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Everything posted by Woofkittens

  1. *sorry for the title i dont wanna get banned :oops: * the majority of runescape players are jerks, i got a gilded platlegs clue which i was very happy about, as i am when i get a good clue, but my freinds list was out i saw gamer at the G.E before so typed out "yay gilded legs clue :D" a guy comes up to me "hey dume" "hello :D" "guess what?" "What?" "No-one cares! <33333333333" i felt like my reward was a load of crap after that and the conclusuion is: Runescape is full of *cabbage*heads.
  2. 1k and over maybe.. if im on a metals trip and i have enough room for 3k or a lvl 3 clue ill take the clue
  3. I'm with you there buddy. I was like where's my whip? ooh look 73k. wait oh sh**!
  4. no and no, i have my quest cape so thar :D but if i get stuck i ask a friend to help me
  5. i think that runescape is a great game *duh* but is being on till 5 a.m on a school day "obsessive"? say if your obsessive and when you stay up till :P *edit* im sometimes obbsessive. i stay up to about 1-2 on weekends. not late on school nights
  6. Personaly i love the idea of the run update now i can get from camelot to rekkella with out having to walk half the way *only a rest but who cares* :P
  7. hurry up and do wgs newb-cakes. i have alreadeh done it :twisted: lololoolololololololololololololololololololololol :D
  8. well, my theory is that ravalash is jas [hide=SPOILER!!]the man who found the stone of jas first,[/hide] then the muspah are the dragon-kin hiding in the shadows of castle drakan were they were maybe frozen *?* but thats just an idea *hopes for while jas sleeps*
  9. i see teh newbs are getting onyx bolts and 99 ranged? well i better run *run and hides under corp beast* but anyway gl with goals and have a pie
  10. i dont have a pic i was too lazy to take one but i hate it when people want your godsword when your using it :| scene: me slaying in the slayer tower *crawling hands ftw!* Noob:Hello sir! can you lend me your gs plz? Me:no sorry, Noob:plz plz plz plz plzzzzzzz me: no im obiously using it Noob lol i bet its not even your go on trade me it *i do show him it in trade* Noob: omfg!! plz let me borrow it!!!! plzz!! Me: stuff this *teles* :wall:
  11. Sailing supporters would interpret that as a hint :lol: Quest 151 will be the Easter quest right? So I guess that's why it was easier for them to make it (no continuing storyline - assuming it's connected to the existing quest storylines). But hey at least they know we're expecting an EPIC 150th quest. Sailing..... IS DEAD!! :lol: Permission to lulz? permission granted. LULZ
  12. Dume dude 56 angry :evil: me wants quest naio!! *turns into hulk* but on a more serious note: i really do wish they hadnt got rid of bts it was my source of whats coming out this month its like toast without butter even though its still edible its dry and disgusting, but yeah i miss bts. P.S i need help with learning how to put the name in the quote box :oops:
  13. go kep \ i see pie!!!!! and a kitteh! nice guide neeb, :lol: Edit: w00000t first post ownage!
  14. MEWO Matteh Eats Worms Overgarments ^ Y U so nub matteh? anyways, hai der, have fun being a newb.
  15. My question got posted :shock: but...... my new name is is dame dude 56 :wall:
  16. thanks btw i like to hide in boxes too :twss:
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