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  1. Hello, I've tried installing SwiftKit multiple times last week, and this week, without success. The installer works just fine, executed it as administrator, but when it finishes installing there's simply no SwiftKit file for me to open besides a shortcut that doesn't even work. On top of that, my virusscan says that a worm has been found after installing the program called Worm.Win32.Vobfus.pn (v).. I've been having this worm ever since I installed SwiftKit over and over again, any support or help would be appreciated.
  2. As you wanted a short post, you might want to check out Profound. We stand for pretty much everything you've said. The only thing is that we're pretty new. Check us out at #Profound on Swfit, our topic is located here: http://forum.tip.it/topic/269723-profound-skilling-clan/ Hope to hear from you!
  3. Nice, just wanted to let you know that tags aren't working for 100% as before in my recruitment topic: http://forum.tip.it/topic/269723-profound-skilling-clan/
  4. Option #1 seems good, that's what my vote goes to.
  5. Nice job DF, seems like LPT did pretty well too :thumbup:
  6. As the first round of the 30 vs 30 fight we had to fight Juniors. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmDS0xCvSIE Summary of the fight; Both sides started of strong, yet we managed to get ours kills fairly fast compared to the ones on Juniors' side. The ones that Junior targetted tanked us a nice gap giving us a 2-3 man advantage throughout the start and middle of the fight. Some of Juniors' members tanked very well, even with some good binds from our side they did a very good job tanking. Our binds started to slack a bit nearing the end and at some point something went wrong with one of our targets - we picked it up fast and continued to expand our gap. Unfortunately there were a couple of DC's from our side, but looking at the gap we've created meanwhile it was more than clear that we would be victorious over Juniors. Thanks for the clean fight Juniors, and best of luck in your other categories. :) Some screenshots;
  7. Our tactic turned out pretty well, good fight CE.
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