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Posts posted by agira

  1. I remember same problem, maybye 3 years ago i 1st time got membership and just walked throught P2P Runescape world asking people what they think is first thing what i must do...




    Almost answers been then train some agility levels, i agree with it, then i think Unlock Herblore skill with quest and do Lost City (here you can range or mage main monster - if you want to range him you need some fletching level and crafting), then Fremenik Trials and then depend from your combat you can do other quests to unlock good weapons for you i think.

  2. Black mask is only good if you plan on meleeing your slayer tasks, and that is not to mention a few that you cannot use it with, like ones that require facemask, nosepegs, earmuffs.


    BUT, i prefer it over basically everything else while training slayer. It is the best unless doing an undead slayer task. then it is time for slave ammy (e) + nezitot




    Black mask is 15% to atk & str;


    Salve ammy (e) is 20% to atk & str only against undeads.




    For example Aberal Scepters are undeads they require nosepeg and then is very good idea to use Salve Ammy (e), they my favorite ones.




    Ideal thing is to get like slayer task kill shades then i can go deep in dungeon (allways keep some silver keys) and kill 120lvl shades with Black mask and Salve ammy (e) combo (total + 35% str and accuracy in this way), then i can use they remains for burning in this way getting slay and cmb exp and some profit! Is cool thing, but my Shilo Slay master don't give to kill shades :)

  3. If RS get Critical Hit it start to remember Diablo2, what then next ?




    IAS? (In Diablo2 IAS factor mean - Increased Attack Speed what is actual for melee and rangers - If you wear stuff with IAS bonus you start to attack faster but that kind stuff not give damage bonus and you do less damage but faster)




    Or FCR? (Faster Cast Rate factor for casters like Mages same as IAS just for spell casting if thing add fcr bonus normally he not add damage bonus );




    Then maybye we will get MF? (magic find factor - is like RS Ring Of Wealth but is just stat which mean then if you are highter MF you get better drop, but things with MF bonus normaly not add other bonuses so much).




    I just imagined what happen if we start to adaptate things from D2 :)

  4. I think is done to prevent to big fluence of one player.




    If been possible to buy 100 or buy all - imagine what happen with things like runes or feathers in stores... some maniac then can buy all of they switching worlds and other people get nothing then... when he can buy only max 10 then it take a while and other people have chance to buy something...




    Same i think with selling, some people selling big quantities of stuff and others then get in store very low price for something, because somebody sold a lot of stuff..

  5. I think is better then to make possible attack with shield, for example in defensive mode, because in old times people used shields sometimes like weapons too, for example Obby shields looks like adaptated to it but we use it only for defence, will be nice if we will be able to cut enemy head with shield like obby because obby shield looks like have blades at edges.

  6. I don't think is worth to get, just if you anyway will train pray then get it...




    Accumulator not produce enought arrows for shooting is good when you run a lot to use it just but is like 1 arrow in about 1 minute or more time..

  7. I trained:




    1-75 agility levels at brinhaven agility arena (have own system and good tactics to do it, almost times get 1st ticket and all of they here - just all the time keep center and avoid Matrix (darts is evil!));




    75+ agility levels - Ape toll - because i don't receive damage in that place from 75lvl then all what i pay for trainig is just a lot of time, don't need food etc...




    P.S. When i trained my pure i get in 1st day of training 43lvl of agility in only Brinhaven agility arena and 200 tickets (starated to collect my first 1k then)




    Brinhaven system from 1 agility level:




    1-15 (or 20) lvl - low wall - it will take a hour i think




    15-40 - other obstacles actually lower level then your skill, when you get 25+ you start collect tickets and get to NPC low quantities to get some exp, then bigger & etc... you get it up fast




    40+ you now can start to collect all tickets you can boost your lvls with 100 of tix few times, util you start to feel enought strong to collect 1k

  8. Heh, You remembering my pure, i had some ranged pure, maked quests then, dragon slayer one from they and i think i got about 33 lvl of attack, defence and str (maybye i wrong i done it long time ago) and some f2p quest gived prayer 9lvl, then i stopped to play with this character because he got about 11 levels more in this way...




    Just if you want to keep pure don't do it!

  9. Really guys you don't saw other games like i see, RuneScape looks like paradise comparing with other games, here people so accurate searching for cheaters (all kind cheat Macro, Autotalk, etc..), RS have report system, Random Events, RS have MODS - already done so much to prevent cheaters, just add everyone at least 2 mods in Your friend list and when you see some bot PM to MOD let he deal with him!




