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Posts posted by Alex_Ewan_1

  1. Just turn private chat on or use ignore list. If it getting to you that much maybe consider quitting runescape. But you gonna hear the word loads more so stop moaning.




    ps. far too many of these posts moaning about noobs...

  2. 1. I think your posting all these threads because you want a high post count!




    2. You can pay or not. It is your choice. But p2p is way better than f2p.




    Also to mention that we pay for the game taht is why we get more. If f2p got the same as p2p the n nobody would go p2p which is what makes up much of jagex's income. Without membership money jagex wouldn't survive and then RS would be gone forever. SO in effect we are keeping f2p alive by being p2p!

  3. Just use customer support. I doubt you will get any humane answer though! We are know how **** there support is these days!




    Its the only way i know though to find out specifically about rules, unless you try knowlage base instead.

  4. It has stay as is. There would be so much abuse of the system, if they allowed items to be returned, it would be unreal.




    Never going to happen and people would say they lost stuff they didn't.




    I lost a white phat and full dragon armour.


    Mod: ok i will add them to your bank.




    See what i mean, abuse of the system.




    Nice theory though, but not realistic.

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