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Everything posted by Woofkittens

  1. Aw, Poor daxter I'll sell you my chaps in you need em cause your 1337 and Bloody nomad is a pain in the [wagon] Amirite?
  3. That is wrong on so many fronts --- this person wasn't a noob, they were a scammer. Staff impersonation and asking for login details are BAD, BAD, BAD. :angry: To those of you who read this post: report these people *please please*. Even if you are a whole-hearted anarchist, I hope :pray: that you can see that people who behave like this are *terrible* for the R S community. :cry: ^ This. This is what we need more of, not wbms but people who dont wanna see others get scammed/hacked. Thank you guy. Thank you. :thumbsup:

  5. For the record the "edward? i ment bella" quote IS NOT to be discussed because i didnt say it and i MUST HAVE ALL THE CRIMSONS
  6. Well, im probaly going to get flamed for this since its my eleventh tormented demon kill EVER but here it goes Yeah i crapped myself when this dropped
  7. A Flaming ball comes out and hits you in the face. hitting you for 9001 damage. It was super effective. *puts Serpent_Eye in*
  8. Yeah, title is kinda self-explanitory jut post what animal you'd like to be! Me: Puma! Rawr. <3:
  9. Congrats on 99 slayer :mrgreen: It's very nice to finally reach a goal :twss: GO SHOW OFF YOUR HAWT SLAYER CAPE! naio.
  10. Oh, Im so Jealous. :D if i had 100m its be a sgs for me :twss:
  11. *Half kills everything in Runescape* kthnxbai :D
  12. 79-80-45-59793062 Lol. That is all that needs to be said.
  13. lol i get the same thing. its the start page. where the thing always rotates. great job rawk. it sounds like you're quitting though... Haha, i acctually might. i need to get better grades and st00fz well not really quit but more like a hobby than an addiction
  14. After 3 Great years of runescape membership.. its done. Major goal for me so im very happy :thumbsup: Oh, and i lost the screenie of the stupid level cause my comp shut down :unsure:
  15. aha ill just spend the money on the cannon for the meanwhile
  16. I Would absolutley love a sgs. but unfortunatley every time i save for one it rises so ive scrathed that idea.. so ive heard cannons are all the rage these days? mgiht buy a set of dragon, cause ive always liked dragon :)
  17. Hi, my rsn is dume dude 56 i was wondering if i could have some help.. I recently sold a dfs for 3m profit :) and i was wondering what i should do with the money (27m) buy full dragon? spend it on a skill? buy other armour, buy a bgs or of course, save it. Any help WILL be appreciated. :mrgreen:
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