    I played Silkroad (SRO) about 1 year and in that game if you buy something for real money (this game is item mall type, no any membership require) from company who provide game and servers (JoyMAX) you get no banned if you use bot, that mean then no any justice for bots... :(




    But we had possibility to kill anybody who outside city getting bad Karma is like RS Skull, just in RS nobody care or you have skull in Silkroad are special proffesion called hunter, when you get karmed you are murder and for Hunters is good to kill murders they get profesion experience and when get proffesion lvlup they do more damage to thiefs and murders.. (is a bit similar like barbarian assault proffesion levels).

  10. You maybye not prevent autotalker but you can prevent flooding, we just need something like you can write 3 messages in 12 seconds and if you write more then you can't write in something like 20 seconds.




    New things is long time forgeted old things, like IRC flood protections & etc... just need implement it in the client..

  11. Really this suggestion sounds like real thing from runescape :) when i started to read i thinked to beleawe then that things are exists, just then understanded then is only suggestion :)




    They just can fire less arrows with low range level i think like:




    1+ ranged 1 arrow


    15+ ranged 1 and sometimes 2 arrows...


    30+ ranged 2 arrows (rare but sometimes 1 arrow)


    45+ ranged 2 and sometimes 3 arrows...


    60+ ranged 3 arrows (rare but sometimes 2 arrows)


    75+ ranged 3 and sometimes 4 arrows..


    90+ ranged 4 arrows (rare but sometimes 3 arrows)


    99 ranged - all time 4 arrows.




    All possibilities depended from ranged levels.




    what you think ? then we get aditional point for 90+ ranged level

  12. Thanks so much for answers, i imagined then it a bit more easy, then we dont need to run to altar all the times and just accessing bank near altar.




    I just suggest then we need to make compaign then some people training combat on agressive monsters which disturb rc'ers on the way in same way helping they to do rc things.




    Then really need to do Lunar Diplomacy and go ahead, i wonder when i will try it because next few months i still will be busy with agility, but thanks for info anyway, i will keep it in mind.

  13. Hey, Somebody answer to this questions:




    1. To craft runes using this ZMI altar or we need some Talisman ?




    2. Where is that man (NPC) which open bank for 20 runes? Or he near altar somewhere or he before path to altar ?




    If i good understanded then:




    1. I get some big pack of runes like Airs or Fires and ess and i run once to altar;




    2. i craft runes at altar then i don't need to back using any path and near altar i meet man who get 20 runes for banking;




    3. Give him 20 airs or fires and get new ess and craft again --> 2




    Right ? please answer (had no time yet to test it and have not completed lunar diplomacy :) ).

  14. I remember one situation i woodcutted i think mapples and used for it Mith axe because at same time watched TV and don't wanted to lost my rune axe doing it and i lost mith axe head, then some player got it and not backed to me.




    Axe head have just name Axe head and examine of it don't say is rune or mith axe and looks very similar.




    He then offered to me 5k for axe handle and in this way i sold mith axe for 5k gp :) that been just funny situation how can happen for bad & not fear guys sometimes.




    I just want suggest to you all then when you trading newer do it rapidly, when you pressed Accept on 1st confirmation dialog, then on second confirmation dialog stay for second and say to youself STOP! now check accurate or he offer what you want, if NOT just press Decline, i pressed decline i think about 50 times on RS with this reason.

  15. Agira, i wasn't being serious.. I was making a joke




    I am more than aware of the Meaning behind that Saying.


    Although, one must think.


    It's easier to give something than spend time helping someone to understand how to get something themself.




    Ok, but You agree then he will ask for something then again and again and time by time will waste your time, just if you want really to help better is talk about some guide on some website & etc...

  16. This really not mean then you must lvlup him.




    Just if you give to him fish, he ask for fish tomorrow again, if you learn him power fishing (RS fly fishing which is really profitable too) he fast rearch good fishing level not trying to lvlup on lobsters what takes a while to fish sharks.




    BTW: Fly power fishing tactics, you buy feathers for 5-10gp ea and sell cooked fish for 45-75gp ea is ever fast fishing & cooking exp and you multiply few times your money, this kind of food buying people who train pure characters.




    I randomly found with google some website with this saying improvements, maybye is interesting for somebody (just for fun):




    The Improvements




    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅGive a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  17. we'll ofte. n if a noob ask me for somthing ill give him full addy, mith. well a few weeks agho i felt generous gave a noob 100k, now i cant turn friends on lol, every time i do i get a msg from him, i was hacked can i have free stuff and then 300 more msgs from his friends... well i try and help noobs but sometimes, they dont appertiate it enough i guess.




    Helping them you really don't help them, they then newer rearch so much by themselfs and they then all the time will ask for something knowing then is effective to ask and in this way they get some stuff free, same is when you meet in real life some person on the street which asking for money, if you will help him he newer start to think how to change him life situation & he then will ask and ask again for help!




    Good for it Chinese saying:




    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅGive a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetimeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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