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Posts posted by Drazhor

  1. Sod it, I'm double whammying in this motha.

    I'm always amused when I see gravity affect girls taking photos..you know what I mean, where they bend their legs a bit, angle themselves and try to look fabulous.

    I nailed it.

    • Like 1
  2. Darkscape looking like a survival game where everything is hostile and wants to eat your face

    Newscape seeming like a "blank slate" of a game which is primarily community driven to building everything


    EDIT: Darkscape will be a permadeath type of game. Oh god.

  3. It worked out better than I thought it would, was my first time working with Liquid Latex myself. If I had a bit more time I could have evened it out and made it look amazing but meh, happy with what it ended up like.
    Was so hard to drink throughout the night though.

  4. [hide]Thing is, if some of the Gods do end up dying, then the few that remain will probably have exhausted a lot of power to kill the others. That would probably mean they'd be easier to kill after the "event" is over.

    Also, the moon is called "Zanaris"....so the fairies live on the moon or just a shared planar name?[/hide]

  5. Well that quest was pretty damn good. Enjoyed it about as much as The World Wakes. Certainly better than that Dwarf quest from the other day anyway.



    Why did Sliske throw the key to us to unlock Death's cage? Did I miss something, or is that something likely to be explained later?



    Yeah you have a moment where your character also asks, somewhat rhetorically, why he gave you the key.

    I think it was one of his mind games, knowing that you're gonna be caught up in the middle of the future events. Besides, he didn't really have a need to keep Death locked up as it wouldn't have played out his plans[/hide]

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