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Posts posted by Lacoste

  1. 1. Get guthans, use it until you are able to get bunyip, then switch to bandos.


    2. rune defender > DFS


    3. If you really want to and have the cash I dont see why you wouldnt use it, best str training weapon available. And yes, definitely the sgs, either that or a bgs, depending on if you will monsterhunt more or slayer.

  2. How many hours a day?




    To max out its possible, ranged as well. Again depending on how long you play all seem plausible except for RC and maybe prayer.




    There are quests you should do, no need to go all out, but there are a few which wouldn't take you more than a day to do all of them.




    Yes you need to have death plateu and troll stronghold, upto where the daddy troll is.




    Weapon wise, you have sara sword, whip, and god swords. Most weapons don't require quests




    Sorry for the miss matched order.

  3. If i hadn't found Runescape i probably would have had a worse life. I'm a social out-cast to begin with and live in a town of less than 300 people with no drivers license. Runescape has probably kept me from going outside and doing stuff i shouldn't be doing :shame: I know at the minimum it has filled the large amounts of lonely bored time i have.




    Try doing some "stuff you shouldn't be doing"-that's called living


    I meant stuff like drinking and drugs. Runescape kept me off that path for a few years lol




    Drinking and drugs are fine in moderation (and when I say drugs I'm really just referring to pot) and in many ways healthier than playing Runescape. I'm not saying you should go out and get drunk or smoke pot every night, but when you look back on your life you'll remember the times you were out with friends and having fun, not that time you got a hilt drop.




    I completely agree with xlippsx, but hey, that's just our point of view.

  4. For range, you can either go to avainsies, till 85, then spend the cash you make to get you even higher range level from buying chins, or you can go to yaks, for faster exp, no profit.




    As for defence, just train it through slayer, unless you want fast levels, then try zombie monkeys.

  5. Go with some high level friends, nobody who doesn't know you wouldnt want to take you, but if you raised your defence and strength to around your attack level and get 60 or 70 prayer, then your options will considerably increase.

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