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    North West, UK
  1. What is this guy on?! Firstly, change is inevitable in the long run - yes, but in the short term - no. Secondly, there has never been an economy collapse - erm? e.g. Splitting of rune essence into 2 types. Normal comes in at about 50gp each. Pure drops to 85-90. Now, normal is under 18gp each and pure is under 80gp each and falling. Stop trying to be clever, think about what you say before you say it (or write it, to be more accurate). \ p.s. The nuke analogy? Very good but i guess it depends whether you live in America or not! :P
  2. Sorry, no really, I am truly sorry but... 1. How many holes does swiss chess have? Swiss cheese has quite a few, I guess but chess? 2. Even if you did say cheese, it's not a metaphor - it's a saying. A metaphor is usually used in a poem (e.g. 'The road was a purple ribbon') where it says something is something else (not a simile, that is 'the cat was as hungry as a lion'). Seriously, I'm truly sorry, I just had to mention these points! And also, I ENTIRELY agree with you! CHEESE not CHESS though. Sorry!
  3. Excuse me, i didn't say there was no practical use for typing (i sincerely hope you are talking to me, otherwise i look like an absolute fool), there are lots of uses for typing - i said writing an essay on the computer would be better than playing runescape. Anyway, farming - the things you might learn from farming are either useless or made up. sorry, i have grown things in the past - my parents have an allotment, and if i had took runescape seriously i would think that every 10 minutes or so, crops need water, it doesn't matter what disease my crops might get - a vial of 'plant cure' will sort it out, it never rains - you must water all your crops repeatedly (except herbs?) and i could write a whole essay ( :mrgreen: ) about it. Enjoy RuneScape, its really fun - i spend about an hour a day on it. But people, don't try and kid yourself that it is good for anything but for relaxing. It's not.
  4. I have heard loads of people saying 'RuneScape is sooooo educational...', etc. etc. Sure, it may improve one's typing a bit or teach you about the past, but lets face it - we play RuneScape for fun. Though playing RuneScape may have certain educational advantages, I am sure that I could type much better, and learn more about history, if I were to write an essay about the medieval times (though it would have to be done on the computer #-o). Though that wouldn't be fun. Instead of going on about how brilliant RuneScape is for education etc, just play it for fun. I don't pretend that RuneScape is educational, I play it for fun, in fact saying RS is educational sounds like an excuse to me - "nah, there's no need to revise - RuneScape is just as good as any revision". Obviously, I know you aren't going that far, but can you see what I'm getting at...?
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