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Everything posted by Sir_Wart1

  1. Hi all. My idea for Tip.It is a user account/ profile that could save stats, quests, and equipment stats. One would log in to the site, and they could use all calculators, planners, etc. without having to fill anything out. THere would also be a user summary page (see attached). Let me know what you think.
  2. Great idea, and I love it, but there are a few bugs. First and foremost: Where is the link to the calculator? I see the link on the main page under the post, but where, when the post leaves the home page, do you find the link? That could be a problem. Second: Is it possible to make a cookie or something so the stats can be saved, like a password? It might be kind of annoying if you need to see the stats again after peeking at another page. But again, great idea. It will really help.
  3. you could reduce the size of the icons and incorporate the 99|99 format without making the whole thing look crowded. One could also incorporate a scroll bar for more skills. Check out the image below.
  4. There will never be a candy pizza. Sheep will never speak English (or German for our fine feathered friends in Germany). There will never be a music cape. You will never be able to marry (legally) in Runescape. Runescape will never act as a real world dating site. Bob the Jagex Cat will never have a dog counterpart.
  5. Make an invisibility cape/potion where you are hidden on screen and on the mini map (would help when pking)
  6. What??? Oh, another one. They will never make mini games available to F2P
  7. Ok. I just woke up this morning, and I will take ddaanniiellh advice of moving this thread to general discussions. However, I do not know how to remove a thread, so this one will stay as it is. Sorry to those who will flame me about being in the wrong section.
  8. Hi all. This is my first post, so please support me. This thread was created to compile a list of everything imaginable that will never, ever happen in Runescape and why. I think that it would be really funny to see all the ridiculous ideas we can come up with that we either would love or hate to happen. Let's face it: we will never get an update we absolutely hate (such as making Runescape all Wilderness) or one we absolutely will love, with the exception of skills, new f2p things, and quests (such as a dragon morphing weapon that is a shield, weapon, ammo, and armor all in one). I will start the list off with the worst one of all: Making Runescape a P2P game only. To me this would be a death wish for Jagex, seeing as it would screw their advertising profits over. Plus, it would tick everybody, including P2P'ers off by reducing the Runescape population to almost nil. Of course, a lot of F2p'ers would switch to P2P if they had to, and Jagex might, just might, come to be profitable. For us F2P'ers, however, we would be forced to make an awful decision: Quit or Pay. It's a good thing it will never happen. (Or will it. Close your ears, Jagex staff, and forget everything you just heard. You didn't see anything. On a more longing note, they will never make full crystal armor. It would be just too awesome and expensive. It would beat Barrows armor any day. What would be even better would be if they made a crystal morphing weapon. Again, this will never happen because if it's potentially powerful owning properties. Just look at what the Crystal bow and shield did to rangers! They own, especially with (correct me if I am wrong about the guy) Karil's set. Oh, if only Crystal full were possible... {Dreamy Sigh...} {Laughs} {Suddenly, a cloud of only P2P Runescape flies above} {Screams} {P2Pzilla appears} {He steps on you} {Oh dear! You are dead! Pay $5 to continue playing!} Again, please support as this is my first thread.
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