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Everything posted by Woofkittens


  2. Tim she's absolutely adorable <3 Congrats on becoming an uncle mate :D

  4. So while at Spirit mages task, Ryan asked if i wanted to go Armadyl Godwars, I said might as well, cause I've never been before. After a bit of mucking around trying to find a third person, (Von max blue <3) We finally set off. After the mean Mr. Gorak trying to kill me we entered the Armadyl Boss chamber. First kill: 12 Dwarf weeds. Second Kill? Bam.

  6. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ GET OFF THE SCREEENSHOT THREAD AND COME ON SKYPE LISA <333333333333333333333333

  7. Façade - Disturbed, Part of Indestructible I love all of disturbed
  8. Well It's been good, we live close to each other so we walk together sometimes, We're really good friends. Sometimes if she has problems with family and stuff she'll call me and we'll talk about it. And uni won't be moving away, she'll just drive to the local uni in the morning come back when she's done
  9. So once upon a time (about three months ago) I dated a girl for a week, after breaking it off due to the fact that we are really good friends, we had kissed, and then a few days after breaking it off, we both went to a party. During that party I got absolutely smashed, and she spent four hours making sure i was okay. She just sat with me and held my hand, but most of the night she was kissing me too. That obviously showed she had feelings for me still, and now I kinda miss being with her. She's two years older and is going to uni soon. What do i do?
  10. The way some girls love to lie in your arms and fall asleep with you holding them
  11. Hey Timmeh. Nice bloggeh I see I posted 2 years ago on page 2. Daum. Goodluck with your goals man, if you need a dunge partner to back to up on w117, give dumeh a ring
  12. Hoorah! 99 Defence!

    1. Fudgepuppy


      dude bro, bro dude. where are you? D:

    2. Ned


      dude why can't I comment on here this is silliness

  13. NOOOOOES PRETTEH CAN'T QUIT ;_;. But mainly, Friends, Girlfriend, Work, School, Internet connection and if i master teh game. (Which you all just lost)
  14. Well I was killing steels as a slayer task, one dropped a level three clue, so I thought "Oh, darned. I'll drop before every kill in hopes of a Elite." Next kill: Elite clue. I went " ZOMGWTFBBQHAX" Then juggled both the clues out of Kuradels dungeon, Then completed the level three: Then the Elite. Not bad if i say so myself :D
  15. WAT! YOUR QUITTING?!?!? (Also I watch FMA Conquerer Of Shamballa. EFIING GREAT MOVIE)

  16. Yeah but it's not worth buying for a few lobster trips then trying to sell again right?
  17. I'm not really motivated to get the robes and I can't really get a sgs, but I'll still be quite efficient right?
  18. Setup and invent: I think I'm about ready to go any clue on the waterbirth door chat?
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