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  1. im slowly moving up as well, 1265 as of about 20 minutes ago... hopefully before summers over=)
  2. As a f2per you have almost no choice but to buy some skills. Crafting is one of them unless you enjoy killing cows for hours. I did a long and tedious tasks making amulets from gems i bought before the ge. As for my 99 ranged, i got that at ice giants from 55-99. i enjoyed range and got some respect in the process. you'd be amazed at how many people say omg how did you get that in f2p. With all of the shortcuts in members, you can understand why some people never go member. I take pride in the fact that ive never bought a bone in my runescape career, but to some its more fun to get high stats fast. By taking the speedy route, sure you can gain the immense skills fast, but do you have the respect and the distinction that comes with doing things the hard way? I understand some people cant buy skills, and thats fine. I bought 1 skill because i had almost no choice(i hate mining silver). as a f2p options are limited, so you do what you can, but on the other hand i also grinded one out. Its all preference, but like has been said before. if your not having fun doing it, then why do it? why have some high skill when you have no pride in the work you put into it?
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