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Everything posted by robson67

  1. There is the thing from Scooby Doo in runescape, After you complete the Lost Tribe quest and talk to Sigmand a few times in H.A.M headquarters he finally saids "And i would have got away with it to if it weren't for that meddling traveller." That's not going to make me quit i thought it was funny cos i used to be a good fan of Scooby Doo when i was younger. and also, quite a lot of mature players come in from miniclip myself including. PS: sorry if any1 else has put it on here i wasn't bothered about reading the whole lot
  2. i think more bank space is needed for F2P players since i do every F2P skill instead of ranging(which is a expensive skill, seeing that we can't make arrows) and i am really stugging for space because of all the equipment it takes, (swords, clothes, runes, staffs, fishing equipment etc etc) i even had to get rid of half my fishing equipment cos i didn't have enough room and i don't have enough room to make pizzas(putting tomatos and cheese in bank so i can make more) and i don't keep junk. so we need at least 10 spaces more in our bank. Now i know that excuse that we don't pay and i say i totally argee with it since their is more stuff on members to keep runescape going. but some people like me, are either not able or not allowed to become members even if we really want too. since some of us can't afford it because of debt or low income or something or for me because my mum doesn't allow me even with heavy begging etc. so what jetex needs to give us is a couple more skills, a bit more lands and finally a couple of quests so it gives us a little bit more but not as much as members so people won't stop paying, i think that's fair for us. please don't moan at me for saying all that plz thanks
  3. Maybe lvl 2 and the hp of a man/women and they could be the ghosts of men/women around runescape lvu the idea and look forward to playing that IF it comes out and i argee with the emote problem thing. Maybe a grim reaper emote, doing something a grim reaper would do.
  4. ok, I'm a f2p member, not being allowed to become a member from my f***ing mother. It seems mad that we are allowed to do ranging but not allowed to do flething as the work together to create a skill such as magic and runecrafting. and i have quit ranging because it was to expensive having to buy all the arrows i needed. Maybe bow making should be kept to members but i think that arrow making should be a non-members skill. what do you guys think
  5. i love that idea, can't it be on a f2p quest cos i'm not allowed to become member. and it seems so good. maybe a sighter lower level for them
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