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Posts posted by Rsdude099

  1. lololollolll.png










    to unspamify:


    s470xh.jpgOwned, which is the least to say. It can hit up to 30, but I didn't get it lol.




    I can't see what's going on in the pic.




    And grats Err_ok, only another 1.1k to go :cry:






    Eh, I guess I messed up in putting the pic here. It's my spirit kyatt hitting a 27 on some random nub I found at duel arena.

  2. It seems like Jagex isnt trying hard enough on these updates. MA should have came out squeeky clean, considering the fact they spent 7 months past the deadline "ironing" out these issues. And we have many bugs that came with it, which include this item loss glitch and the ability to play siege, hoard, rescue are not available because of some damn bug that they didnt iron out before they released it. This is one of the few times I am not happy with Jagex or Mod MMG or any of them.

  3. I think I saw one of these 'ghosts'. They are light-grey, and they appear for a very little time. No moaning yet, however. They have some kind of robes on (not ghostly, they are near transparent.) It fits most of the descriptions on the RSOF. This is interesting..


    go back to the rsof please






    I don't post on the rsof too often tbh.


    OT: Are the sewers under the GE? If so, then a sprite glitch IS possible...

  4. I think I saw one of these 'ghosts'. They are light-grey, and they appear for a very little time. No moaning yet, however. They have some kind of robes on (not ghostly, they are near transparent.) It fits most of the descriptions on the RSOF. This is interesting..

  5. Back in Classic, Andrew Gower was referred to by the gods as The Mage Gower. He hasn't been featured in years in Runescape lore but it's still possible he's still playing an official role in the storyline.








    Basically he's saying Durandel is breaking the fourth wall. Not the first time that's happened (If you recall the "Runescape's just a COMPUTER GAME" rant from the bartender)




    Lol, I remember in the god letters, Zamorak mentioned how he put scorpions under the mage Andrew's bed. \'

  6. Jagex really know how to make crap updates.


    it's mmg i swear. i mean look at it and compare this year to last year. sure they may be talking to us more, but they are talking about updates that wont happen for a long time. i would be happy with by damn bts that guarantied those updates to come, not some [cabbage] of how ma was ready to release 4 months ago but now wont be out for a long time.




    Relax, quality, not quantity. You'll be enjoying the updates when they come. OT, I think they should be worth it for f2pers to kill. Are they good exp?

  7. Sorry, I don't know where else to put this but here. But anyways my question is that when you first join members on funorb, do you get runes/wands to spend on AoG (Armies of Gielinor) and Arcanists? Obviously, it wouldn't be too much to spend with, but I played these games with a few members and asked them about it and they said you do get runes/wands to spend right away...so meh. But anyways, can someone confirm this? Thanks.

  8. I'm sure the barrell roll pic is funny. pureprayer's pic, however, is not.


    Psssht. Lighten up and realize that you just saw a still image of hundreds of peoples' deaths. Is that awesome or funny? I'll let you decide.




    It's death! Of course it's not funny. It's... it's.. it... tehee. Omg, Lenin's mind control is taking over.




    He's already influenced my mind...it's slowly taking over as we speak. Save yourself while you can.


    *end typewriter*


    On topic: Anyone know where the 'my future girlfriend' meme came from and how? I thought that one was pretty stupid. One of those forced memes?

  9. [hide=][/quote=Da_Latios]This just in: New meme formed on /b/.












    Peter, king of /b/.





    Jeez, where do people come up with these things... New edition of lolcats: peter, king of /b/. /b/tards.

  10. ^ Yes. And theres another one going around, I believe it is known as 'its a trap'. Gah, these 2 boards are pumping out memes daily.


    They've been around for years, good memes haven't been started recently as far as I've seen...




    I am very proud of my file of macros and memes which came in useful on 'Mudkipz Win!' day ::'


    Well, people are starting to become addicted to using Shamwow in their sentences. And Billy Mays. This could get interesting. And that April 1st thing was funny, haha.

  11. I think Miley Cyrus is VERY ANNOYING. Thats the kind of stuff my cousin listens to. And those stupid Jonas Brothers and Naked Brothers band....gah.




    *Btw, all Van Halen fans, Van Halens best of both worlds > Miley Cyrus's best of both worlds*

  12. Well, lets see here. You've got to make straight A's, your curfew is 6:00, you gotta study 4 hours a night...


    So thats what its like to be in hell.


    I'm sorry, but i'm gonna have to agree with the others on this. Get outside help.




    Personally, I would have rebelled by now, lol. Probably would have gone nuts at this point, if my parents were so STUPIDLY ARROGANT and..and...and..

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