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Everything posted by Woofkittens


  2. Best. Day. Ever. At first me and Monk were like: :blink: then were like :shades: then i was like: :mrgreen: :thumbup:
  3. Today Is Dume's Lucky day. Another clue to boot as well. 3rd age anyone?
  4. [hide=My epic clue] You got the range tank care package, I see.... [/hide] Yes indeed I did. :twss: (No unspam yet, but I have another clue, I'll post when done.)
  5. :mrgreen: Happyface. One puzzle box, one zammy wizard and two uri clues :D Not bad.
  6. Your wicked. Wait what?

  7. Both Epic. I really loved the cow one, and the One about the dragon was a bully I'm guessing?
  8. Guide to the Revenants - Survival & Combat Shame on you, Warriormonkx makes this wonderful guide complete with pretty pictures and you dont even look at it. Tsk Tsk Tsk. :shame:
  9. Dume is the hawtest looking there.. IF I HAD MY HELMET ON IT WOULD OF BEEN BETTER >:@
  10. I found It quite funny. :mrgreen: The Fist of guthix part me Lol in real life And also the bit about how he came back and tried to insult you more. Not the smartest, most literary guy in the world. But thanks for making me lol :lol: Also, Welcome to the forums :thumbsup:
  11. Well i train Slayer. Thats mostly it.
  12. Hey it's Dume Dude 56 here, i was just wondering if i should sell my Saradomin Godsword And buy Dragonfire Shield and some Bandos or something. Whats your opinion?
  13. Uh on Xbox 360 is it worth getting the Crash Course campain for L4D? Or eh?
  14. Slayer, Boss hunting, Gwd, Iron dragons. Kbd you know the stuff most rs'ers do
  15. Hello, I Recently bought a Saradomin Godsword, Im currently debating wwether to keep it or buy Full bandos with Dragonfire Shield and with whip. Can't decide so i'll see what you guys think,
  16. I was just playing Left 4 Dead 1 ( i have two hit me up for a game!) and i realised, Zoey is Cortana :blink: Sooo that kinda made me want her to come back in left 4 dead 2. :twss:
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