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  1. I like Rs better, but then again i'm a Lord of the Rings fan, so i'm pretty much all about storyline :D . WoW has a backstory, and a fairly good one at that, but RS builds upon it's own, as the quests are more intricate and detailed (yes, even Tower of Life is more complex) than the generic "fetch/kill quests". I must say though, WoW has a better combat system, much more interactive than RS, with a good PVP system in place as well. Its like comparing a high end FPS against the original Legend of Zelda, one's more graphics and processing power, with a good combat system, the other, more puzzle oriented albeit with a simple combat system. Both are classics in this case, but for different reasons, there's really no comparing the two.
  2. The writer talks about RS as if it was meant to be all kiddy, it's not, look at the backstory they put to it :) . Look at all the wars, fighting, and things like that contribute to RS's backstory, if it was "kiddy" they would all just have had a slapfight and ran away : . By the way, RS quests are probably the best MMORPG quests out there, many require thought and problem solving, instead of gathering items or just killing monsters for the quest. Yes, Jagex meant the "tip-toe" of the dark wizard to probably be intentionally cheesy, i mean come on! They're summoning a lvl 27 demon, of course they aren't all that big and tough. I must agree on the holiday item part though, hopefully this year's a bit more exciting, but don't forget the easter ring event :P ! The community is in danger of being overun by noobs and macros, but of course, we shouldn't watch and complain about it. We should help newbs (new players, not to be confused with noobs) get a good start on RS, to prevent Noobification (from lack of experience) and help the community :D . Not to mention slaying macros from time to time :P . So please stop complaining about it and do something to help the RS community, not just ignore it and complain -.- . Also, don't say RSC was better, many have no basepoint so they can't say "oh ok, i'll try to match that standard" . Sorry 'bout the long post, needed to get my opinion out :wink: .
  3. Oh :oops: , didn't know that, but still, can't play for free past that :D. Anyway, Disney would probably make sure there's no ignore list, as "no one person should be ignored" :wink:
  4. If Disney bought Runescape.... say bye to the censor but goodbye to chat completly, it would "ruin" Disney's reputation to have purchased a MMORPG like Runescape -.- . Arrrr, isn't it funny how people pay $15 a month to play another MMORPG (you know which one : ) whose community is not quite as bad as Runescape's yet doesn't have a "demo" to it.
  5. Here's my two cents: Dragon armour was possibly the stronger armor at that time, and degraded to what it is today, worse than third age. Silver tarnishes slowly, and also degrades slow as well, which is why jewelry is made of silver and gold. Dragon, on the otherhand, may have been the ultimate armor, but have weakened to less than the enchanted silver, due to the different properties. That, or the shopkeepers may have had a rough shipping, while third age is safely locked up in a casket somewhere : , waiting to be found... There you have it! :)
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