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Posts posted by potatohead

  1. The travellers who turns into ghasts: wouldn't it be better to let them turn into ghasts in order to get better experience for my companion ?


    Food for my companion: what can be recommended ?

    For the companion food, I'd use monkfish.


    Cheese wheels are another good alternative to the basket of strawberries for the ghast event.

  2. And then there's the irony of someone ranting about ranters.


    Also note that pissed off people tend to be more vocal, at least in an atmosphere where their, um, pissed-off-edness isn't directly confrontational.

    I'm full of irony. And sarcasm. And chocolate.


    I'm just fed up with all THE END IS NIGH crap everybody is hung up on recently, and needed a place to vent. That's all there is to it. Of course Runescape is dying. Humans start dying as soon as they're born.


    It's life.

  3. Irony, anyone?


    I really don't understand the melodrama nowadays... you can't unlock every bit of an update in a day, so you rage and quit? lolwut? I just love the way the community as a whole thinks now. If it takes more time to get an -OPTIONAL- aspect of the game, that slightly speeds up another skill (which one might enjoy less than the minigame), than it actually boosts said skill, everybody whines and complains about it; calls it useless, inefficient, a 'pointless' update. This most recent update is a nod to everyone that actually has -GASP- fun playing the minigames in runescape... why are people grinding for it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it entirely?


    If you enjoy the grinding aspect of the game, and getting maximum experience for every second you play, do what makes you happy. If I were you, though, I wouldn't get my hopes up for an update that is going to cut down massively on the time to my goal, whatever it may be. It's unlikely that they're going to baby you to the top. You're not special.


    If you're not having fun, quit, and discontinue your jihad on everyone's enjoyment. Nobody will miss you.




    (If my grammar is lacking, or I come across as abrasive, it's most likely because I am incredibly intoxicated.)

  4. If someone CAN go out and make millions, but is too lazy to, then he has no right to complain about high-priced items.


    I have 99 melees, overloads, turmoil, and a steel titan was well as access to Frost Dragons and experience killing all the boss monsters (sans Nex) effectively. Yet I'm far from affording the likes of a Divine or Pernix simply because I don't like camping bosses/frosts for a long time. I don't like how I can't afford the best armor in the game, but you're not going to see me complaining about the prices and trying to convince people that Jagex needs to change the system or something.

    I forgot that trying to make a point on these forums is like trying to scream directions to a group of people across a stadium during a football game: nobody understands what's going on, and in the end, one person is angry, and the rest look stupid.

  5. The game needs more untradeable high level equipment.


    The whole concept of Nex armor is [developmentally delayed]. It requires lvl 80 combat stats to use, and requires damn near a maxed account to GET (unless you want to spend an absurd amount of money that can only really be MADE by high level monster hunting).


    They need to lower the levels of making/mining rune ores to 60 (or even 40); that's when rune stops being useful. Add more useful high level smithing content. Who cares if it devalues Nex/GWD armor...?


    Oh yeah... people making absurd amounts of money by getting it. <_<

  6. Considering your prayer/strength/herblore levels you can't rush Jad and considering your ranged level ranging the caves is a bad idea.


    Use Bandos or barrows plate + legs, otherwise regular (max dps) slayer gear. I'm not entirely sure but I think neit + defender works without soul split, but you can always use Verac's helmet + obby shield/dfs. If you get that, you can do the caves with EE and a few rocktail, then either melee Jad or range him (bring black hide top-legs and two handcannon, shot equipped).


    Two pure sets, EE, 15 ppots, 4 rocktail, switches. If you run out of health before your spec bar replenishes you can wait (5 mins per 200 or 400 lp) or you can give up and come back with more rocktail.

    That was going great... straight up to wave 31, where a lvl 360 proceeded to wipe the floor with my [wagon]. Had mage deflect on, and he hit me twice with melee and killed me.



  7. Installing Ubuntu would help if you can get proper drivers and get runescape to run. But concerning the windows 7, you can download a clean .iso illegally and use your legal key. Nobody cares if you do and the version will genuinely be registered.

    I tried that on my last computer, and my key wouldn't work. I ended up having to stick with ubuntu... which gets annoying after a while.


    Not to mention, because I had formatted my computer and had nowhere else to put all of mah stuffz, I lost everything. It was quite a pain.

  8. Reinstall the computer, it solves all problems, if its still laggy get a better computer or connection, whatever causes the lag

    I'll assume this means reinstall the OS, but I can't... because I don't have another version of Win 7 to reinstall.


    BUT, another question: If I install Ubuntu on a 200gb partition of my main drive, would it have the same effect?

  9. What would be a good (modern) setup for the fight caves?


    << Stats are over there.


    ALSO, side question, is there any way to make my computer lag ANY less? It's gotten annoying, and it didn't use to do this.

  10. Am I the only person in the world that stands it up on the counter...? :unsure: ...society makes me feel weird. I guess I just got TOO used to a broken tp holder in my old house, that I just fell into the habit of leaving it on the counter.


    Regardless, when it IS actually on a proper holder, over is better. Easier to reach for and such.

  11. Agility Cape - You run 10% faster


    Magic 99 - Get a rune-ring, like a keyring, stores runes so they only take up one inventory spot

    Agility idea is brilliant. :thumbup: Lost me on the magic one, though. Don't the blastboxes already do that...? :unsure:


    Hitpoints: maybe have something built into the cape, that restores hp at the same rate as a bunyip

    Love it. (although, there is already a looot of lp regen stuff out there...)


    Construction cape could give, when operated, all tools for construction (nails sold separately).

    ...a hammer and a saw...? :blink:


    ..maybe they should just rework..

    Missed the point entirely.


    Thanks to all who actually responded. I'll update the original post later... because I'm reeeeally lazy. (acknowledgment is the first step...) :smile:

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