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Everything posted by Woofkittens

  1. Thanks for the responses guys, If anyone else has opinions, they are greatly appreciated :D
  2. Thank you Blood Ilu. Any Ideas on setup? 87 magic atm
  3. Hello all, I was wondering if I should spend some of my current cashpile (35m) on getting 85-88 summon (bursting rock lobsters), Currently 89 Herblore, planning to duo TD's with a long time friend who will be ranging, got C Rapier for the Demons and was wondering if I should spend the cash on 88 summon, Cheers Maeror Meror
  4. The noob version would say "WTF! You haxx. You can't be level 127!"
  5. I personally was very addicted, it nearly made me quit runescape, I was just having so much fun. The game world is massive, there is so much variety in what you do, wear, use and etc, but in the end I missed Runescapes community, (Mainly TIF, Rsof can gtfo) I still play it, but not as often, The epic storyline is really engaging, as are some are the side quest lines (Shards of Narcil anyone?) One of the main problems was travel, like if i wanted to get from Rivendell to The Shire it would take a bit of money. And community, You could join a kinship which is a clan, or you could go solo, most player interaction is in the form of group questing as a fellowship, or killing Monsters. I like the game alot, but Runescape is my one and only <3
  6. Hey Monk, guess who's back on rs :D Wanna go td's soon?

  7. To be honest.. I like. Good Ideas man Keep it up.
  8. It's done. It's finally done. Now to get my fighter hat and go Mithrils with this baby :D
  9. Cool serp is nearly equal to cool dume. :shades:
  10. and cost as well, is ss still 9m? cause i know zs is 5.5 atm, so if you buy zs you get 3.5 to muck around with, but ss you've got no cash to muck around with. It's your choice really.
  11. Lol'd Got one hit by a galli when on 1 life point, and teled into rammernauts charge by accident and got one hit. > : d
  12. Can this be indexed? Also ignore the alcohol.
  13. Thanks guys, you guys are great ^^

  14. Here (Australia) Usually its Preschool, 1-7 (Primary) 8-12 (High school) University And I called him up after reading what you guys said, We're gonna try harder to talk around school (he told me he doesn't like that group anyway)
  15. I try to but remember that "Cool" Group i explained? he hangs out with them, while i hang out with my real friends, I moved away from that "Cool" group and i never plan to go near them again.
  16. That I had sex with my ex-girlfriend, then decided i didn't like her and dumped her. (For the Record I was the virgin, she had done it twice before me, it was a month into our relationship, and that my view on dumping her may have been decided when she yelled her ex's name when she.... well you know.) That sometimes I'll be friends with a girl just to hit on them, That the girl I really like liked me in primary school *four years ago* but i was dumb and naive and didn't even acknowledge her, now we go to different schools and it's hard for us to meet and get to know each other, That I hate my step sister and mother, and may father sometimes. That In primary i was a douche and hung out with all the "Cool" kids and thought i was cool, but i was really somewhat of a joke, teased bullied, etc. etc. But ignored all the people that tired to be friends with me *See third regret* That In last year of primary i nearly committed suicide, only thing that stopped me was my best friend at the time. That my best friend who stopped be from committing, i haven't talked to in three and a half years... That should be it.
  17. You blurred out my name is the biggest fail. Oh, and that it says "You've been frozen solid." meaning that you are frozen inside and out. Then it says, "The ice encasing you shatters violently. Meaning that you were only encased in ice and not frozen at all. Game. Nope, you (Bows) are in the pic (as you said he blurred your name), yet you're "retired". Actually I was talking about the grammar fail. "The ice encasing you shatters violently" When it should be: "The ice encasing Around you shatters violently" Oops my bad. Haven't slept in three days. carry on.
  18. Hey everyone, Currently deciding if i should sell some of my items for 99 magic, mainly items being Verac Brassard, Skirt, Helmet, Karil Top and skirt and mybe a pair of Dragon boots and maybe my whip.

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