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Posts posted by Dax_Jacks

  1. daggfunna6.png




    I'm pretty sure this one speaks for itself :P






    Pretty old, but nonetheless still funny.




    That must have hurt for the reciever if (s)he got damaged hahahaha!




    =D Jagex... What have you done...




    Get a room you two!




    ..I'm seriously getting tired of these pics, however "interesting" they may be..




    Settle down bac, it's just a simple joke..




    It's a simple joke that ceased to be funny a long time ago because it was overused.






    Couldn't think of something better to say I see, yes I agree it is an old one. But I haven't seen one in ages, so I thought it would be nice to post it. Don't flame me for being innocent..


    I blame the schools these days , teaching them that :shame:

  2. go into the ape atoll dungeon where all the zombie monkies are ,kill one take the bones and theres the zombie monkie gree gree




    just kill one of the gorillas next to the alter (keep protect melee on) and take its bones, theres your gorilla gree gree




    kill anyone of the ninja monkey walking around and take there bones , theres the ninja gree gree

  3. 3) Go swear like that infront of your parents, or better yet swear like a sailor infront of the police, see if they let you get away with it. (You'd get slapped with an offence of Breach of The Peace, compare Rule 1 as that)


    What happens when you break rule 1 *rated R for language* :anxious:




    and this is how i tell peoples age?



  4. Well, if what erich said could be true, then there might be some problems. firdt of all, the day and night will obviously go by GMT time, so that could mean someone plays in the night and the game says its morning! and what if thats the only time they can play? then they cant find the advantages of daytime.


    In another game i play (FFXI) they have like an hour = 2 mins and you can go through several days in 2-3 hours and nighttime does have alot of dif. things ( like undead appear and some monster become stronger etc.) opposed to day-time

  5. 1: Master farmer as in the char w\ the cape or the npc? npc (that u can theive from is in drynor; and the skillcape guy is also in drnor next to the pig pen)




    2:its like someone else using yous skills w\o you having to take the item for what they want done.

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