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    I'm behind you
  1. Welcome To Runescape So how long's this been dead then? examining hung meat in lleyta
  2. Right.. so if you don't support, why flame everyone on the official forums? Your a member too, you've just called yourself a noob. Really is there a potion at lvl 99? Oh really? Well guess what, most of the skills minus a few, you can do at a much lower level than 99. Thats the problem with tip it forums, users just post, don't think.
  3. Your herblores my fave so far, thats a great idea, 10% chance of making a 4 dose potion.
  4. Jagex said summoning willbe released. The only question now, is when? and will it be an extra spellbook or a new skill altogether?
  5. aww, nobody likes posting? remember you can add your own ideas for the skills, most of mine have been thought up on the spot.
  6. If a keylogger can know your pin, it can know that as well, its just a bank for a few items really. Just make sure your up to date with security, have a firewall on and make sure you go on trusted sites, and don't download anything suspicious, or open any suspicious e mails.
  7. closed, im not posting threads if ignorant [bleep] don't read them and just post about how great they are
  8. Chat Name:Xizor12 Primary Use: Barrows Additional Comments:Ask for advice, share rewards, share tips.
  9. A good guide, although i'm sure you created a new pking hotspot :lol: What about the rune rock you get access to after you complete fremmy isles? I don't think i have seen anybody there, although i'm not sure if trolls can still attack
  10. But you dont lose money, and you usually get more than you went in with making profit.
  11. The bit that you mentioned about slayer dart being more expensive is wrong. Most of the time, you get your runes back from the chest, I did a day of barrows with 300 death runes, and finished with 1.2k, whereas you lost bolts, making this method more expensive than slayer dart. Also, your grammar in some areas of your guide is just awful, try to fix that.
  12. I completely agree, tip it guides are good, but there not all good. Some guides are not clear, and many times have i had to go to other sites. The same happens with barrows guides, posters saying; "we dont need another one", whereas in that guide, there will be something that other guides dont offer, i learn something new each time. People make guides, because current ones arent too clear, i think the mods really need to think about what there doing; "Can I lock a thread because I don't prefer it?" The answer is no.
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