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Everything posted by mhdln1

  1. Some on tip it has made a mmorpg? post name and where can we find it
  2. Whats the best "tower defense" game u have played? like Element TD, Vector TD, etc
  3. Warcraft3:"Reign of Chaos" and "The Frozen Throne" Fate was kinda cool
  4. att:32 str:32 hp:27 pray:18 def:1 where can i lvl him?
  5. If u have it u should battle.net its getting alot of new people this days
  6. post your opinion, pros and cons if u want. f2p and p2p opinions accepted
  7. mhdln1


    how much exp u get by rcing em?
  8. Let me change the question, what is better to have 99 fishing or wc?
  9. Oh forgot to say that just say your ideas, no matter of the lvl i have or if i am f2p or p2p, i want to see which one of this two are better to make money, i am willing to increase em
  10. thx but I am only looking for ideas about woodcutting and fishing
  11. that will take too much and not such a big profit
  12. Whats better and faster to make money? Fishing and woodcutting, for f2p and p2p if u can, put pros and cons
  13. This may work if u are really desesperated for money but u get more money by running airs, u migth do the chicken to get your sats up, but just like up to 15 or something
  14. I must say dont wc at lvl 60 in an hour u migth get up to 300 if its empty. start wc yews at 75.
  15. anyone know around how many santas still exists?
  16. its a sceptre that is made with 4 parts, u can find this parts by killing mosters on the SOS 5 Teleports. Nice 5 teles i though it was 1 welll i am more than half a way so yeah why not i will get the 5 missing pieces
  17. mhdln1


    Can i put questions here that arent related to runescape?
  18. and how many times can i tele with the sceptre?
  19. ok i have 5 pieces of each except the bottom for some reason i kept them on my inventory and should I get the other parts to complete the sceptre o it isnt worth it?
  20. How much exp those body tiaras give?
  21. mhdln1


    what about f2p? the most QP for f2p is 39 so the limit stays at 3k Can they still run airs?
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