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Posts posted by Woofkittens

  1. All in primary school? O_o


    Protip: Go talk to that friend. If they did something like that, they're worth it.

    I try to but remember that "Cool" Group i explained? he hangs out with them, while i hang out with my real friends, I moved away from that "Cool" group and i never plan to go near them again.

  2. That I had sex with my ex-girlfriend, then decided i didn't like her and dumped her. (For the Record I was the virgin, she had done it twice before me, it was a month into our relationship, and that my view on dumping her may have been decided when she yelled her ex's name when she.... well you know.)


    That sometimes I'll be friends with a girl just to hit on them,


    That the girl I really like liked me in primary school *four years ago* but i was dumb and naive and didn't even acknowledge her, now we go to different schools and it's hard for us to meet and get to know each other,


    That I hate my step sister and mother, and may father sometimes.


    That In primary i was a douche and hung out with all the "Cool" kids and thought i was cool, but i was really somewhat of a joke, teased bullied, etc. etc. But ignored all the people that tired to be friends with me *See third regret*


    That In last year of primary i nearly committed suicide, only thing that stopped me was my best friend at the time.


    That my best friend who stopped be from committing, i haven't talked to in three and a half years...


    That should be it.

  3. 2yl8aaa.png

    Find The Fail :D


    You blurred out my name is the biggest fail. Oh, and that it says "You've been frozen solid." meaning that you are frozen inside and out. Then it says, "The ice encasing you shatters violently. Meaning that you were only encased in ice and not frozen at all. Game.


    Nope, you (Bows) are in the pic (as you said he blurred your name), yet you're "retired".

    Actually I was talking about the grammar fail.

    "The ice encasing you shatters violently"

    When it should be:

    "The ice encasing Around you shatters violently"


    Oops my bad. Haven't slept in three days. carry on.

  4. Hey everyone, Currently deciding if i should sell some of my items for 99 magic, mainly items being Verac Brassard, Skirt, Helmet, Karil Top and skirt and mybe a pair of Dragon boots and maybe my whip.

  5. daemonheimfivemanpz.png

    Epic "Tipit + Greg" 5-man team we did on floor 13 I believe. Our boss was a level 400 Bulwark Beast, who we did pretty well on. When the creature began to focus on me though, he killed me faster than I could eat. Kind of embarassing since everyone else seemed to be doing fine! =P


    All in all, it was great fun, and gained us about 15k xp!


    We decided we would take a picture that looks just like the front cover =P


    The attendees were:

    Erichermit (Middle)

    Link Olaran (Mid-Left)

    Naive (Mid-right)

    Dume Dude (far-right)

    Gregm (far-left)

    Dume is the hawtest looking there.. IF I HAD MY HELMET ON IT WOULD OF BEEN BETTER >:@

  6. I was using tele grab to get Zamorak Wines while training magic and it's pretty much the best way to make cash in f2p. I get beat out a lot in my first few worlds so i hop again and see two people arguing. Apparently the one was there for a while (noob) and when he went to bank, the other came (Mc) and was beating him out a lot. I come in at this point here:


    Noob: No and ppl coming in here i was first here i left to go to bank

    Noob: this is unfair dude

    Noob: not cool

    Me: thats how it is bud

    Mc: thats life for u

    Me: I've world hopped 4 times

    Me: Get used to it

    Noob: Stfu

    Noob: Spot stealer

    Me: You know what people call you

    Me: A sore loser, people who suck

    Me: At everything

    Noob: Nostfu

    Me: and whine about it

    Noob: Bt*h of u are jerks

    Me: Yes

    Noob: Spot stealer

    Me: A jerk making 1.4k every 15 seconds while you cry about it

    Noob: Whatever i making 1.9m

    Noob: What now

    Noob: Loser

    Me: I have more than 10m so i dont give a ***

    Noob: Go to hell both of u


    Me: There we go =)

    Me:: Hate whiners

    Mc: What a loser

    Me: I got beat out 8 times in a row in the last world but thats how it is


    *You can skip this part, just my ramblings*

    Noob was wearing full rune trim, lvl 61 and brags about 1.9m. Now I don't like the term noob because at some time or another, whether your a first day player or a classic veteran like myself, your gonna find something you don't know or understand. In the end I find were all noobs at heart because were never perfect players and we don't know everything. But this guy was not just a noob player, but also in common sense, grammar, typing ability, and he whined a lot. He was also very rude when I tried to teach him something about life. Anyway.



    About 15 mins later he comes back.

    Me: Oh look who it is

    Me: Come to shut me up again

    Noob: Stfu

    Me: Honestly i don't like being a D***

    Me: But don't whine

    Me: Life is like this

    Me: Competition for the goods

    Noob: U know srry i lose it it ok

    Me: No i don't really care that your losing

    Noob: I was doing good until someone cam it

    Me: Yeh thats how it usually works

    Me: Like microsoft and mac

    Noob: What u want to report huh

    Me: What are you talking about

    Me: Are you even english

    Noob: Yes

    Me: Well speak properly

    Noob: I am ur not

    Me: And yet your grammar is like a 4th grader

    Noob: No stfu

    Me: At least mine is literate

    Noob: I must be older then u lol

    Me: You think age matters?

    Me: Fact that i'm younger than you and B****ing you out

    Me: You should be embarassed

    Noob: Beacuse ur a biger jerk

    Me: Lol i'm a jerk?

    Noob: Idc what u say

    Me: I came and said, "thats life" and you told me to stfu

    Noob: Get a life dude u cant be patient

    Me: No not really. Whats to be patient about?

    Noob: God hates ppl that no like me pantient

    Noob: That ppl no like to wait for ppl to be done

    Me: I hate people who's literary intellect is below the 6th grade

    Noob: I bet u my cousin can kill u in fist of guthix

    Me: Omg

    Me: Probably

    Me: Then i would kill him

    Me: Cause its a two sided game stupid



    I came by looking for a guide a while back and saw this thread. I couldn't think of something to put and then this happened. My favorite part is the fist of guthix thing at the end. I find it ironic though that I'm a noob to this forum and my first post is about noobs.


    I found It quite funny. :mrgreen: The Fist of guthix part me Lol in real life And also the bit about how he came back and tried to insult you more. Not the smartest, most literary guy in the world. But thanks for making me lol :lol: Also, Welcome to the forums :thumbsup:

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