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Posts posted by Laura

  1. Edit: What should I make till 84 herblore then?

    The cheapest gp/exp pot


    Captain Obvious to the rescue.



    That's really not a good idea when making extreme potions.




    Can't make extremes till at least 85 Herb.

    To clarify, I meant that, since you need existing potions to create extremes (ie, a super attack potion for extreme attack), it may be worth the effort to stock up on these ingredients for future herblore levels - much like what the OP just said.


    I don't think it's good to sleep computers for longer periods of time (overnight, or generally 6+ hours) as constant sleeping and never shutting down can cause decreased life to the system.

    Completely false.


    If you have an older computer, it is good to restart it once in a while to clear the memory though.

    Right, but that has nothing to do with the longevity of the computer. According to iStat, I haven't shutdown in 22 days; everything works fine.

    It depends on a lot of things, but 22 days is nothing at all, with any OS. He was talking about the number of year/months the computer will work, not days.

    I know. Having your computer sleep for 6+ hours a day isn't going to slowly kill it.


    I don't think it's good to sleep computers for longer periods of time (overnight, or generally 6+ hours) as constant sleeping and never shutting down can cause decreased life to the system.

    Completely false.


    If you have an older computer, it is good to restart it once in a while to clear the memory though.

    Right, but that has nothing to do with the longevity of the computer. According to iStat, I haven't shutdown in 22 days; everything works fine.

  4. Your first key needs to be set up to act as control + left click (this make a right click). Then have the second key move down to the drop option (I believe it's 38 spaces down, relative to the current mouse position - could be wrong, just play with it). Then the third key left clicks.


    Could be wrong since I never set up a drop function, but this is how I would start.

  5. Haven't been doing much about the shuttle run. :unsure: But when the weather permits, I do five mile runs. Running is kind of hard to implement with my schedule (and around the weather) but a lot of my cardio comes from martial arts classes that I attend three or four times a week. Doubt that the P90X does much cardio for me, as I significantly lengthen the time of the exercises by trying to beat my previous score (ie, next week I'll try to do 45 push ups, 50 the next). However, the time on the video remains the same so I have to rewind/pause a lot.


    The link that you provided looks great! Would love to give it a go. :shades:


    Thank you. :)


    Found the average scores for the USMMA:



    And it seems that I was mistaken on the BBall throw:

    In an overhand throwing motion, throw a men’s basket- ball as far as possible (Figure 2). The non-throwing hand may be used to steady the ball before throwing, but only one hand can be used to throw the ball (e.g. no two- handed throws) (Figure 3).
  6. Yeah as I stated before:


    Its been proven by various efficiency nuts that jsut because its more essence per run it is not better.

    The time taken to exit bank fill bob, re enter bank, withdraw more esss then empty the bob and craft again adds up and results in significantly slower xp:hr rate that majorly stacks up over time.

    With mousekeys, RC'ing with familiars surpasses RC'ing without. I used a familiar from 94-96 until it got too tiring; started watching movies. And even if it was slower, it's nowhere near a 'significant' loss.

    • Monday (All two sets):
      Standard push up: 40 w/ bars
      Wide front pull up: 10 w/ assist bands
      Military push ups: 15 w/ bars
      Chin ups: 5
      Widefly pushups: 26w/ bars
      Close grip pull ups: 9w/ assist bands
      Decline push ups: 25
      "Heavy pants": 25lbs, 25 reps
      Diamond push ups: 20
      "Lawnmowers": 25lbs 15 reps
      "Dive-bomber: pushups" 15
      Back flys: 25lbs 15reps
      Then an ab work out; both workouts are the P90X Chest & Back routine.
    • Tuesday:
      Supersets of pull ups with assist bands.
      9,9,8,8,7,7, etc
      Light cardio
      Then my yoga class at night.
    • Wednesday:
      P90X Back & Biceps
      Ab workout
    • Thursday:
      Supersets of pull ups with assist bands
      Yoga class
    • Friday:
      Painful morning of squats, lunges, and shoulder exercises. Today, Tuesday, I am still sore from last Friday. Couldn't even begin to write everything down.
    • Saturday/Sunday:
      Whatever in the gym.


    Every week I just push myself to do better than I did last week.

  7. Just a follow up. I've been working out pretty much daily now, drinking whey after workout and the casein before bed (doesn't bother me, surprisingly). Started taking arganine & creatine before workouts as well. Was kind of depressed when I saw that I had gained ten pounds (I don't think it looks like I've gained any weight), but then I pumped out five pull ups from a dead-hang just a few minutes ago.



    Max so far:

    5 pull ups (consecutive)

    7 chin ups (consecutive)

    40 push ups

    70 sit ups

  8. but they all work on the higher level prayers, like chilv, piety, turmoil, ss, and the dg mage/range prayers. so unless your a bit noob, they are useful.

    Does it work on soul split? The KB doesn't mention curses at all and RSWiki says it includes saps/leeches and turmoil. Still, it takes approximately 125 hours to obtain this items which has an equivalent of +15 prayer bonus.


    EDIT: I just ran a test. Soul split does not work (at least not with the Saradomin Halo)

    EDIT 2: Works on turmoil.


    So yeah, limited uses for the time put in. So to the guy asking, only play Castle Wars if you find it fun; not worth it for the halo. I personally have over 1,000 tickets that I really wish I didn't have now.

  9. Yeah they decided to give some actual useful rewards for the hours upon hours put in to get the tickets.

    "useful" as in an extremely niche use item, and some stuff that only helps within the minigame.

    The halos are actually a very nice invisible prayer bonus, right? They enable you to pray the entire time you're fighting somewhere and cut down on how many prayer pots you would have to use while you can keep up the prayers. Halos also seem to have an amazing magic defense. They are a neat item to come from much time spent in CW, which as was said, didn't use to have anything "useful" to take outside of the minigame.

    The bonus only works on certain prayers. Not worth risking equipment that takes 125 hours to obtain for a measly mage bonus that the seers headband/bear helmet can supply. For the time put in, the rewards are some of the worst in the game. IMO, the previous rewards were better (and they were only decorative).

  10. to be sure, I'm scanning with s/d and McAfee. I called my m8 and he's changing password.


    A while ago, I used to bank items before banking. Can hackers get pins?

    There are pieces of spyware that take images of your screen at a certain rate. I would say that your chances of actually getting one of these, however, are slim.

  11. This is largely geared towards servers that have Windows systems on their network, which is why ClamAV is provided on OS X Server, versions 10.4+. 10.6 has a built in trojan list which is updated as new versions of the OS are pushed out.

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