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Posts posted by cruseder4

  1. The lifeboat I activated in one of the first days is gone, still got +50% exp, which I also activated one of the first day though. The fortune of sea I activated yesterday is gone too.


    Althought when all my boats are sailing and i press "Add effects" it shows that all three are still active.

  2. Well I liked this update a lot initially, but now I'm growing tired of it. It's always more of the same. Do missions, upgrade crew and ships, do more missions. Missions are super long now and progress is slow. Hopefully the armour is worth it.


    What aspect of any game isn't always the same?

  3. I think so too. Did a little calculation and you can do a MAX of 12 four hour voyages a day with 2 ships, and with "MAX" I mean that you've to be online 24 hours a day to do that, without sleeping. A normal person would be doing like a max of 8 voyages with 2 ships and then we're not even talking about special voyages which take 7/8 hours.

  4. I can trow out that 'one of the new skills is going to utilise pooping' as a random guess without any further proof too. Also I don't read every post, I read the begin post and some of the first and some of the last posts on this thread, which none said "1 of the skills is going to be about the pocket slot" or something in that direction.


    Hmm.. Checked all of your posts on this page, none even contained the word "pocket" except the one post right above this post where you quoted me :')


    Edit :


    Personally I think the most likely candidates are Archeology and Engineering.


    Ah right there you said you guessed it was going to be about pock... Wait a second you guessed Archeology and Engineering? Oh you silly boy!

  5. ^ Isn't correct. You get that when you check your chimes / *other stuff* on the first tab and then switch to the "special tab". I just checked that and suprisingly I got the exact "hidden" chimes and slate as my most upper normal voyage.


    With that same tactic you can get "100%" score on a 10k morale voyage when having 1k morale. Still fails tho alrdy tried it.

  6. Suomi : Acts nice when needs funds, make vids when need funds. When got enough funds he just doesnt post anymore, acting like he's to good for the community by not uploading vids / posting comments anymore while he alrdy got everything he needs.

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  7. Zezima > Everyone else.


    You remember the times when back in the days Zezima was no.1 and where ever he would walk like 100s of people would follow him spamming "OMG IT`S ZEZIMA!"?

    Those were beastly :')


    Nowadays I dont see anyone stop fishing when they see Drumgun or something fishing there too, they barerly even care xd (personal experienced fished with him sometimes at rockies).


    Edit :


    Gooooddd times :




    The vid tittle is wrong btw D:

  8. Tudududuuuu


    Lets say S U O M I is 20 years old (dunno his real age but meh shouldnt matter).


    And let`s say he would die at the age of like 85.


    Thats (65 * 12) 780 months.


    780 * 5 (the price of membership) = 3900.


    So suomi you better prepare to pay 3900 euros to stay on the hiscore your whole live!

  9. How is this going to stop people from using "human dice"?


    All they have to do is to have a "referee" player speaking out random numbers, as if (s)he were a dice.


    Not sure if just dumb.


    How do someone know the "Referee" isn`t just a friend of the person you`re dicing againts?

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