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Posts posted by Lacoste

  1. I've read a guide to it on here, somewhere. I'll go do some hunting.




    Edit: So, thus far, I haven't been able to find her guide. But she's a F2Per, and she always wears an Air tiara :twss:




    Grr... bothers me that I can't find it, or remember what her name is >.>


    Lady something that starts with an S?


    Lady Shadie, or something like that.

  2. Depending on how many people are on a world, re spawn times will be different, the way I do it, is.




    Find a world which has ore in it, mine the ore, check the chart to see how many people/respawn time, right that down then the final time, then keep doing that, returning to the ores which I have previously recorded. But thats just me, sometimes thats too much work and I hop around randomly, but that's not recommended.




    Runite Ore Respawn Times




    Number of People : Respawn Time


    2,000 : 12:00


    1,950 : 12:15


    1,900 : 12:35


    1,850 : 12:55


    1,800 : 13:15


    1,750 : 13:30


    1,700 : 13:50


    1,650 : 14:10


    1,600 : 14:30


    1,550 : 14:45


    1,500 : 15:05


    1,450 : 15:25


    1,400 : 15:45


    1,350 : 16:00


    1,300 : 16:20


    1,250 : 16:40


    1,200 : 17:00


    1,150 : 17:15


    1,100 : 17:35


    1,050 : 17:55


    1,000 : 18:15


    950 : 18:30


    900 : 18:50


    850 : 19:10


    800 : 19:30


    750 : 19:45


    700 : 20:05


    650 : 20:25


    600 : 20:45


    550 : 21:00


    500 : 21:20


    450 : 21:40


    400 : 22:00


    350 : 22:15


    300 : 22:35


    250 : 22:55


    200 : 23:15


    150 : 23:30


    100 : 23:50


    050 : 24:10


    000 : 24:30

  3. Well, I have a few questions on what route I should take to max out my combats.




    After getting attack, strength defence and hitpoints, should I proceed to get 99 prayer, or should I get either range or magic. Or I could get prayer till about 85/90 then do range?




    And for range, is 85 the minimum level for use of chins, currently I am at 80, and I'm not opposed to drop 50 mil to get 99 from 80, but should I get to 85 a different way?




    Anywho, that's all I can think of at the moment, thanks.

  4. 11/12/2008 10:07:19 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - Wont have an excuse to buy them


    11/12/2008 10:07:27 PM Hiroki - Why would you want to buy them


    11/12/2008 10:07:27 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - Well on the computer


    11/12/2008 10:07:55 PM Hiroki - Buying stuff is so last century


    11/12/2008 10:08:14 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - Cause its betta to actually have them. Says the one that spent how much on a jacket on ebay?


    11/12/2008 10:08:27 PM Hiroki - Hey; I LIKE that jacket.


    11/12/2008 10:08:51 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - Well I LIKE the books. :P


    11/12/2008 10:08:59 PM Hiroki - Touche.


    11/12/2008 10:09:03 PM Hiroki - So buy the books off eBay.


    11/12/2008 10:09:12 PM Hiroki - Your mum doesn't know, and you get them cheaper.


    11/12/2008 10:09:13 PM Hiroki - Win-win.


    11/12/2008 10:09:38 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - I dont have no money or how to use ebay. And they wont be brand new.


    11/12/2008 10:10:11 PM Hiroki - There are ways to make money.


    11/12/2008 10:10:16 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - How?


    11/12/2008 10:10:25 PM Hiroki - Like uh...


    11/12/2008 10:10:30 PM Hiroki - The most common way would be...


    11/12/2008 10:10:31 PM Hiroki - to..


    11/12/2008 10:10:34 PM Hiroki - GET A [bleep] JOB


    11/12/2008 10:10:53 PM (L) - Jessikah - (L) - Im not old enough for many of these [bleep] JOBS! :P




    ahahaha gooooood stuff.

  5. If you can find a teleport that gets you close to a bank, and find a decent way to kill them fast, I don't see why not.




    For gp per hour, go kill as many as you can, then multiply the amount by the cost of a horn.

  6. Is it worth going to waterfiends without a familiar, I mean I only have 30 something summoning, and I plan on camping at waterfiends for a solid amount of charms. Or should I wait until I get a higher summoning level some other way?




    My stats I think are fine, 87 attack and defence and 95 strength, and I will be using karils and zammy spear. If it is worth it, what is the inventory look like. And what quest thingy do I have to do before I can go down the whirlpool.




    Thanks ::'

  7. im pretty sure i know enough to kill him and if i dont i have people to help me


    The fact is though, you only got to the level 90 rangers, which isn't to far in. All of your levels prohibit you from succeeding.

  8. Ok guys im looking for the fastest possible exp as i realy want 85 str ::'




    Im pretty dedicated and im online alot.




    Also need a setup and invent for the monster you suggest.




    Ill be using a d skim and a rune def btw ;) (cant afford ss)




    thanks ::'




    Unfortunatly your stats wont allow you to get an awesome amount of exp, so until you hit the 80s, stick with slayer, because you wont be getting any faster exp, unless you go to yaks, experiments, or bandits. Once you do get to the 80s. Go to the zombie monkeys, or armored zombies for amazing exp.

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