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Posts posted by Woofkittens

  1. So while at Spirit mages task, Ryan asked if i wanted to go Armadyl Godwars, I said might as well, cause I've never been before.

    After a bit of mucking around trying to find a third person, (Von max blue <3) We finally set off.

    After the mean Mr. Gorak trying to kill me we entered the Armadyl Boss chamber.


    First kill: 12 Dwarf weeds.


    Second Kill?





  2. So once upon a time (about three months ago) I dated a girl for a week, after breaking it off due to the fact that we are really good friends, we had kissed, and then a few days after breaking it off, we both went to a party. During that party I got absolutely smashed, and she spent four hours making sure i was okay. She just sat with me and held my hand, but most of the night she was kissing me too. That obviously showed she had feelings for me still, and now I kinda miss being with her. She's two years older and is going to uni soon. What do i do?

  3. 'burstinglobs cc'


    I would REALLY recommend battle robes, as these save half of the runes.


    And umm if you can borrow a SGS, i know its not common there, but i use mine all the time. With it, i need ½ a prayer pot per 3k casts or so. ;)



    Good luck :)

    I'm not really motivated to get the robes and I can't really get a sgs, but I'll still be quite efficient right?

  4. Hello all, I was wondering if I should spend some of my current cashpile (35m) on getting 85-88 summon (bursting rock lobsters), Currently 89 Herblore, planning to duo TD's with a long time friend who will be ranging, got C Rapier for the Demons and was wondering if I should spend the cash on 88 summon,




    Maeror Meror

  5. I personally was very addicted, it nearly made me quit runescape, I was just having so much fun. The game world is massive, there is so much variety in what you do, wear, use and etc, but in the end I missed Runescapes community, (Mainly TIF, Rsof can gtfo) I still play it, but not as often, The epic storyline is really engaging, as are some are the side quest lines (Shards of Narcil anyone?) One of the main problems was travel, like if i wanted to get from Rivendell to The Shire it would take a bit of money. And community, You could join a kinship which is a clan, or you could go solo, most player interaction is in the form of group questing as a fellowship, or killing Monsters.

    I like the game alot, but Runescape is my one and only <3

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