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Everything posted by Woofkittens

  1. look at the back round picture of "lucien rising" what does look like? a dragonkin maybe? its extremley faint but you can see it. Psycho_Robot said: :?
  2. myreque (is this right?) definatley the thought of killing the major vampyre reminds me of van helsing(is this right?)
  3. if any1 has some feed back on posting pictures and other stuffs can they post it here? youll get a cookie if you do :
  4. Welcome to my blog!! *ooh yay 273 views :D* [hide=About me.]Hello my real name is Andrew i live in Qld Australia i am 15 years old and have been playing runescape for 3 years unfortunatley all my friends think runescape is nerdy so i can never talk about it with my friends. tip it was the first ever fansite i had come across i joined the forums straight away and here we are today. i have made a lot of tipit friends such as da latios, a gilly tea (or tailsen) ,weeman2022, gailnico321, galactic, celestrana, n00bfiterpk6,gamer0169,matthew16200 ,monstermas22, lady heinous, johnalder and many others with out tipit i would of probaly quit. the community here is great and i have made friends with most of the people here.[/hide] stats at start of blog: for people who cant see it, 86 att 85 hp 66 mining 82 str 62 agility 69 smithing 81 def 63 herby 64 fishing 74 ranged 64 thieve 72 cook 70 prayer 66 craft 66 fm 75 magic 61 fletch 72 woodcut 59 rc 76 slayer 62 farming 62 con 64 hunter and 70 summoning i will now be making a log of whats happening. Dume dude 56's blog to 99 slayer i will be slayermanising :P so here will be task and special drops like clues etc and if i get a def str att lvl ect 1.138 dusties 2. 186 abberent spectres 77 slayer :mrgreen: 3. 68 elves a clue :twss: 4. 180 dagganoths 99th task! 5. 160 cave crawlers :twss: love these guys so quick and easy and i can one hit them 6.180 cave horrors wootage black mask 7. 160 cave horrors (90 attack!) and a super awosme clue *check clues to see :twss: * 8. 9. 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 !!50!! <--------- stats go here! GOALSZ!!! 99 att 99 str 99 def 99 hp 99 slayah 79 summon 70 agility and a small term goal [hide=slayer drops][/hide] [hide=Clue Rewards] <-------- woot! cave horrors :twss:[/hide] [hide=KBD trips][/hide] [hide=DKS trips][/hide] [hide=mole trips][/hide] [hide=RaNDoM]this and me and monstermas being noobs this is quite weird.[/hide] [hide=Bank picture!]it took so freaking long but here it is dec 15 2008this is full version---->[/hide] ^this happened at rock lobsters got a visage and made into a dfs though :mrgreen: So thats it. a shout out to all of you'z to reading or posting pn my blog :D *also matt i read your blog your a newb and we <3 you too*
  5. hello i just came back from a week holiday and ive seen the post is still here :mrgreen: keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
  6. the penguins change each week and i had my friends help (they were penguin scouts)
  7. well i was in world 60 but there usually in the same place :roll:
  8. (if this thread is in wrong place please move) hello! i am dumedude56 or in runescape dume dude 56 :lol: as you can tell i am posting penguin locations here! Locations these are the lotacions for this week lolz 1)Wilderness - used Ardy lever to get this one at reset - a rock (this one is acctually at the lever at world 60) 2)South of Ardy - at rest was found in Port Khazard, now travels from fight arena - a barrel 3)Desert - found at reset near the fairy ring/KQ dungeon, also now found at Sophanem and agility pyramid area - a cactus 4)Entrana - at reset found north above the church - a barrel 5)Barbarian Outpost - found at reset right along the water by willow trees - a bush 6)Grand Tree - at reset found northwestern area near toads - a bush 7)Jatizo - at reset it was found near the mine, also has been trapped inside in buildings around town - a rock (2 points) 8) Neitiznot - at reset found near rune rocks - a bush 9)Port Phas/Canifis - at reset was found outside west of the port in Haunted Woods - found near slayer tower and slayer master as well. - a crate 10)Canifis/Mort'ton/Mort Myre Swamp - at reset found just south of the gates into the swamp, by the fishing spot. This one now travels all the way to Haunted Mine area/nature grotto - a mushroom Keep in mind that the above is only a general idea of where these could actually be at the moment, as the range on these guys varies over a great distance, hunt around you'll find it eventually. well i hope this help all those penguin hunter out there : have fun hunting!
  9. one word : awsome i just did this bad drop rate but anyways good guide :thumbup: :thumbup: 10/10 :mrgreen:
  10. good work mate i hope you get it soon 8-) nice bloggy =D> and yay 3rd post!!!!
  11. i got scammed...... but this was like 2 years ago? :lol: but anyway i had just bought full black from my friend (well he gave it to me) but any way i fell for the free armour trimming the bad thing is i couldnt report him cause he led me to b vill i was at lummy :( oh well
  12. yes i died too i had just got full mith i thought i was rich....... :mrgreen: but i was at karamajarra and i foolishy climbed down the ladder :-w bam!!! skele kills me well 12 months later and im lvl 90 with d legs and a whip :thumbsup: and when my sis played for like a day she talked to a woman and ...... what do michel jackson and an xbox have in common? kids turn them on! :XD: smileys will enslave the earth!! :evil: :oops: :XD: :wall: :mrgreen:
  13. nealry got scammed with that god damn free members (was lvl 28 at time :thumbsup: and f2p lol but anyways this dude says stuff ill refer to him as s and me as m S:hi m:hello s: im with jagex (finally osme1 who spells it right :P) m: sweet S:would like free memeber ship?? m: no thank you s: come on m:no thanks s:comon my mom is with jagex and if you dont take it ill ban you m: ok sir (at this point i am loking for him) s: ill need your username and pass m: i forgot it :mrgreen: s: omfg you noob give your pass!!! m:arnet jagex people not posed to swear? s: look you ibisol give you pass!!! :XD: m:i forgot it (right now im standing next to him :mrgreen: ) s:ffs i cant stand this m: are you quitting?? s: im a freaking scammer m: jagex a scammer?!?!?!? s: no my mom dosent even work for jagex!!! m: oh yeah i am standing right next to you s: oh damn logs out
  14. i got sara cloak and a yew long and 99 waters w0t 1mill for me!! (i bought whip wit that then got scammed doh!!!!!) :wall:
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