil, hes an arse.

  4. Lol?


    The world would be a better place if we were based on an eye for an eye.


    All the murderers, killed.


    Maybe a person who spray paints on another persons property, have their finger chopped off, I don't see why not :?




    If justice was based on Eye for an eye for everything, who would rape the person that raped another person? I dont think Hammurabi went that far..

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